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81943A041 PLC工控备件

81943A041 PLC工控备件

81943A041 PLC工控备件执行的操作帮助这将告诉光标下的项目可能执行的操作(如果有)。如果按下鼠标右键时光标位于块的引脚上,“快速帮助”将列出可用的引脚动作。按F3键可打开“信息”窗口(即使信息窗口已经可见,也可以按F3按钮更改其内容,请参见下文)。此窗口包含所有可用信息项的列表(例如,所有块的描述),您可以通过单击项列表中的信息项来选择要查看的信息项。没有必要关闭此信息窗口,因为它“浮动...

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81943A041 PLC工控备件

    81943A041 PLC工控备件


    帮助这将告诉光标下的项目可能执行的操作(如果有)。如果按下鼠标右键时光标位于块的引脚上,“快速帮助”将列出可用的引脚动作。按F3键可打开“信息”窗口(即使信息窗口已经可见,也可以按F3按钮更改其内容,请参见下文)。此窗口包含所有可用信息项的列表(例如,所有块的描述),您可以通过单击项列表中的信息项来选择要查看的信息项。没有必要关闭此信息窗口,因为它“浮动”在程序页面上。如果按F3键时光标位于程序页面中的某个块上,则该块的描述将显示在“信息”窗口中。DriveAP包括两种不同的用户界面类型:•标准•高级这两种界面之间的主要区别在于程序页面的数量和布局。当驱动器中的程序已上载(或程序文件已打开)时,DriveAP会自动为该程序选择适当的用户界面。标准用户界面用于自适应编程程序(有关自适应编程方法的更多信息,请参阅AdaptiveProgrammingGuide.pdf手册)。一个程序包含一个时间级别和一个页面,包含三个部分:•用户常数位于左侧•功能块位于在中间。没有块(如果有)显示为空矩形。•连接和指针参数位于右侧。高级用户界面用于多块编程应用程序。注意:只有DriveAP 2包括此接口。一个程序可以包含多个时间级别,每个时间级别有五个页面(即总页面数=5*时间级别数)。


    所有页面都可以包含以下块:•输入IO块(如果有)位于左侧标准用户界面高级用户界面使用DriveAP DriveAP用户手册3-3•正常块(如果有的话)位于中间•输出IO块(如有)位于右侧•注释块(如有的话)可以位于每页上显示网格的任何位置。您只能将块添加和移动到此网格的空交叉点(并且此网格点周围必须有足够的空白空间)。当前可见的页面将以“完全贴合模式”(缩小)或“正常模式”(放大)显示。您可以通过单击页面上的任何位置来更改显示模式(如果放大,单击点将位于缩放页面的中心)。屏幕底部有所有页面的选项卡,您可以通过这些选项卡选择所需页面(如果页面上有一个或多个块,则相应的选项卡中会显示星号)。除了页面选项卡之外,还有信息选项卡。通过此选项卡(或按F3键)可以打开“信息”窗口(如前所述)。启动后,DriveAP处于独立模式。在此模式下,DriveAP可以在没有连接到驱动器的情况下使用。通过菜单命令“文件-新建”,您可以读取并显示模板文件的内容。模板是一个空程序,当您创建新程序时,它用作起点。E、 g.模板文件MbpaTemplate。ap用于新的MultiBlock程序和模板文件StdTemplate。ap用于新的自适应程序。注意:以后保存新程序时,不要使用模板文件的名称!通过菜单命令文件-打开,您可以读取并显示先前保存的AP文件的内容。所有AP文件的文件扩展名为AP。如果光标位于块上,并按F3键,则该块的描述将显示在“信息”窗口中。如果需要,现在可以修改屏幕上的AP程序(参见本章中的“程序修改”一节)。通过菜单命令“文件-保存”或“文件-另存为”将屏幕上的程序保存到磁盘文件。所有AP文件的文件扩展名必须为AP。

    Action performed

    Help This tells you what the item under the cursor might do, if any. If the pointer is on the pin of the block when the right mouse button is pressed, Quick Help lists the available pin actions. Press F3 to open the Info window (even if the Info window is already visible, you can press F3 to change its contents, see below). This window contains a list of all available information items (for example, descriptions of all blocks). You can select the information items to view by clicking the information items in the item list. It is not necessary to close this information window because it "floats" on the program page. If you press F3 and the cursor is on a block in the program page, the description of the block will be displayed in the Info window. DriveAP includes two different user interface types: • Standard • Advanced. The main difference between the two interfaces is the number and layout of program pages. When a program in the drive has been uploaded (or a program file has been opened), DriveAP automatically selects the appropriate user interface for the program. The standard user interface is used for adaptive programming programs (for more information about adaptive programming methods, see the Adaptive Programming Guide. pdf manual). A program contains a time level and a page, including three parts: • The user constant is on the left side • The function block is in the middle. No blocks, if any, are displayed as empty rectangles. • The connection and pointer parameters are on the right. The advanced user interface is used for multi block programming applications. Note: Only DriveAP 2 includes this interface. A program can contain multiple time levels, and each time level has five pages (that is, the total number of pages=5 * the number of time levels).

    Input IO block

    All pages can contain the following blocks: • The input IO block (if any) is located on the left Standard User Interface Advanced User Interface Using DriveAP DriveAP User Manual 3-3 • The normal block (if any) is located in the middle • The output IO block (if any) is located on the right • The comment block (if any) can be located anywhere on each page where the grid is displayed. You can only add and move blocks to an empty intersection of this grid (and there must be enough free space around this grid point). The currently visible page will be displayed in Full Fit Mode (Zoom Out) or Normal Mode (Zoom In). You can change the display mode by clicking anywhere on the page (if you zoom in, the click point will be in the center of the zoomed page). At the bottom of the screen are tabs for all pages that allow you to select the desired page (if there are one or more blocks on the page, an asterisk appears in the corresponding tab). In addition to the page tab, there is also the information tab. This tab (or press F3) opens the Info window, as described previously. After startup, DriveAP is in standalone mode. In this mode, DriveAP can be used without being connected to the drive. With the menu command "File - New", you can read and display the contents of the template file. A template is an empty program that is used as a starting point when you create a new program. E. g. Template file MbpaTemplate. Ap is used for the new MultiBlock program and template file StdTemplate. Ap is used for the new adaption. Note: Do not use the name of the template file when saving a new program in the future! Through the menu command File - Open, you can read and display the contents of the previously saved AP file. The file extension of all AP files is AP. If the cursor is over a block and you press F3, the description of the block is displayed in the Information window. If necessary, you can now modify the AP program on the screen (see the "Program Modification" section in this chapter). Save the program on the screen to a disk file through the menu command "File Save" or "File Save As". All AP files must have an AP file extension.









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