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    在浏览类型、用户和所有参数的项目集合中,可以查看项目的属性。若要查看用户项目集中项目的属性,必须查看用户项目集中的项目。此外,该项必须存在于项集的当前源驱动器中。如果要使用“桌面”菜单,则只需选择一个项目。在“桌面”菜单中选择“项目属性”命令。上下文菜单中包含相同的命令,您可以通过在要查看或更改其属性的项目上单击鼠标右键来获得该命令。参数、信号和故障DriveWindow 2 4-71 DriveWindow显示包含属性的项目属性对话框。单击“关闭”按钮以完成属性的查看。另请参阅:查看参数和信号查看模板更改模板属性7.查看故障和事件可以在项目集窗格中的所有故障、所有事件、故障和事件项目集中查看故障和活动。为了能够查看这样的项目集,您需要在窗格中选择相应的选项卡。显示项目集的故障或事件。DriveWindow不总是能够显示电脑时间。如果以下任何一项为真,则无法显示,字段为空:•驱动器具有实时时钟,用于标记故障或事件。在这种情况下,“行车时间”包含日历时间的时间戳。•驱动器上一次通电之前发生了故障或事件。•时间戳不直接基于驱动器的系统时间计数器。•系统时间计数器在驱动器中不可用。参数、信号和故障4-72 DriveWindow 2 DriveWindow使用驱动器的系统时间计数器和计算机时钟作为参考,根据时间戳计算PC时间。为了提高精度,DriveWindow“测量”驱动器系统时间计数器的频率。测量需要一些时间(约40秒),这意味着当DriveWindow连接到OPC服务器时,在该测量时间内,PC时间不可用。虽然PC时间显示的分辨率很高,但其准确性取决于故障或事件发生后经过了多长时间,以及您是否在查看相应的项目集。如果包含故障或事件的项目集在故障或事件发生时可见且在线,则PC时间中的错误通常小于0.03毫秒。否则,在DriveWindow检测到故障或事件之前,每经过一小时,错误通常小于200毫秒。因为驱动器控制板上的晶体通常比电脑晶体更稳定,所以不同驱动器中的故障或事件的电脑时间差异不会像电脑时间错误那样随时间变化。因此,即使经过一段时间,通常也可以确定不同驱动器中故障或事件的顺序。注意,故障和事件是在驱动器中的某个时间级别上处理的,这意味着时间戳的准确性实际上是处理程序的周期时间。另请参阅:什么是故障和事件查看参数和信号添加故障或事件项目集添加所有参数项目集更改项目集属性7.1筛选故障和事件有时,故障、事件、所有故障和所有事件类型的项目集非常拥挤,难以读取。DriveWindow允许您通过一种称为过滤的方法减少这些项目集中的故障和事件数量。

    In item sets of types browsed, user, and all parameters it is possible to look at the properties of an item. To be able to view properties of an item in a user item set, you must be viewing items in a user item set. Also the item must exist in the current source drive of the item set. If you are going to use the Desktop menu, you need to have exactly one item selected. Select the Item Properties command in the Desktop menu. The same command is included in the context menu, which you get by clicking with the right mouse button on the item, properties of which you want to view or change. Parameters, Signals, and Faults DriveWindow 2 4-71 DriveWindow displays the Item Properties dialog box containing the properties. Click the Close button to finish viewing the properties. See Also: Viewing Parameters and Signals Viewing Templates Changing Template Properties 7. Viewing Faults and Events Faults and events can be viewed in the all faults, all events, faults, and events item sets in the item sets pane. To be able to view such an item set, you need to select the corresponding tab in the pane. Faults or events of the item set are shown. DriveWindow is not always able to show the PC Time. It cannot be shown and the field is empty if any of the following is true: • The drive has a real time clock and it is used for stamping faults or events. In this case Drive Time contains the time stamp as calendar time. • A fault or event was happened before the last power-up of the drive. • The time stamps are not directly based on system time counter of the drive. • The system time counter is not available in the drive. Parameters, Signals, and Faults 4-72 DriveWindow 2 DriveWindow calculates the PC Time from the time stamp by using the system time counter of the drive and the computer clock as references. To increase accuracy, DriveWindow “measures” the frequency of the system time counter of the drive. The measurement takes some time (about 40 seconds), which means that the PC Times are not available within that measurement time when DriveWindow is connected to the OPC Server. Although the PC Time is shown with great resolution, its accuracy depends on, how long time has passed since the fault or event happened, and whether you were viewing the corresponding item set when it happened or not. If the item set containing the fault or event was visible and on-line at the time the fault or event happened, the error in PC Time is typically less than 0.03 ms. Otherwise the error is typically less than 200 ms for each hour passed before DriveWindow detects the fault or event. Because the crystals on drive control boards are usually much more stable than the crystal of your PC, the PC Time differences of faults or events in different drives do not change so much in time as the PC Time error does. So, it is usually possible to determine the order of faults or events in different drives even if some time has passed. Note that the faults and events are handled on some time level in the drive, which means that the time stamp accuracy is actually the cycle time of the handler. See Also: What are Faults and Events Viewing Parameters and Signals Adding Faults or Events Item Set Adding All Parameters Item Set Changing Item Set Properties 7.1 Filtering Faults and Events Sometimes an item sets of type faults, events, all faults, and all events gets so crowded that it is difficult to read. DriveWindow allows you to reduce the amount of faults and events in those item sets by a method called filtering.










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