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    另请参阅:趋势显示窗格监视器菜单监视器工具栏监视器设置9.4.2数据记录器显示数据记录器显示是趋势显示窗格中显示的显示之一。显示屏显示当前数据记录器(请参阅浏览树窗格)。如果驱动器中没有当前数据记录器或当前数据记录器未初始化,则显示为空白。您可以通过单击趋势设置窗格顶部的数据记录器选项卡来选择显示。所显示显示的选择也会影响趋势设置窗格。如果选择了数据记录器,则显示当前数据记录器的数据记录器设置。显示的标题还包括数据记录器的OPC地址。您可以使用它来验证您使用的是正确的数据记录器。用户界面2-78 DriveWindow 2注意,x轴的原点是触发时刻。因此,负的时间值表示触发事件之前的时间和触发事件之后的正的时间。数据记录器显示可以处于两种状态:•已清除。如果驱动器中的数据记录器未运行,您可以更改此状态下的任何设置。请注意,您通过清除图形命令(或清除数据记录器工具栏中的数据记录器图形)进入此状态。正常清除命令(或清除数据记录器工具栏中的驱动器数据记录器)控制驱动器中的数据记录器。数据记录器设置取自驱动器,并将更改写入驱动器。无法导出图形(没有要导出的值)。无法显示光标。无法缩放和水平滚动。•已上载。上传数据记录器时,设置被冻结。但是,在此状态下可以更改x轴长度和y轴最小值和最大值。缩放比例也可以更改。可以显示光标。可以缩放和水平滚动。在再次上传数据记录器之前,必须清除数据记录器图形。状态设置可以在线/离线切换。离线时显示上传状态,在线时显示当前状态。请注意,在这两种状态下,都可以向数据记录器发送命令,例如,在查看上传结果的同时启动数据记录器。请注意,所有数据记录器共享一个公共窗口。当更改当前数据记录器时,将重新绘制窗口。上传的值和设置缓存在DriveWindow中,因此更改很快。另请参阅:趋势显示窗格数据记录器菜单记录器工具栏数据记录器设置10.滚动条滚动条显示在文档窗口的右下边缘。如果文档适合视图,则它们不可见。滚动条的部分有:1.滚动箭头2.滚动条轴3.滚动框(拇指)滚动条内的滚动框指示您在文档中的垂直和水平位置。您可以使用鼠标滚动到文档的其他部分。单击滚动条轴时,文档将滚动“页面”。单击滚动箭头时,文档将滚动“行”或“字符”。您还可以拖动滚动框(拇指)来设置滚动位置。另请参阅:概述用户界面DriveWindow 2 2-79 11。常用对话框这里介绍了一些常用的对话框:•文件注释对话框,用于查看、输入和编辑文件中的注释。•打开对话框以打开文件。•“打印设置”对话框,用于选择和调整要使用的打印机的设置。•用于保存文件的“另存为”对话框。

    See Also: Trend Display Pane Monitor Menu Monitor Toolbar Monitor Settings 9.4.2 Datalogger Display The datalogger display is one of the displays shown in the trend display pane. The display shows the current datalogger (see browse tree pane). The display is blank, if there is no current datalogger or the current datalogger is not initialized in the drive. You select the display by clicking the Datalogger tab at top of the trend settings pane. Selection of the display shown also affects the trend settings pane. It shows the datalogger settings of the current datalogger, if datalogger is selected. The title shown includes also the OPC Address of the datalogger. You can use it to verify that you are working with the proper datalogger. User Interface 2-78 DriveWindow 2 Note that origin of the x-axis is the triggering moment. Thus negative time values represent time before triggering and positive after the triggering event. The datalogger display can be in two states: • Cleared. You can change any of the settings in this state, if the datalogger in the drive is not running. Note that you enter into this state by Clear Graph command (or clear datalogger graph in the datalogger toolbar). Normal Clear command (or clear drive datalogger in the datalogger toolbar) controls the datalogger residing in the drive. The datalogger settings are taken from the drive and changes are written to the drive. Exporting the graph is not possible (there are no values to export). No cursor can be shown. Zooming and horizontal scrolling are not possible. • Uploaded. The settings are frozen when the datalogger is uploaded. You can change x-axis length and y-axis minimum and maximum in this state, however. Scaling can be changed, too. Cursor can be shown. Zooming and horizontal scrolling are possible. You have to clear the datalogger graph before uploading it again. The Status setting can be toggled on-line/offline. When off-line, it shows the uploaded status, when on-line, it shows current status. Note that in both states it is possible to send commands to the datalogger, e.g., start it while still viewing the uploaded results. Note that there is a common window shared by all dataloggers. When the current datalogger is changed, the window is redrawn. The uploaded values and settings are cached in DriveWindow, so changing happens quickly. See Also: Trend Display Pane Datalogger Menu Logger Toolbar Datalogger Settings 10. Scrollbars Scrollbars are displayed at the right and bottom edges of a document window. They are not visible if the document fits into the view. Parts of a scrollbar are: 1. Scroll arrows 2. Scrollbar shaft 3. Scroll box (thumb) The scroll boxes inside the scrollbars indicate your vertical and horizontal location in the document. You can use the mouse to scroll to other parts of the document. When you click in a scrollbar shaft, the document scrolls a “page”. When you click in a scroll arrow, the document scrolls a "line" or “character”. You can also drag a scroll box (thumb) to set the scroll position. See Also: Overview User Interface DriveWindow 2 2-79 11. Common Dialogs Some commonly used dialog boxes are explained here: • File Comment dialog box for viewing, entering, and editing comments in files. • Open dialog box for opening files. • Print Setup dialog box for selecting and adjusting settings of the printer to be used. • Save As (and like) dialog box for saving files. 










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