The US Treasury Department has issued regulations on how to enforce this restriction& Will work with the legislature's monetary committee to ensure that Hawaii complies with restrictions. Thank you for considering our comments. Page of Chief Energy Officer of the Governor Hawaii State Energy Office Mailing address of Hawaii: Honolulu Hawaii Tel.: Website:. The Chief Energy Officer supported the testimony of the House Finance Committee on taxation in the conference room and video conference of the Capitol on Friday afternoon. The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Hawaii State Energy Office and the members of the Committee supported and recommended the amendment of the latter to establish a renewable fuel production tax credit. Appreciate the change in the Act, that is, to designate the Ministry of Business and Economic Development and Tourism rather than manage the verification and certification process. Administered certification of previous renewable fuel production tax credits.
Renewable fuels provide local employment opportunities and economic benefits in terms of energy and agriculture, while contributing to the economic diversification of Hawaii and the production potential of food, cosmetics and other value-added products. A ten-year credit period has been created. Compared with the five years under the previous tax credit, the annual total ceiling is set to US $10,000. Compared with the US $10,000 under the previous tax credit, the minimum production requirement of the factory is set to US $billion per year. Before that, it is US $billion. Insert text to ensure that every taxpayer is unqualified. The renewable fuel production tax credit is valid for five years from (date) to (date), as amended by the Hawaiian Congress Act of (year) and further amended by the Act of (year). Tax related - supporting the statement of the Hawaii Energy Office on the date of the month of the year page of more than one ten year credit period.