PP877K 3BSE069274R1工控模块机器人备件
请参阅下面的相应章节并遵循说明。使用DriveExplorer Lite/Full进行闪存更新1。安装了闪存套件(请参阅安装闪存套件)后,启动DriveExplorer并使用连接到适配器的驱动器联机(通过以太网连接或1203-USB或22-SCM-232转换器)。2.在DriveExplorer树视图中,单击22-COMM-E EtherNet/IP。然后单击图1所示的信息图标以显示适配器的Properties屏幕。3.在22-COMM-E Properties(22-COMM-E属性)屏幕上,单击Details(详细信息)选项卡。重要信息:此更新可能会导致适配器参数恢复为默认值。升级前,您可能希望使用DriveExplorer或HIM CopyCat功能保存配置。4.要启动闪存更新,请单击闪存更新…按钮。然后从可用更新列表中选择“v1.008.01 App”,然后单击下一步>。遵循剩余的屏幕提示,直到闪存更新过程完成并显示新固件版本(v1008)。使用DriveExecutive进行闪存更新1。安装了闪存套件(请参阅安装闪存套件)后,启动DriveExecutive并使用连接到适配器的驱动器联机(通过以太网连接或1203-USB或22-SCM-232转换器)。2.在DriveExecutive树视图中,单击22-COMM-E适配器。然后单击图2所示的信息图标以显示适配器的Properties屏幕。3.在22-COMM-E Properties(22-COMM-E属性)屏幕上,单击Component Details(组件详细信息)选项卡。重要信息:此更新可能会导致适配器参数恢复为默认值。升级前,您可能希望使用DriveExecutive或HIM CopyCat功能保存配置。6 22-COMM-E EtherNet/IP适配器固件v1.008 4.要启动闪存更新,请单击闪存更新按钮。
.Refer to the respective section below and follow the instructions. Using DriveExplorer Lite/Full to Flash Update 1. With the Flash Kit installed (see Installing the Flash Kit), launch DriveExplorer and go online (via Ethernet connection, or a 1203-USB or 22-SCM-232 converter) with the drive that is connected to the adapter. 2. In the DriveExplorer treeview, click on 22-COMM-E EtherNet/IP. Then click the information icon as shown in Figure 1 to display the adapter’s Properties screen. 3. On the 22-COMM-E Properties screen, click the Details tab. Important:This update may cause the adapter parameters to revert to their default values. You may want to save your configuration using DriveExplorer or the HIM CopyCat feature before upgrading. 4. To start the flash update, click the Flash Update… button. Then select “v1.008.01 App” from the list of available updates and click Next >. Follow the remaining screen prompts until the flash update procedure completes and displays the new firmware version (v1.008). Using DriveExecutive to Flash Update 1. With the Flash Kit installed (see Installing the Flash Kit), launch DriveExecutive and go online (via Ethernet connection, or a 1203-USB or 22-SCM-232 converter) with the drive that is connected to the adapter. 2. In the DriveExecutive treeview, click on 22-COMM-E adapter. Then click the information icon as shown in Figure 2 to display the adapter’s Properties screen. 3. On the 22-COMM-E Properties screen, click the Component Details tab. Important:This update may cause the adapter parameters to revert to their default values. You may want to save your configuration using DriveExecutive or the HIM CopyCat feature before upgrading. 6 22-COMM-E EtherNet/IP Adapter Firmware v1.008 4. To start the flash update, click the Flash Update button.