1.从Allen Bradley Web Updates网站安装20-COMM-E适配器的闪存套件实用程序。(这也会自动安装最新版本的ControlFLASH实用程序,并在您的计算机上部署用于HyperTerminal的固件文件。)2.您现在可以使用DriveExplorer、DriveExecutive、ControlFLASH或HyperTermination来更新适配器。请参阅下面的相应章节并按照说明进行操作。步骤3步骤2步骤4!注意:存在永久性设备损坏的风险。启动闪存更新后,在下载完成且适配器MOD状态指示灯开始闪烁绿色之前,请勿断开驱动器(或20-XCOMM-DC-BASE外部通信套件,如果使用)的电源。如果在此之前断电,适配器可能会永久损坏。以这种方式损坏的适配器无法修理。6 20-COMM-E EtherNet/IP适配器固件v4.001使用DriveExplorer Lite/Full 1.安装闪存套件(请参阅第5页的安装闪存套件)后,连接到适配器的驱动器联机
启动DriveExplorer并使用连接到适配器的驱动器联机(仅使用DriveExplorer Full或1203-USB或1203-SSS转换器通过EtherNet/IP)。
Installing the flash kit
1. Install the flash kit utility for the 20-COMM-E adapter from the Allen Bradley Web Updates website. (This will also automatically install the latest version of ControlFLASH utility and deploy the firmware file for HyperTerminal on your computer.) 2. You can now use DriveExplorer, DriveExecutive, ControlFLASH or HyperTermination to update the adapter. Refer to the appropriate sections below and follow the instructions. Step 3 Step 2 Step 4! Note: There is a risk of permanent equipment damage. After starting the flash update, do not disconnect the power supply of the drive (or 20-XCOMM-DC-BASE external communication kit, if used) until the download is complete and the adapter MOD status indicator starts flashing green. If power is lost before this, the adapter may be permanently damaged. An adapter that is damaged in this way cannot be repaired. 6 20-COMM-E EtherNet/IP Adapter Firmware v4.001 Using DriveExplorer Lite/Full 1. After installing the flash kit (see Installing the flash kit on page 5), the drive connected to the adapter comes online
Start DriveExplorer and go online using the drive connected to the adapter (via EtherNet/IP using DriveExplorer Full or 1203-USB or 1203-SSS converters only).
2. In the DriveExplorer tree view, click 20-COMM-E adapter. Then click the information icon, as shown in Figure 1, to display the Properties screen of the adapter. 3. On the 20-COMM-E Properties screen, click the Details tab.