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MVME857机器人备件•如果驱动器包含应用程序宏,则所选宏在文件和驱动器中必须相同。•如果任何参数受到参数锁的写保护,请打开锁并重新连接DriveWindow。•在上下文菜单的“参数”子菜单中选择“下载”命令,您可以通过在浏览树窗格中的驱动器(或其中的子分支)上单击鼠标右键获得该命令。参数、信号和故障驱动器窗口2 4-105您也可以:•在浏览树窗格中选择(单击)要恢复的驱动器参数,而不使用上下文...

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    •如果驱动器包含应用程序宏,则所选宏在文件和驱动器中必须相同。•如果任何参数受到参数锁的写保护,请打开锁并重新连接DriveWindow。•在上下文菜单的“参数”子菜单中选择“下载”命令,您可以通过在浏览树窗格中的驱动器(或其中的子分支)上单击鼠标右键获得该命令。参数、信号和故障驱动器窗口2 4-105您也可以:•在浏览树窗格中选择(单击)要恢复的驱动器参数,而不使用上下文菜单。•从“文件”菜单的“参数”子菜单中选择“下载”命令(或按Ctrl+D)。11.1.2从请求的参数文件恢复在没有打开的参数文件的情况下,从参数文件恢复参数:•确保您有可用的驱动器的完整备份。恢复参数时,如果出现问题,可能需要备份。•如果驱动器包含应用程序宏,请验证所选宏在文件和驱动器中是否相同。•如果任何参数受到参数锁的写保护,请打开锁并重新连接DriveWindow。•在上下文菜单的“参数”子菜单中选择“下载”命令,您可以通过在浏览树窗格中的驱动器(或其中的子分支)上单击鼠标右键获得该命令。参数、信号和故障4-106 DriveWindow 2•显示类似于打开对话框的下载对话框。使用对话框,选择包含要恢复的参数的参数文件。除了使用上下文菜单,您还可以:•在浏览树窗格中选择(单击)要恢复的驱动器参数。•从“文件”菜单的“参数”子菜单中选择“下载”命令(或按Ctrl+D)。参数、信号和故障驱动器Window 2 4-107 11.1.3通过粘贴恢复通过在Windows资源管理器中复制参数文件并将其粘贴到驱动器中,从参数文件中恢复参数:•确保您有可用的驱动器的完整备份。恢复参数时,如果出现问题,可能需要备份。•如果驱动器包含应用程序宏,请验证所选宏在文件和驱动器中是否相同。•如果任何参数受到参数锁的写保护,请打开锁并重新连接DriveWindow。•在Windows资源管理器中,浏览参数文件并将其复制到剪贴板。•在DriveWIndow中,从上下文菜单中选择“粘贴”命令,通过在浏览树窗格中的驱动器(或其中的子分支)上单击鼠标右键即可获得该命令。除了使用上下文菜单,您还可以:•在浏览树窗格中选择(单击)要恢复的驱动器参数。•单击标准工具栏中的粘贴按钮,选择“编辑”菜单中的“粘贴”命令,或按Ctrl+V键。参数、信号和故障4-108 DriveWindow 2或•DriveWindow请求您确认。单击“是”按钮。

    • If drive contains application macros, the selected macro must be the same in the file and in the drive. • If any of the parameters is write protected by a parameter lock, open the lock and reconnect DriveWindow. • Select the Download command in the Parameters submenu of the context menu, which you get by clicking with the right mouse button on the drive (or a sub-branch within it) in the browse tree pane. Parameters, Signals, and Faults DriveWindow 2 4-105 Instead of using the context menu you can also: • Select (click) the drive, parameters of which you want to restore, in the browse tree pane. • Select the Download command from the Parameters submenu in the File menu (or press Ctrl+D). 11.1.2 Restoring from a Requested Parameter File To restore the parameters from a parameter file in case there is no parameter file open: • Make sure, you have a full backup of the drive(s) available. The backup may be required, if something goes wrong, when restoring the parameters. • If drive contains application macros, verify that the selected macro is the same in the file and in the drive. • If any of the parameters is write protected by a parameter lock, open the lock and reconnect DriveWindow. • Select the Download command in the Parameters submenu of the context menu, which you get by clicking with the right mouse button on the drive (or a sub-branch within it) in the browse tree pane. Parameters, Signals, and Faults 4-106 DriveWindow 2 • A Download dialog box similar to an Open dialog box is shown. Using the dialog box, select the parameter file containing parameters to be restored. Instead of using the context menu you can also: • Select (click) the drive, parameters of which you want to restore, in the browse tree pane. • Select the Download command from the Parameters submenu in the File menu (or press Ctrl+D). Parameters, Signals, and Faults DriveWindow 2 4-107 11.1.3 Restoring by Pasting To restore the parameters from a parameter file by copying it in Windows Explorer and pasting it into a drive: • Make sure, you have a full backup of the drive(s) available. The backup may be required, if something goes wrong, when restoring the parameters. • If drive contains application macros, verify that the selected macro is the same in the file and in the drive. • If any of the parameters is write protected by a parameter lock, open the lock and reconnect DriveWindow. • In Windows Explorer, browse the parameter file and copy it to clipboard. • In DriveWIndow, select the Paste command from the context menu, which you get by clicking with the right mouse button on the drive (or a sub-branch within it) in the browse tree pane. Instead of using the context menu you can also: • Select (click) the drive, parameters of which you want to restore, in the browse tree pane. • Click the paste button in the standard toolbar, select the Paste command in the Edit menu, or press Ctrl+V key. Parameters, Signals, and Faults 4-108 DriveWindow 2 or • DriveWindow requests your confirmation. Click the Yes button.











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