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    You can control one drive at a time when using the Drive menu and/or the drive panel toolbar. It means that you have to release currently taken control, if you want to control another drive. If you have no control taken, you are able to clear the fault logger of any drive. If you have taken control of a drive, DriveWindow allows you to clear the fault logger of the controlled drive only, so that there will be no misunderstanding about the fault logger cleared. For safety reasons, commands that may cause heavy communication traffic, are disabled while control is taken. Because of heavy communication traffic, the watchdog in the drive could go off thus causing a panel loss. In the Parameters submenu of the File menu the following commands are disabled (grayed) while control of a drive is taken: • Save As. • Selected in the Export submenu. • All Drives in the Export submenu. • Export in the context menu of drive variant. • Selected in the Print submenu. • All Drives in the Print submenu. • Print in the context menu of drive variant. • Compare, unless an open parameter file is selected. • Download. Controlling Drives 5-4 DriveWindow 2 In the System Software submenu of the File menu the following commands are disabled (grayed) while control of a drive is taken: • Backup. • Backup All. • Restore. • Download. See Also: Controlling Drives Take Control Commanding a Drive Release Control 2.1 Take Control Note! Controlling a drive may cause personal injury or physical damage. You should have physical access to the drive, and you must be sure that the drive and the electromechanical system are clear to control (you can see the system, for example). Controlling a drive remotely may require extra precautions and is discouraged. For safety reasons, commands that may cause heavy communication traffic, are disabled while control is taken. Because of heavy communication traffic, the watchdog in the drive could go off thus causing a panel loss. If you are currently controlling another drive, you have to release it first. DriveWindow allows you to control just one drive at a time (unless you use the raw control items). To take control of a drive, select first the drive by clicking it in the browse tree pane. It is not necessary to select its root, however. Selection of any of its sub-branches will do. Then either, click the take/release control button in the drive panel toolbar, select the Take Control command in the Drive menu, or press Alt+F2. The Take Control command can also be found in the context menu, which you get by clicking with the right mouse button the drive





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