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    这意味着DriveWindow将通知您操作中未保存的工作区更改,这些更改会导致当前正在使用的工作区被破坏。另请参阅:使用模板查看模板更改项目集属性桌面首选项9.3.1常规模板属性模板属性对话框中的常规选项卡包含模板的常规属性。ItemId指定没有任何源驱动器(通道或节点)的项。请注意,DriveWindow不会检查ItemId的正确性。如果出现错误,则意味着模板定义的项永远不可用。“名称”是“名称”列中显示的项目名称,如果“项目名称”属性的值为“固定”(直接或作为评估“默认值”的结果)。项目更新允许您选择如何更新项目集中的项目。•默认值表示项目将使用项目集属性中的项目更新设置。•来自缓存意味着要从OPC服务器缓存中获取项目的值。•“从设备”表示要从驱动器中获取项目的值。•上线意味着项目将上线。参数、信号和故障4-94 DriveWindow 2通常属性使用默认值。另请参阅:更改模板属性常规项目集属性桌面首选项9.3.2模板源属性“源”选项卡定义驱动器,从中获取模板定义的项目值。源驱动器允许您选择从哪个驱动器提取模板定义的项目。•默认值表示项目将使用项目集属性中的源驱动器设置。•固定意味着项目总是从同一驱动器中取出。您必须通过提供驱动器的通道(Ch)和节点(node)编号来指定其OPC地址。•在信道中,您指定OPC地址的信道号(0..9)部分。仅当“源驱动器”为“固定”时,才会启用(非灰色)。•在节点中,指定OPC地址的节点号(1..254)部分。仅当“源驱动器”为“固定”时,才会启用(非灰色)。•“选定”意味着要从浏览树窗格中选定的驱动器或相对于该驱动器(如果选择了“相对”)提取项目。•受控意味着要从驱动器中提取项目,该驱动器的控制权已被获取,或与之相关(如果您选择了“相对”)。•通过选择“相对”,可以指定源驱动器相对于“固定”、“选定”或“受控”驱动器的偏移。如果选择“默认”,则“相对”属性将被禁用(灰色)。•偏移量指定源驱动器距离“固定”、“选定”或“受控”驱动器的距离。如果未选择“相对”或禁用“相对”(灰色),则该选项将被禁用(灰色)。通常,属性使用默认值。Offset属性的值是数字。如果为正,则通过在浏览树窗格中从“固定”、“选定”或“受控”驱动器向下计数驱动器来确定源驱动器。负值表示向上计数。计数完成时,打开的参数文件不被视为驱动器。如果“偏移”为零,则会像未选择“相对”一样进行处理。打开的参数文件是一种特殊情况。如果“源驱动”为“选定”且未选择“相对”(或“偏移”为零),则它可以是源“驱动”。参数、信号和故障驱动窗口2 4-95 9.3.3示例指定“相对”的示例是多个驱动器的情况,其中有多个主-从对,节点编号已组织,因此主节点编号始终在跟随器之前,没有任何干预驱动器。你想看到主人和跟随者的速度。将两倍的速度添加到用户项集中。指定要选择但不是“相对”的主控形状的速度的“源驱动”。为从动件的速度指定“源驱动”(Source Drive),该速度也将被选中,但“相对于偏移量+1”(Relative with Offset+1)。您可以看到在用户项目集中显示的模板中所做的设置。参数、信号和故障4-96驱动窗口2要查看项目而不是模板,请从视图菜单中选择项目命令。现在,当您在浏览树窗格中选择任何主机时,您将看到用户项集中相邻驱动器的速度。另请参阅:更改模板属性项目设置源属性桌面首选项9.3.4模板格式属性“格式”选项卡定义用于显示模板定义的项目值的格式。请注意,可以通过“更改格式”命令临时更改格式。参数、信号和故障DriveWindow 2 4-97格式允许您控制项目值的显示方式(除非被覆盖)。该属性包含与“更改显示格式”对话框中的所有选项相同的选项,该对话框由“更改格式”命令显示。•默认值表示项目将使用项目集属性中的“使用面板格式”设置。•“正常”表示经典的DriveWindow格式。

    It means that DriveWindow will notify you about unsaved workspace changes in operations that cause the workspace currently in use to be destroyed. See Also: Using Templates Viewing Templates Changing Item Set Properties Desktop Preferences 9.3.1 General Template Properties The General tab in the Template Properties dialog box contains general properties of the template. ItemId specifies the item without any source drive (channel or node). Note that DriveWindow does not check the correctness of ItemId. If there is an error, it just means that the item defined by the template is never available. Name is the item name to be shown in the Name column if the Item Names property has value Fixed (directly or as the result of evaluating Default). Item Update allows you to select, how the items in the item set are updated. • Default means that the Item Update setting in Item Set Properties is to be used for the item. • From Cache means that the value of the item is to be fetched from the OPC Server cache. • From Device means that the value of the item is to be fetched from a drive. • Put On-Line means that the item is to be put on-line. Parameters, Signals, and Faults 4-94 DriveWindow 2 Typically the value Default is used for the property. See Also: Changing Template Properties General Item Set Properties Desktop Preferences 9.3.2 Template Source Properties The Source tab defines the drive, from which the value of the item defined by the template is fetched. Source Drive allows you to select, from which drive the item defined by the template is to be fetched. • Default means that the Source Drive setting in Item Set Properties is to be used for the item. • Fixed means that the item is always to be fetched from the same drive. You have to specify the OPC Address of it by giving the channel (Ch) and node (Node) number of the drive. • In Ch you specify the channel number (0..9) part of the OPC Address. It is enabled (not grayed) only if the Source Drive is Fixed. • In Node you specify the node number (1..254) part of the OPC Address. It is enabled (not grayed) only if the Source Drive is Fixed. • Selected means that the item is to be fetched from the drive selected in the browse tree pane, or relative to it (if you have Relative selected). • Controlled means that the item is to be fetched from the drive, control of which has been taken, or relative to it (if you have Relative selected). • By selecting Relative you specify that the source drive is relative by Offset to the Fixed, Selected, or Controlled drive. The Relative property is disabled (grayed) in case Default is selected. • Offset specifies, how far the source drive is from the Fixed, Selected, or Controlled drive. It is disabled (grayed) if Relative is not selected or is disabled (grayed). Typically the value Default is used for the property. The value of the Offset property is numeric. If it is positive, the source drive is determined by counting drives downwards in the browse tree pane from the Fixed, Selected, or Controlled drive. Negative value means counting upwards. An open parameter file is not considered to be a drive when counting is done. If Offset is zero it is handled as if Relative was not selected. An open parameter file is a special case. It can be a source “drive”, if Source Drive is Selected and Relative is not selected (or Offset is zero). Parameters, Signals, and Faults DriveWindow 2 4-95 9.3.3 Example An example of specifying Relative is a case multiple drives, where you have many master-follower pairs with node numbers organised, so that a master node number always precedes the follower without any intervening drive. You want to see the speed of both master and follower. Add twice the speed into the user item set. Specify the Source Drive for the speed of the master to be Selected but not Relative. Specify the Source Drive for the speed of the follower also to be Selected, but Relative with Offset +1. You can see the settings you made also in the templates as shown in the user item set. Parameters, Signals, and Faults 4-96 DriveWindow 2 To see items instead of templates, select the Items command from the View menu. Now, when you select any master in the browse tree pane, you see speeds of the adjacent drives in the user item set. See Also: Changing Template Properties Item Set Source Properties Desktop Preferences 9.3.4 Template Format Properties The Format tab defines the format to be used in displaying value of the item defined by the template. Note that the format can be temporally changed by the Change Format command. Parameters, Signals, and Faults DriveWindow 2 4-97 Format allows you to control, how the value of the item is to be displayed (unless overridden). The property contains all the same options as in the Change Display Format dialog box, which is shown by the Change Format command. • Default means that the Use Panel Format setting in Item Set Properties is to be used for the item. • Normal means the classic DriveWindow format. • Other formats are self descriptive. • Decimals means number of decimal digits (0...8) to be displayed. 










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