•如果要在下载时使用DriveWindow,而上的节点地址未被使用,则无需更改硬件。16.1.2下载系统软件如果您在下载新系统软件时未使用DriveWindow,请退出DriveWindow。如果您在下载中使用DriveWindow(您有一个DriveWindow加载包),则应在下载系统软件之前停止所有联机活动(状态刷新、监视、无项目联机、控制未执行)。16.1.3恢复参数下载系统软件后,驱动器通常位于节点地址1,所有参数均设置为默认值。如果在下载系统软件时使用了DriveWindow以外的其他工具,请启动DriveWindow。如果驱动器包含应用程序宏,请验证所选宏在保存的参数文件和驱动器中是否相同。如果需要,在驱动器中更换。下载保存的参数。是否还下载ID运行结果参数取决于系统软件版本的兼容性级别。如果驱动器最初位于一个以外的其他节点地址,则通常在重新启动后会位于其原始地址。如果DriveWindow请求重新启动时未完成,则需要重新标识网络。通过断开并重新连接OPC服务器来完成重新识别。参数、信号和故障4-138 DriveWindow 2如果节点地址发生变化,当DriveWindow重新启动驱动器时,您可能会收到一条错误消息,告诉您重新启动失败。如果单击“确定”按钮后,驱动器重新出现在浏览树窗格中的新节点地址,则可以忽略该消息。这是因为DriveWindow在重新连接OPC服务器之前不知道节点地址的更改。因此,它试图验证从错误的节点地址重新启动的成功。16.1.4整理我们建议您对所有已升级的驱动器进行完全备份,以便用备件更换损坏的控制板。请注意,您可以选择使用旧备份包,而不是创建新的备份包,只替换其中升级的驱动器。另请参阅:什么是参数和信号如何保存参数如何恢复参数如何比较参数什么是参数文件什么是系统软件什么是备份包什么是加载包如何备份如何下载17.桌面首选项使用桌面首选项,您可以控制DriveWindow显示的某些行为。请注意,大多数设置只是项目集属性的默认设置。因此,它们可以通过不使用默认选择而被项集覆盖。然而,通过在项目集中使用默认值(如果合适),您可以快速更改所有此类项目集的某些行为。否则,您需要分别更改所有此类项集的属性。参数、信号和故障驱动窗口2 4-139您可以通过选择桌面菜单中的首选项命令来设置桌面首选项。上下文菜单中包含相同的命令,您可以通过在项目名称外的项目集窗格上单击鼠标右键来获得该命令。
• If you are going to use DriveWindow in downloading, and node address on is not in use, no hardware changes are needed. 16.1.2 Downloading System Software If you are not using DriveWindow in downloading the new system software, quit DriveWindow. If you use DriveWindow in downloading (you have a DriveWindow loading package), you should stop all on-line activity (status refresh, monitoring, no items on-line, control not taken) before downloading system software. 16.1.3 Restoring Parameters When system software has been downloaded, the drive is normally found at node address one with all parameters set to default values. If you used other tool than DriveWindow in downloading system software, start DriveWindow. If drive contains application macros, verify that the selected macro is the same in the saved parameter file and in the drive. Change it in the drive, if needed. Download the saved parameters. Whether to download also the ID run result parameters or not, depends on the level of compatibility of the system software versions. If the drive originally was at some other node address than one, it will usually be at its original address just after restarting it. If restarting is not done when DriveWindow is requesting it, is required to reidentify the network. Re-identifying is done by disconnecting and re-connecting the OPC Server. Parameters, Signals, and Faults 4-138 DriveWindow 2 If the node address changes, when DriveWindow restarts the drive, you will probably get an error message, which tells you that restarting failed. If, after you click the OK button, the drive re-appears in the browse tree pane at the new node address, you may ignore the message. It is shown, because DriveWindow does not know about the node address change before re-connecting the OPC Server. Thus it tries to verify success of restarting from the wrong node address. 16.1.4 Finishing We recommend that you take full backup of all drives, which were upgraded, so that replacing a damaged control board with a spare part is made easy. Note that instead of creating a new backup package, you have the option to use the old backup package, and only replace the upgraded drives within it. See Also: What are Parameters and Signals How to Save Parameters How to Restore Parameters How to Compare Parameters What is Parameter File What is System Software What is a Backup Package What is a Loading Package How to Backup How to Download 17. Desktop Preferences With desktop preferences you can control some behaviour of DriveWindow display. Note that most of the settings are just defaults for item set properties. They can thus be overridden by an item set by not using the default selection there. However, by using defaults in item sets, where appropriate, you can quickly change some behaviour of all such item sets. Otherwise you would need to change the property for all such item sets separately. Parameters, Signals, and Faults DriveWindow 2 4-139 You can set desktop preferences by selecting Preferences command in the Desktop menu. The same command is included in the context menu, which you get by clicking with the right mouse button on the item sets pane outside the name of an item.