DI810 3BSE008508R1机器人模块卡件
对于水平居中,将阵列旋转到红色LED熄灭的两个点之间的中间位置。红色LED熄灭绿色LED打开红色LED打开45MLA未对齐对齐绿色LED关闭3垂直对齐1。从两个阵列彼此平行开始,向下滑动接收器并记下两个阵列上红色LED点亮的点。这表示接收器不再与发射器对齐。2.向上滑动接收器,直到接收器上的红色LED熄灭,绿色LED点亮。这表明两个阵列对齐。3.继续向上滑动接收器,注意绿色LED熄灭,两个红色LED点亮的点,再次指示未对准。4.对于垂直居中,将接收器放置在红色LED熄灭的两个点之间的中间位置。接线图45MLA是一个“三盒系统”-每个设置都由发射器阵列、接收器阵列和外部控制器组成。45MLA阵列具有一个M12、8针内螺纹QD,该QD连接到连接电缆445L-AC9RJx(x=3、5或8米长)。445L连接电缆的另一端有一个RJ45连接器,可插入控制器上的端口。发射器插入顶部端口,标有白点。接收器插入标有蓝点的较低端口。445L连接电缆两端都有蓝色和白色标记。建议删除与阵列尾光纤标记不对应的标记。3.2°3.2°45MLA的视野为3.2°接收器阵列发射器阵列45MLA控制器所有电气连接均通过45MLA-CTRL控制器进行。 For horizontal centering, rotate the array halfway between the two points at which the red LEDs turn OFF. Red LED Off Green LED On Red LED On 45MLA Not Aligned Aligned Green LED Off 3 Vertical Alignment 1. Beginning with the two arrays parallel to each other, slide the receiver down and note the point at which the red LEDs turn ON on both arrays. This indicates that the receiver is no longer in line with the emitter. 2. Slide the receiver back upwards until the red LEDs turn OFF and the green LED on the receiver turns ON. This indicates that the two arrays are aligned. 3. Continue to slide the receiver upwards, noting the point at which the green LED turns OFF, and the two red LEDs turn ON, again indicating misalignment. 4. For vertical centering, position the receiver halfway between the two points at which the red LEDs turn OFF. Wiring Diagram The 45MLA is a “Three Box System”—every setup consists of an emitter array, a receiver array, and an external controller. The 45MLA arrays feature an M12, 8-pin female QD which connects to the connecting cable 445L-AC9RJx (x = 3, 5, or 8 meter length). The other end of the 445L connecting cable has an RJ45 connector which plugs into the ports on the controller. The emitter plugs into the top port, marked with the white dot. The receiver plugs into the lower port, marked with the blue dot. The 445L connecting cable comes with both blue and white markers at each end. It is recommended to remove the markers that do not correspond to the array pigtail marker. 3.2° 3.2° The field of view of the 45MLA is 3.2° Receiver Array Emitter Array 45MLA Controller All electrical connections are made via the 45MLA-CTRL controller.