PM866AK01 3BSE050198R1工控模块机器人备件
警告请不要低估黄色信息。仔细阅读它们,并执行必要的操作,以确保转换后的系统一致性,从而不会影响业务连续性。红色7这些消息显示可忽略的错误,表明受影响的简化项发生了重要更改。这些错误并不矛盾,但你需要确认你已经阅读并理解了它们。通常,他们指出即将发生的数据丢失、弃用或转换后所需的活动。一旦你确认(即豁免)他们,他们将不再充当转换的阻碍者。8或12这些消息总是指示系统中的不一致。这些不一致性需要在转换之前解决,因为它们会在稍后的SUM阶段起到阻碍作用。有关如何解决不一致问题的信息,请阅读邮件。 注意:软件更新管理器(SUM)在SUM过程开始时运行SI检查,并在停机前再次运行。在开始时,如果检测到带有返回码12的消息,则SUM过程停止。就在停机之前,如果发现返回代码为8或更高的消息,SUM过程将停止。因此,要使SUM进程成功运行,您需要确保SI检查发现的所有不稳定问题都得到解决,消息返回代码为8或更高。有关财务会计控制、总账和资产会计预检查的信息包含在6简化项目检查中。SAP S/4HANA转换指南1809准备转换P U B L I C 23在技术上将系统转换为SAP S/4HANA之后,您必须将迁移相关的自定义设置以及总账、资产会计、控制和物料分类账数据迁移到新的数据结构。有关财务会计转换的更多信息,请参阅SAP附注2332030。 注意:我们建议您首先在开发或测试系统中转换为SAP S/4HANA,以便您能够访问与会计相关的自定义步骤。当您对生产系统进行最后转换时,您可以收集传输请求中的任何更改,并将其移交给SUM工具。
Caution Please do not underestimate yellow messages. Read them carefully and do what is required to ensure system consistency after the conversion, so that business continuity is not compromised. Red 7 These messages show skippable errors that indicate important changes for the affected simplification items. The errors are no inconsistencies, but you need to confirm that you have read and understood them. Usually they point out imminent data loss, deprecation, or required activities after conversion. Once you have confirmed (that is, exempted) them, they will no longer act as blockers for the conversion. 8 or 12 These messages always indicate inconsistencies in the system. These inconsistencies need to be solved before the conversion, as they would act as blockers in later SUM phases. Please read the messages for information about how you can solve the inconsistencies. Note The Software Update Manager (SUM) runs the SI-Check at the beginning of the SUM process and again just before the downtime. At the beginning, the SUM process is stopped if a message with return code 12 is detected. Just before the downtime, the SUM process is stopped if a message with return code 8 or higher is found. So, for the SUM process to run successfully, you need to make sure that all the inconstistencies found by the SI-Check with message return codes at 8 or higher are solved. Information about Financial Accounting Controlling, General Ledger, and Asset Accounting pre-checks are included in the 6implification Item-Check. Conversion Guide for SAP S/4HANA 1809 Preparing the Conversion P U B L I C 23 After you have technically converted your system to SAP S/4HANA, you have to migrate your migrationrelevant Customizing settings as well as your General Ledger, Asset Accounting, Controlling and Material Ledger data to the new data structure. For more information about the conversion of Financial Accounting, see SAP Note 2332030 . Note We recommend that you do the conversion to SAP S/4HANA in a development or test system first, so that you get access to the Accounting-relevant Customizing steps. You collect any changes in transport requests which you hand over to the SUM tool when you do your final conversion of your productive system.