将S/S引脚拉高,将其连接到VIN或保持浮动。要同步切换,请在600kHz和800kHz之间驱动S/S引脚。 VIN:带低ESR电容器的旁路输入电源引脚,10µF或更高。当VIN降至2.5V以下时,调节器进入欠压锁定状态。欠压锁定停止开关并将VC引脚拉低。VSW:开关引脚是电源开关的集电极,有大电流流过。尽量缩短开关元件的迹线,以尽量减少辐射和电压尖峰。
将所有接地引脚连接到高质量接地平面。请参阅应用程序信息。6 LT1370 sn1370 1370fs框图操作U LT1370是一个电流模式开关。这意味着开关占空比由开关电流而不是输出电压直接控制。参考方框图,开关在每个振荡器周期开始时接通。当开关电流达到预定水平时,它关闭。通过使用电压感测误差放大器的输出来设置电流跳闸电平来获得对输出电压的控制。这种技术有几个优点。
With low ESR capacitor
Pull the S/S pin up, connect it to the VIN or keep it floating. To switch synchronously, drive the S/S pin between 600kHz and 800kHz. VIN: Bypass input power supply pin with low ESR capacitor, 10 µ F or higher. When the VIN drops below 2.5V, the regulator enters the undervoltage locking state. Undervoltage lockout stop switch and pull down VC pin. VSW: The switch pin is the collector of the power switch, and a large current flows through it. Shorten the trace of switching elements as much as possible to minimize radiation and voltage spikes.
Connect all ground pins to a high quality ground plane. See application information. 6 The LT1370 sn1370 1370fs block diagram operation U LT1370 is a current mode switch. This means that the switching duty cycle is directly controlled by the switching current rather than the output voltage. Referring to the block diagram, the switch turns ON at the beginning of each oscillator cycle. When the switching current reaches a predetermined level, it turns off. The output voltage is controlled by setting the current trip level using the output of the voltage sensing error amplifier. This technology has several advantages.