300MVA脉冲发电机组由8500kW绕线异步电动机及300MVA脉冲发电机组成为一同轴系联轴器连接,机组飞轮力矩为7300t.m2。 8500kW电动机作为机组的拖动电机,基本参数为6000V、991A,转子开路电压2498V、转子额定电流2062A。
图1 脉冲发电机
1.1 一次回路及保护
移相角度 = 60°/ 每相单元数量
由于为功率单元提供电源的变压器副边绕组间有一定的相位差,从而消除了大部分由单个功率单元所引起的谐波电流,所以HIVERT变频器输入电流的总谐波含量(THD)远小于国家标准5%的要求,并且能保持接近1的输入功率因数。三相输出Y接,得到驱动电机所需的可变频三相高压电源。which is very convenient and fast for data processing In this project, there are a lot of data to be read and written, and array processing is adopted, which is very good
4 process treatment package
S7-1200 has customized PID and motion control instruction package, which makes it easier for engineers to complete process and positioning control.
5 custom software components
In the past, the definition of soft components by PLC was determined before leaving the factory. For example, the number of counters and timers can not be changed. Often, the number of applied soft components is different in different applications. Sometimes the timer runs out and a large number of counters remain. S7-1200 has many advantages in this point. Soft components can be defined by itself. If you want to use a few, you can define a few, which is much more flexible and convenient.
In addition, I believe that there are many new features in s7-1200 applications to be developed and experienced.
4. Product hardware configurationThis part mainly makes a detailed description of the product hardware design around SIMATIC s7-1200 in the whole projec