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PFSK163 3BSE016419R1系统模块卡件

PFSK163 3BSE016419R1系统模块卡件

PFSK163 3BSE016419R1系统模块卡件与上述第1项相同的状态。4.对连接到控制单元的每个垫重复该过程,检查相应的通道故障LED变为红色。注意通道故障状态LED指示单个垫的操作或故障。34控制单元-操作模式(440F-C28013)自动复位通电:电源、自动复位和机器启用LED亮起。当垫子工作时:机器启用的LED熄灭备用垫子:机器启用LED点亮手动重置通电:电源、手动重置和机器启用LED...

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PFSK163 3BSE016419R1系统模块卡件

    PFSK163 3BSE016419R1系统模块卡件

    与上述第1项相同的状态。4.对连接到控制单元的每个垫重复该过程,检查相应的通道故障LED变为红色。注意通道故障状态LED指示单个垫的操作或故障。34控制单元-操作模式(440F-C28013)自动复位通电:电源、自动复位和机器启用LED亮起。当垫子工作时:机器启用的LED熄灭备用垫子:机器启用LED点亮手动重置通电:电源、手动重置和机器启用LED亮起。按下重置按钮:机器启用的LED在垫子运行时亮起:机器启用LED熄灭垫:机器启用发光二极管仍熄灭按下重置按钮,机器启用LED亮起在故障情况下,机器启用的灯熄灭,在故障排除之前不允许重置。在故障状态下,如果存在垫子故障,一个或多个垫子状态LED将点亮。在开路或短路情况下,LED将亮起红色。如果存在故障,且MAT STATUS LED均未亮起,则说明控制单元故障。6.5检查安全功能6.5.1单通道系统(参见图15和17第5节)模拟正常操作。站在垫子上启动垫子,并检查主接触器是否立即脱落。检查任何其他与安全相关的停止功能,如制动器、离合器接触器是否按预期运行。6.5.2双通道系统(见图16和18第5节)1.模拟正常操作。站在垫子上启动垫子,并立即检查两个最终接触器是否脱落。检查任何其他与安全相关的停止功能,如制动器/离合器接触器是否按预期运行。2.隔离电源,然后通过将端子块6处的端子13和14短路来安装临时故障(图26或27)。3.恢复电源并启动传感器垫,并检查其中一个最终接触器是否立即断开,以及与该通道相关的任何其他停止功能是否按预期运行。4.检查控制单元不会复位5.隔离电源并排除临时故障。恢复电源并检查垫子系统是否正常工作。采取相同的电气安全预防措施,在端子块6处的端子23和24之间临时短路,重复测试(图26或27)。6.再次检查控制单元不会复位7.排除临时故障,检查垫系统是否正常工作。35 6.5.3所有系统类型1.进行所需的任何其他测试,以确认安全相关控制系统符合EN 954-1规定的类别要求,并按预期工作。2.检查与受垫系统安装影响的机器电路相关的任何其他安全功能。这些测试应有现有程序。3.在电源处隔离机器电源。4.重新连接机器控制系统提供的任何自动复位功能。5.将机器原动机重新连接至最终接触器。6.固定所有盖子和门。6.6功能检查恢复机器电源。检查:-1。在重置垫子控制单元之前,机器无法开始操作。执行第8.2.2节所述的行走测试。检查垫子的启动是否停止危险移动。3.检查踏下垫子不会启动机器操作,但能够重新启动。4.检查接近时

    the same state as item 1 above. 4. Repeat process for each mat connected to the control unit checking the corresponding CHANNEL FAULT LED changes to RED. Note that CHANNEL FAULT STATUS LED’s indicate individual mat operation or fault. 34 Control unit - Mode of operation (440F-C28013) Auto reset On power up: Power, auto reset and machine enabled LED’s illuminate. When mat operated: Machine enabled LED goes out Stand off mat: Machine enabled LED illuminates Manual reset On power up: Power, manual reset and machine enabled LED’s illuminate. Press reset button: Machine enabled LED illuminates When mat operated: Machine enabled LED goes out Stand off mat: Machine enabled LED still out Press reset button: Machine enabled LED illuminates Under fault condition Machine enabled light goes out and will not allow reset until fault is rectified. In the fault condition if there is a mat fault, one or more of the MAT STATUS LED’s will be illuminated. Under open circuit or short circuit the LED(s) will illuminate RED. If there is a fault condition and none of the MAT STATUS LED’s are illuminated then it is a control unit fault. 6.5 CHECKING THE SAFETY FUNCTIONS 6.5.1 SINGLE CHANNEL SYSTEMS (see figs. 15 and 17 section 5) Simulate normal operation. Actuate the mat by standing on it and check that the main contactor drops out immediately. Check that any other safety related stop functions e.g. brake, clutch contactors are operating as intended. 6.5.2 DUAL CHANNEL SYSTEMS (see fig. 16 and 18 section 5) 1. Simulate normal operation. Actuate the mat by standing on it and check both final contactors drop out immediately. Check that any other safety related stop functions e.g. brake/clutch contactors are operating as intended. 2. Isolate the power source and then install a temporary fault by short circuiting terminals 13 and 14 at terminal block 6 (figs. 26 or 27). 3. Reinstate the power source and actuate the sensor mat and check that one of the final contactors drops out immediately and any other stop functions associated with that channel operate as intended. 4. CHECK CONTROL UNIT WILL NOT RESET 5. Isolate the power source and remove the temporary fault. Reinstate the power source and check mat system operates normally. Taking the same electrical safety precautions, repeat the test with a temporary short circuit across terminals 23 and 24 at terminal block 6 (figs. 26 or 27). 6. AGAIN CHECK CONTROL UNIT WILL NOT RESET 7. Remove the temporary fault, check mat system operates correctly. 35 6.5.3 ALL SYSTEM TYPES 1. Carry out any other tests required to confirm that the safety related control system meets the requirements of its Category according to EN 954-1 and works as intended. 2. Check any other safety functions associated with the machine circuits which have been affected by the installation of the mat system. There should be an existing procedure for these tests. 3. ISOLATE THE MACHINE POWER SUPPLY AT SOURCE. 4. Reconnect any automatic reset function provided by the machine control system. 5. Reconnect the machine prime mover to the final contactors. 6. Secure all covers and doors. 6.6 FUNCTIONAL CHECKOUT Reinstate the machine electrical supply. Check:- 1. Machine operation cannot commence until the mat control unit has been reset. Perform the walking test described in section 8.2. 2. Check that actuation of the mat stops hazardous movement. 3. Check that stepping off the mat does not start machine operation but does enable restart. 4. Check that when approaching






    型号:PFSK163 3BSE016419R1 





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