该点的定义是,电机温度为25°C,控制器温度为60°C。产品数据1326AB交流伺服电机10额定运行区域——速度-转矩曲线的边界,其中电机和控制器组合可在伺服基础上运行,而不超过任何一个的RMS额定值。公式详情见第31页。Tpa2 x t1+Tss2 x t2+Tpd2 x t3+Tr2 x t4 t1+t2+t3+t4 RMS扭矩=间歇运行区域–速度-扭矩曲线的边界,在不超过占空比RMS连续扭矩限制的情况下,电机和控制器组合可在加速-减速模式下运行,而不超过两者的峰值额定值。连续电流–在额定温度和40°C环境下,带绕组的电机的额定电流。
Product Data
This point is defined as a motor temperature of 25 ° C and a controller temperature of 60 ° C. Product data 1326AB AC servo motor 10 rated operation area - the boundary of speed torque curve, where the combination of motor and controller can operate on the basis of servo without exceeding the RMS rating of any one. See page 31 for formula details. Tpa2 x t1+Tss2 x t2+Tpd2 x t3+Tr2 x t4 t1+t2+t3+t4 RMS torque=Intermittent operation area – boundary of speed torque curve. Under the condition that the continuous torque limit of duty cycle RMS is not exceeded, the combination of motor and controller can operate in acceleration deceleration mode without exceeding the peak value rating of both. Continuous Current – The rated current of a motor with windings at rated temperature and 40 ° C.
Operate in a rated environment of 60 ° C. Peak Current – The amount of current applied to the motor without damaging it. Mechanical Time Constant – The time it takes for the motor to reach 63% of its final speed when a step voltage is applied. Electrical time constant – the time required for the motor to reach 63% of the rated current. Maximum ambient temperature - the maximum ambient temperature at which a motor can operate under rated load without exceeding its insulation type temperature rise limit. Insulation class - designation of operating temperature limits of motor insulation materials. Thermal time constant - the time when the motor winding reaches 63% of continuous temperature rise, and the loss is constant. Constant torque – The amount of torque produced by one ampere of motor current at the specified motor temperature. Voltage Constant – The value of the voltage produced at a specified speed when the rotor is mechanically moving in a magnetic field.