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UF C760 BE142 3BHE004573R0142模块控制器

UF C760 BE142 3BHE004573R0142模块控制器

UF C760 BE142 3BHE004573R0142模块控制器打开数字输出配置示例本示例将数字输出1配置为“启用”。“启用”表示驱动器的逆变器部分处于活动状态(IGBT开关)。•[DigOut 1 Data]链接至[Logic Status]•[DigOut1 Bit]设置为0当[Logic Status]的“Enabled”位打开时,数字输出1打开。数字输出状态位[Local I/O St...

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UF C760 BE142 3BHE004573R0142模块控制器

    UF C760 BE142 3BHE004573R0142模块控制器


    配置示例本示例将数字输出1配置为“启用”。“启用”表示驱动器的逆变器部分处于活动状态(IGBT开关)。•[DigOut 1 Data]链接至[Logic Status]•[DigOut1 Bit]设置为0当[Logic Status]的“Enabled”位打开时,数字输出1打开。数字输出状态位[Local I/O Status],位16…18指示数字输出的状态,可用于数字输出的故障排除。比特细分如下:•比特16“数字输出3”(输出继电器)•比特17“数字输入1”(辅助输出1)•比特18“数字数字输出2”(辅助输入2)当与数字输出相关的[本地I/O状态]中的比特被设置(=1)时,数字输出被打开。当与数字输出相关的比特未设置(=0)时,数码输出被关闭。方向控制和双极参考电机的旋转方向可以通过正向/反向命令或使用双极信号来控制。参数153[Control Options]第0位“Bipolar Sref”选择此选项。启用该位时(1),使用双极速度参考。


    Par 40[Selected Spd Ref]指示速度大小和方向:正速度参考值(+)=正向,负速度参考值=反向。当该位被禁用时,使用单极速度参考。在单极模式下,速度参考限制为最小值零(0),如最大选择块所示(如下图所示)。在这种情况下,Par 40[选定Spd Ref]仅提供速度大小。方向由Par 153[Applied LogicCmd]第20位“UniPol Fwd”和第21位“UniPol Rev”确定。HIM上的正向/反向48自动化出版物PFLEXRM002DENE2013年8月第1章详细驱动配置和操作按钮是[应用逻辑命令]方向位的一个可能来源。下图说明了HIM上的方向按钮基于“双极SRef”位的条件所产生的影响:在双极或单极模式下,所选方向可根据Par 41的符号[限制Spd Ref]确定。

    Open Digital Output

    Configuration Example This example configures Digital Output 1 as Enabled. "Enabled" indicates that the inverter part of the driver is active (IGBT switch). • [DigOut 1 Data] is linked to [Logic Status] • [DigOut 1 Bit] is set to 0. When the "Enabled" bit of [Logic Status] is turned on, digital output 1 is turned on. Digital output status bit [Local I/O Status], bits 16... 18 indicate the status of digital output, which can be used for troubleshooting digital output. The bits are subdivided as follows: • Bit 16 "Digital Output 3" (output relay) • Bit 17 "Digital Input 1" (auxiliary output 1) • Bit 18 "Digital Output 2" (auxiliary input 2) When the bit in [Local I/O Status] related to the digital output is set (=1), the digital output is turned on. When the bit associated with the digital output is not set (=0), the digital output is turned off. The direction control and the rotation direction of the bipolar reference motor can be controlled by a forward/reverse command or by using a bipolar signal. Parameter 153 [Control Options] bit 0 "Bipolar Sref" selects this option. When this bit is enabled (1), bipolar speed reference is used.

    In bipolar reference mode

    Par 40 [Selected Spd Ref] indicates the speed size and direction: positive speed reference value (+)=positive, negative speed reference value=negative. When this bit is disabled, unipolar speed reference is used. In unipolar mode, the speed reference is limited to the minimum value of zero (0), as shown in the maximum selection block (as shown in the following figure). In this case, Par 40 [Selected Spd Ref] only provides the speed size. The direction is determined by the 20th "UniPol Fwd" and 21st "UniPol Rev" of Par 153 [Applied LogicCmd]. Forward/Reverse 48 Automation Publication PFLEXRM002DENE August 2013 Chapter 1 Detailed Drive Configuration and Operation Buttons on HIM is a possible source of [Apply Logic Command] direction bits. The following figure illustrates the influence of the direction button on the HIM based on the condition of the "bipolar SRef" bit: in the bipolar or unipolar mode, the selected direction can be determined according to the symbol [Limit Spd Ref] of Par 41.





    型号:UF C760 BE142 3BHE004573R0142 





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