PM858K02 3BSE082896R1备件模块
选择性暂停功能。启用后,Windows操作系统将在设备空闲几秒钟时暂停该设备(COM端口未打开)。制造商字符串Prolific Technology Inc.此字段包含产品制造商字符串。Product String USB Serial Controller(产品字符串USB串行控制器)输入此字段时,将是Windows和其他操作系统在首次检测到设备时以及加载驱动程序或未安装驱动程序之前显示的设备字符串。加载驱动程序后,Windows将显示写入驱动程序INF文件中的产品字符串。序列号启用唯一序列号ID·禁用序列号–此选项将禁用序列号。操作系统将为设备分配随机序列号。·启用唯一序列号ID–此默认选项启用芯片内部预先编程的唯一序列号。·自定义序列号–此选项允许客户设置自己的产品序列号:o Auto SN:允许在每次写入后添加前缀,同时数字自动递增。o固定序号:这将写入相同的编号。启用序列号的设备允许为设备分配相同的COM端口号,即使将其插入同一台PC的其他USB端口。注意:制造商+产品+序列号字符串的总字符串长度最多为90个字符。产品数据表PL2303GL版本:2018年12月6日-18/23-版本0.8 10.设计应用示例本节说明了使用PL2303GL的概念设计应用示例。10.1 USB总线供电设计PL2303GL内置3.3V稳压器。USB设备电源(引脚VIN)可以直接从USB VBUS引脚提供。VBUS上USB连接器后面的电容器是USB规范的定义要求。如果调节器输出VO_33需要保持在3.3V,VIN应大于3.6V。还建议在VO_33引脚处添加电容器,请参考示意图。这款内置3.3V稳压器除了提供约10mA的芯片工作电源外,还可以提供100mA的电源。也可以在范围限制下向外部组件供电。图10-1 USB总线供电设计示例VBUS DD+GND调节器VIN VO_33 PL2303GL USB连接器C1 C2产品数据表PL2303GL发布日期:2018年12月6日-19/23-Rev.0.8 10.2 PL2303GR的I/O电源PL2303GG支持宽范围的I/O电压。提供IO电压的简单方法是将VDD_IO直接连接到VO_33引脚,以提供3.3V I/O电压。向VDD_IO添加电容器有助于降低I/O噪声。
Selective Suspend function. When enabled, Windows OS will suspend the device when idle for few seconds (COM port not open). Manufacturer String Prolific Technology Inc. This field contains the product manufacturer string. Product String USB-Serial Controller This field when entered will be the device string displayed by Windows and other OS when device is first detected and before driver is loaded or driver not installed. After driver is loaded, Windows will show the product string written inside the driver INF file. Serial Number Enable Unique Serial Number ID · Disable Serial Number – this option will disable the Serial Number. Operating System will assign a random serial number for the device. · Enable Unique Serial Number ID – this default option enables the unique serial number pre-programmed inside the chip. · Custom Serial Number – this option allows the customer to set own product serial numbering: o Auto SN: allows to add prefix while the numbers auto increment after each write. o Fixed SN: this will write the same number. Device with serial number enabled allows the device to be assigned with the same COM port number even when plug to other USB ports of the same PC. NOTE: The total string length for the manufacturer + product + serial number string is up to 90 characters. Product Data Sheet PL2303GL Release: Dec. 6, 18 - 18 / 23 - Rev.0.8 10. Design Application Examples This section illustrates conceptual design application examples using the PL2303GL. 10.1 USB Bus Powered Design The PL2303GL has a built-in 3.3V regulator. USB device power (pin VIN) can be supplied directly from USB VBUS pin. The capacitor behind the USB connector on VBUS is a defined requirement of USB specification. If the regulator output VO_33 needs to be maintained at 3.3V, VIN should be larger than 3.6V. It is also recommended to add capacitor at VO_33 pin, please refer to schematic. This built-in 3.3V regulator can supply 100mA in addition to providing chip operating power around 10mA. It is also possible to supply power to external components under the range limit. Figure 10-1 USB Bus Powered Design Example VBUS DD+ GND Regulator VIN VO_33 PL2303GL USB connector C1 C2 Product Data Sheet PL2303GL Release: Dec. 6, 18 - 19 / 23 - Rev.0.8 10.2 I/O Power Supply to PL2303GL The PL2303GL supports a wide range of I/O voltage. The simple way to supply IO voltage is to directly connect VDD_IO to VO_33 pin to provide 3.3V I/O voltage. Add capacitor to VDD_IO can help to reduce I/O noise.