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MVME7100-0171机器人卡件,工控自动化卡件•固定表示使用模板的名称属性。•从驱动器获取意味着从驱动器读取项目名称。从驱动器中读取项目名称可能并不总是可能的。如果名称不可用,DriveWindow将使用项目的OPC地址作为其名称。参数、信号和故障驱动窗口2 4-141选择源驱动允许您选择从哪个驱动获取项目集中的项目。该设置实际上是一个默认值,可以由使用它的每个项集中的相应属性覆盖。•固定意...

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    •固定表示使用模板的名称属性。•从驱动器获取意味着从驱动器读取项目名称。从驱动器中读取项目名称可能并不总是可能的。如果名称不可用,DriveWindow将使用项目的OPC地址作为其名称。参数、信号和故障驱动窗口2 4-141选择源驱动允许您选择从哪个驱动获取项目集中的项目。该设置实际上是一个默认值,可以由使用它的每个项集中的相应属性覆盖。•固定意味着项目值总是从同一个驱动器获取。您必须通过提供驱动器的通道(Ch)和节点(node)编号来指定其OPC地址。•在信道中,您指定OPC地址的信道号(0..9)部分。仅当“源驱动器”为“固定”时,才会启用(非灰色)。•在节点中,指定OPC地址的节点号(1..254)部分。仅当“源驱动器”为“固定”时,才会启用(非灰色)。•“选定”表示从浏览树窗格中选定的驱动器或相对于该驱动器(如果选择了“相对”)获取项目值。•受控意味着项目值是从驱动器中获取的,已对其进行控制,或与之相关(如果选择了“相对”)。•通过选择“相对”,可以指定源驱动器相对于“固定”、“选定”或“受控”驱动器的偏移。•偏移量指定源驱动器距离“固定”、“选定”或“受控”驱动器的距离。如果未选择“相对”或禁用“相对”(灰色),则该选项将被禁用(灰色)。请注意,已浏览项目的源驱动器固定为“选定”,因此已浏览项目集的“项目集属性”中没有此属性。所有故障和所有事件类型的项目集没有特定的源驱动器,因为它们收集有关所有连接的驱动器的信息。很少有理由选择相对属性。Offset属性的值是数字。如果为正,则通过在浏览树窗格中从“固定”、“选定”或“受控”驱动器向下计数驱动器来确定源驱动器。负值表示向上计数。计数完成时,打开的参数文件不被视为驱动器。如果“偏移”为零,则会像未选择“相对”一样进行处理。选择N/A Items(N/A项目)允许您为用户定义的项目集指定如何显示当前源驱动器中不可用的项目。该设置是默认值,可以由每个用户定义的项集中的相应属性覆盖。•隐藏意味着根本不显示不可用的项目。•显示表示不显示可用项目,但其值显示为。•显示为模板表示如果项目不可用,则显示模板。

    • Fixed means that the Name properties of the templates are used. • Fetch from Drive means that the names of items are read from the drive. Reading the name of an item from the drive may not always be possible. If the name is not available, DriveWindow uses the OPC Address of the item as its name. Parameters, Signals, and Faults DriveWindow 2 4-141 The selection Source Drive allows you to select, from which drive the items in the item sets are fetched. The setting is actually a default value and can be overridden by the corresponding property in each item set that uses it. • Fixed means that the item values are always fetched from the same drive. You have to specify the OPC Address of it by giving the channel (Ch) and node (Node) number of the drive. • In Ch you specify the channel number (0..9) part of the OPC Address. It is enabled (not grayed) only if the Source Drive is Fixed. • In Node you specify the node number (1..254) part of the OPC Address. It is enabled (not grayed) only if the Source Drive is Fixed. • Selected means that the item values are fetched from the drive selected in the browse tree pane, or relative to it (if you have Relative selected). • Controlled means that the item values are fetched from the drive, control of which has been taken, or relative to it (if you have Relative selected). • By selecting Relative you specify that the source drive is relative by Offset to the Fixed, Selected, or Controlled drive. • Offset specifies, how far the source drive is from the Fixed, Selected, or Controlled drive. It is disabled (grayed) if Relative is not selected or is disabled (grayed). Note that the source drive for the browsed items is fixed to Selected, so the browsed item set does not have this property in its Item Set Properties. Item sets of type all faults and all events do not have a specific source drive because they gather information about all drives that are connected. Very seldom you have a reason to select the Relative property. The value of the Offset property is numeric. If it is positive, the source drive is determined by counting drives downwards in the browse tree pane from the Fixed, Selected, or Controlled drive. Negative value means counting upwards. An open parameter file is not considered to be a drive when counting is done. If Offset is zero it is handled as if Relative was not selected. The selection N/A Items allows you to specify for user defined item sets, how to display items that are not available in the current source drive. The setting is a default value and can be overridden by the corresponding property in each user defined item set. • Hide means that not available items are not shown at all. • Show means that not available items are shown, but their values are shown as . • Show as Template means that the template is shown if an item is not available.





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