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PFTL-301E 0.2KN工控备件

PFTL-301E 0.2KN工控备件

PFTL-301E 0.2KN工控备件传感器垫危险危险传感器垫传感器垫扩展固定防护固定防护箭头显示访问重要信息罗克韦尔自动化出版物95302194/EO:0240发行号:8 15 440F MatGuard™ 垫子管理器用户手册第5节-安装设计图12计算的最小距离是从Allen-Bradley Guardmaster传感器垫子检测区外缘到危险最近部分的最小水平距离。地板安装式安全垫的EN 999公...

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PFTL-301E 0.2KN工控备件

    PFTL-301E 0.2KN工控备件

    传感器垫危险危险传感器垫传感器垫扩展固定防护固定防护箭头显示访问重要信息罗克韦尔自动化出版物95302194/EO:0240发行号:8 15 440F MatGuard™ 垫子管理器用户手册第5节-安装设计图12计算的最小距离是从Allen-Bradley Guardmaster传感器垫子检测区外缘到危险最近部分的最小水平距离。地板安装式安全垫的EN 999公式为S=(1600 x T)+1200 mm•S是最小安全距离,单位为毫米。•1600的系数基于1600 mm/s作为进场速度的标准假设。•T是以秒为单位的总停止时间•增加的1200 mm是EN 999中给出的参数C,并考虑了步幅长度和手臂伸展。根据EN 999中的公式计算最小距离。C类标准中是否给出了具体公式或最小距离?根据C型标准确定最小距离。是否使用此最小距离。是否可以缩短总体响应时间或缩短参数C?能否达到这一最小距离?减少总体响应时间和/或减少参数C。根据风险使用此最小距离和补充措施。这个最小距离是否允许人员在危险区域内而不被发现?使用此最小距离。使用附加或替代防护设备。否否否是是是440F MatGuard™ Mat Manager用户手册第5节-安装设计16罗克韦尔自动化出版物95302194/EO:0240第8期)总停止时间T由两部分组成:T=t1+t2 t1是感应功能启动和输出信号切换之间的最长时间。对于Allen-Bradley Guardmaster系统,t1=35毫秒。t2是机器的响应时间,即在收到Allen-Bradley Guardmaster系统的输出后停止机器或消除风险所需的时间。计算中使用的机器的响应时间需要是最坏情况下的时间。有些机器的响应时间不一致,这取决于操作模式、工作场所的性质以及启动停止的操作周期点。如果制动器等的磨损会影响响应时间,则应考虑磨损。在某些情况下,可能需要考虑机器控制系统的进一步延迟。计算示例在本示例中,Allen-Bradley Guardmaster系统与最坏情况下响应时间测量为0.485秒的机器一起使用。使用公式T=t1+t2=35 mS+485 mS=520 mS=0.520 S S=(1600 x 0.520)+1200 mm=832+1200 mm=2032 mm从2032 mm到机器底板边缘需要传感器垫。5.4.3用作周界防护区域内的存在感测系统如果危险周围区域完全封闭在防护周界内,如图13所示,EN 999的要求可能不适用。在这些应用中

    Sensor Mats Hazard Hazard Hazard Sensor Mats Sensor Mats Extended Fixed Guard Fixed Guard Arrows Show Access IMPORTANT Rockwell Automation Publication 95302194/EO:0240 Issue No: 8 15 440F MatGuard™ Mat Manager User Manual Section 5 - Installation Design Figure 12 The minimum distance calculated is the minimum horizontal distance from the outer edge of the Allen-Bradley Guardmaster sensor mat detection zone to the nearest part of the hazard. The EN 999 formula for floor mounted safety mats is S = (1600 x T) + 1200 mm • S is the minimum safety distance in millimeters. • The factor of 1600 is based on the standard assumption of 1600 mm/s as the approach speed. • T is the overall stopping time in seconds • The added 1200 mm is parameter C given in EN 999 and takes into account stride length and arm reach. Calculate minimum distance by the formulae in EN 999. Are specific formulae or minimum distances given in Type-C standards? Determine the minimum distance according to the Type-C standard. Yes No Use this minimum distance. Can overall response time be reduced or can parameter C be reduced? Can this minimum distance be achieved? Reduce overall response time and/or reduce parameter C. Use this minimum distance together with supplementary measures depending on the risk. Does this minimum distance allow persons to be within the danger zone without being detected? Use this minimum distance. Use additional or alternative protective equipment. No No No Yes Yes Yes 440F MatGuard™ Mat Manager User Manual Section 5 - Installation Design 16 Rockwell Automation Publication 95302194/EO:0240 Issue No: 8) The overall stopping time T is made up of two parts: T = t1 + t2 t1 is the maximum time between actuation of the sensing function and the output signal switching For the Allen-Bradley Guardmaster system, t1 = 35 mS. t2 is the response time of the machine i.e. the time required to stop the machine or remove the risks after receiving the output from the Allen-Bradley Guardmaster system. The response time of the machine used in the calculation needs to be the worst case time. Some machines have inconsistent response times which are dependent upon mode of operation, nature of the workplace and point in the operating cycle at which stopping is initiated. An allowance should be made for wear in brakes etc if this can affect the response time. An allowance for further delays in the machine control system may be required in some circumstances. Calculation Example In this example the Allen-Bradley Guardmaster system is being used with a machine whose worst case response time has been measured as 0.485 seconds. Using the formula T = t1 + t2 = 35 mS + 485 mS = 520 mS = 0.520 S S = (1600 x 0.520) + 1200 mm = 832 + 1200 mm = 2032 mm Sensor mats will be required from 2032 mm right up to the edge of the machine base plate. 5.4.3 For Use as a Presence Sensing System within a Perimeter Guarded Area If the area around the hazard is totally enclosed within a guarded perimeter, as shown in Figure 13, the requirements of EN 999 may not apply. In these applications 





    型号:PFTL-301E 0.2KN 





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