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MVME51005E-0163自动化模块备件新值显示在监视器设置窗格中。历史缓冲区有一些限制:•以毫秒为单位的值必须至少与间隔一样大。•该值不得超过2147483647毫秒(几乎25天)。•该值不能小于当前x轴长度。•该值必须是间隔的倍数。例如,如果间隔为3毫秒,则历史缓冲区大小10秒无效。•如果历史缓冲区大小较大且间隔较小,则可能会耗尽虚拟内存。趋势6-26 DriveWindow 2如果值无效...

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    新值显示在监视器设置窗格中。历史缓冲区有一些限制:•以毫秒为单位的值必须至少与间隔一样大。•该值不得超过2147483647毫秒(几乎25天)。•该值不能小于当前x轴长度。•该值必须是间隔的倍数。例如,如果间隔为3毫秒,则历史缓冲区大小10秒无效。•如果历史缓冲区大小较大且间隔较小,则可能会耗尽虚拟内存。趋势6-26 DriveWindow 2如果值无效,单击OK(确定)按钮时将显示错误消息。您必须确认错误消息并编辑无效值或取消操作。一些错误消息会询问,是否希望DriveWindow为您找到合适的值。趋势DriveWindow 2 6-27如果单击“是”按钮,对话框中的值将从您输入的值更改为DriveWindow建议的值。因此,您仍有机会编辑值(或取消操作)。如果输入的值小于x轴长度,则可以选择将x轴长度减小为等于历史缓冲区大小。如果单击“是”,则接受历史缓冲区大小,但x轴长度也会更改。另请参阅:通用趋势设置恢复默认设置设置监视器监视器和数据记录器监视器设置监视器菜单监视器设置趋势6-28驱动窗口2 3.4设置和删除监控变量只有在清除监视器时,才能设置、添加和删除要监控的变量。此外,更改受监控变量的驱动需要清除监视器。原则上,如果您使用正常模式,您可以监视任何未读保护的项目。快速模式更具限制性。受监控的变量可以位于不同的驱动器中。但是,DriveOPC将所有监测值转换为实际值。这意味着监视字符串类型的值没有意义,因为通常情况下,它们不能转换为实数。如果要监视除实数或整数以外的其他类型的变量:•枚举值以整数或布尔值的形式收集。当被监控时,它们不会转换为枚举字符串。•布尔值false被转换为0,true被转换为-1。•矢量或数组类型的变量无法被监控。有几种方法可以添加和删除要监视的变量。3.4.1添加和删除在项目集窗格中选择的项目通常,您可以使用浏览的项目集添加和删除受监视的项目。也可以从所有参数和用户定义的项目集进行添加。要使用项目集添加尚未监控的项目和删除浏览的项目集中当前监控的项目,您需要在项目集中显示项目,然后:•如果尚未选中,请选择趋势设置窗格中的“监控”选项卡。•在浏览的项目集中选择要添加到监视器或从监视器中删除的项目,或在所有参数或用户定义的项目集中,选择要添加至监视器的项目。•在项目集中聚焦时,单击监视器工具栏中的添加监视项目按钮,或选择监视器菜单中的添加/删除项目命令。或Trends DriveWindow 2 6-29如果您正在查看浏览的项目集,则显示当前监控项目前面的频道号的数字图像将消失,并且该图像将显示在添加到监视器中的项目前面。如果您正在查看类型为all parameters或user defined的项目集,则项目集不会发生任何更改。但是,添加到监视器中的项目也会添加到浏览的项目集,其中数字图像显示了前面的频道号。删除项目的描述性名称将从监视器设置窗格中的频道中消失,而添加项目的此类名称将显示在设置中。描述性名称是项目集窗格中显示的名称,不一定与驱动器中的名称相同。

    The new value is shown in the monitor settings pane. There are restrictions about the history buffer: • The value in milliseconds must be at least as big as the interval. • The value must not exceed 2147483647 ms (almost 25 days). • The value cannot be less than the current x-axis length. • The value must be multiple of the interval. For example, if interval is 3 ms, history buffer size 10 s is invalid. • If the history buffer size is big and the interval is small, you may run out of virtual memory. Trends 6-26 DriveWindow 2 If the value is invalid, an error message is displayed, when you click the OK button. You have to acknowledge the error message and edit the invalid value or cancel the operation. Some of the error messages ask, if you want DriveWindow to find a proper value for you. Trends DriveWindow 2 6-27 If you click the Yes button, the value in the dialog box is changed from the value you entered to a value suggested by DriveWindow. So, you still have the opportunity to edit the value (or cancel the operation). If you have entered a value, which is less than the x-axis length, you have the option to reduce the xaxis length to be equal to the history buffer size. If you click Yes, your history buffer size is accepted, but the x-axis length is changed, too. See Also: Common Trend Settings Restoring Default Settings Setting Monitor Monitor and Dataloggers Monitor Settings Monitor Menu Context Menu of Monitor Settings Trends 6-28 DriveWindow 2 3.4 Setting and Removing Monitored Variables You can set, add, and remove variables to be monitored only when the monitor is cleared. Also changing the drive of monitored variables requires the monitor to be cleared. In principle, you can monitor any item as long as it is not read-protected, if you use the normal mode. Fast mode is more restrictive. The monitored variables can reside in different drives. However, all monitored values are converted into real by DriveOPC. It means that it is not meaningful to monitor string type of values, because in general, they cannot be converted to a real number. If you are monitoring other types of variables than real or integer: • Enumerated values are collected as integers or Booleans. They are not converted to enumeration strings when monitored.• Boolean value false is converted to 0 and true to -1. • Vector or array types of variables cannot be monitored. There are several ways to add and remove variables to be monitored. 3.4.1 Adding and removing items selected in the item sets pane Typically you add and remove monitored items by using the browsed item set. Adding can be done also from all parameters and user defined item sets. To use an item set in adding items not yet monitored and removing items now monitored in the browsed item set, you need to have the items shown in the item set, and then: • If not yet selected, select the Monitor tab in the trend settings pane. • Select items, which you want to add to or remove from the monitor, in the browsed item set, or select items, which you want to add to the monitor in an all parameters or user defined item set. • While focus in the item set, either click the add monitored items button in the monitor toolbar, or select the Add/Remove Items command in the Monitor menu. or Trends DriveWindow 2 6-29 If you are viewing the browsed item set, the numeric images showing the channel number in front of the now monitored items disappear, and such an image appears in front of the items, which were added into the monitor. If you are viewing an item set of type all parameters or user defined, there is no change in the item set. However, the items added to the monitor are also added to the browsed item set with numeric images showing the channel number in front of them. The descriptive names of the removed items disappear from the channels in the monitor settings pane, and such names of the added items appear in the settings. The descriptive name is the one shown in the item sets pane, which is not necessarily the same as in the drive.




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