3BHB021455R0001 PLC工控备件
(CSD)卡特定数据注册表提供有关如何访问e•MMC内容的信息。CSD定义了数据格式、纠错类型、最大数据访问时间、数据传输速度、是否可以使用DSR寄存器等。CMD27可以更改寄存器的可编程部分(标有W或E的条目,见下文)。下表中的条目类型编码如下: R: 只读 W: 一次性可编程且不可读。 R/W:一次性可编程和可读。 W/E:电源故障、H/W重置断言和任何CMD0重置后保持值的多个可写且不可读。 R/W/E:电源故障、H/W复位断言和任何CMD0复位后保持值的多重可写性和可读性。 R/W/C_P:电源故障和HW/rest断言(CMD0复位未清除的值)清除值后可写且可读。 R/W/E_P:多重可写,断电后值重置,H/W重置断言,任何CMD0重置和可读。 W/E/_P:多重可写,断电后值重置,H/W重置断言和任何CMD0重置,不可读。MKEV008GCB-SC510-13-名称字段宽度单元类型CSD片值CSD结构CSD_structure 2 R[127:126]3h系统规范版本SPEC_VERS 4 R[125:122]4h保留-2 R[121:120]0h数据读取访问时间1 TAAC 8 R[119:112]2h数据读取访问时间2 CLK周期(NSAC*100)NSAC 8 R[111:104]1h最大总线时钟频率TRAN_SPEED 8 R[103:96]2Ah板卡命令类CCC 12 R[95:84]5F5h最大读取数据块长度read_BL_LEN 4 R[83:80]9h允许读取的部分块read_CL_Partial 1 R[79:79]0h写入块未对准Write_BLK_MISALIGN 1 R[78:78]0h读取块未对准read_BK_MISELIGN 1 R[77:77]0h DSR实现的DSR_IMP 1 R[76:76]0h保留-2 R[75:74]0h设备大小C_size 12 R[73:62]FFFh VDD min VDD_R_CURR_min 3 R时的最大读取电流
VDD最大VDD_R_CURR_Max 3 R[58:56]6h最大写入电流@VDD_最小VDD_W_CURR_IN 3 R[55:53]6h写入电流@最大VDD VDD_W _CURR_ Max 3 R[52:50]6h设备大小乘数C_size_MULT 3 R[49:47]7h擦除组大小Erase_GRP_size 5 R[46:42]1h擦除组尺寸乘数Erase_ GRP_MULT 5 R[41:37]1h写入保护组大小WP_GRP_SITE 5 R[36:32]13小时写入保护组启用WP_GRP_MULT 1 R[31:31]1h制造商默认ECC default_ECC 2 R[30:29]0h写入速度因子R2W_factor 3 R[28:26]1h最大写入数据块长度Write_BL_LEN 4 R[25:22]9h允许写入的部分块Write_PL_Partial 1 R[21:21]0h保留-4 R[20:17]0h内容保护应用程序Content_PROT_APP 1 R[16:16]0h文件格式组File_format_GRP 1R/W[15:15]0h复制标志(OTP)Copy 1 R/W[14:14]0h永久写保护PERM_write_PROTECT 1 R/W[13:13]0h临时写保护TMP_write_PROTECT 2 R/W/E[12:12]0h文件格式File_format 2 R/W[11:10]0h CRC CRC 7 R/W/E[7:1]Dh未使用,始终为“1”-1-[0:0]1h MKEV008GCB-SC510-14-6.6扩展CSD寄存器扩展CSD注册表定义e•MMC属性和所选模式。它有512字节长。最重要的320字节是属性段,它定义了e•MMC功能,并且主机无法修改。下面的192字节是模式段,它定义了e•MMC工作的配置。主机可以通过SWITCH命令更改这些模式。 R: 只读 W: 一次性可编程且不可读。 R/W:一次性可编程和可读。 W/E:电源故障、H/W重置断言和任何CMD0重置后保持值的多个可写且不可读。 R/W/E:电源故障、H/W复位断言和任何CMD0复位后保持值的多重可写性和可读性。 R/W/C_P:电源故障和HW/rest断言(CMD0复位未清除的值)清除值后可写且可读。 R/W/E_P:多重可写,断电后值重置,H/W重置断言,任何CMD0重置和可读。 W/E/_P:可多次写入,断电后值重置,H/W重置断言和任何CMD0重置
Specific data register
The (CSD) Cartesian data registry provides information on how to access e • MMC content. CSD defines data format, error correction type, maximum data access time, data transmission speed, whether DSR register can be used, etc. CMD27 can change the programmable part of the register (entries marked W or E, see below). The item type codes in the following table are as follows: R: read-only W: one-time programmable and unreadable. R/W: one-time programmable and readable. W/E: multiple writable and unreadable values of power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset. R/W/E: multiple writability and readability of power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset value. R/W/C_ P: The power failure and HW/rest assertion (CMD0 resets the uncleared value) can be written and readable after the value is cleared. R/W/E_ P: Multiple writable, value reset after power failure, H/W reset assertion, any CMD0 reset and readable. W/E/_ P: Multiple writable, value reset after power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset, unreadable. MKEV008GCB-SC510-13 - Name Field Width Unit Type CSD Slice Value CSD Structure CSD_ Structure 2 R [127:126] 3h system specification version SPEC_ VERS 4 R [125:122] 4h retention - 2 R [121:120] 0h data read access time 1 TAAC 8 R [119:112] 2h data read access time 2 CLK cycles (NSAC * 100) NSAC 8 R [111:104] 1h maximum bus clock frequency TRAN_ SPEED 8 R [103:96] 2Ah board command class CCC 12 R [95:84] 5F5h maximum read data block length read_ BL_ LEN 4 R [83:80] 9h Partial read allowed_ CL_ Partial 1 R [79:79] 0h Write block misaligned Write_ BLK_ MISALIGN 1 R [78:78] 0h read block misaligned read_ BK_ DSR implemented by MISELIGN 1 R [77:77] 0h DSR_ IMP 1 R [76:76] 0h Reserved - 2 R [75:74] 0h Device size C_ size 12 R[73:62]FFFh VDD min VDD_ R_ CURR_ Maximum reading current at min 3 R
Maximum reading current
VDD Maximum VDD_ R_ CURR_ Max 3 R [58:56] 6h maximum write current @ VDD_ Minimum VDD_ W_ CURR_ IN 3 R [55:53] 6h write current @ maximum VDD VDD_ W _ CURR_ Max 3 R [52:50] 6h Device Size Multiplier C_ size_ MULTI 3 R [49:47] 7h Erase group size Erase_ GRP_ Size 5 R [46:42] 1h Erase group size multiplier_ GRP_ MULTI 5 R [41:37] 1h Write protection group size WP_ GRP_ SITE 5 R [36:32] Enable WP for 13 hour write protection group_ GRP_ MULT 1 R [31:31] 1h Manufacturer default ECC default_ ECC 2 R [30:29] 0h Write speed factor R2W_ Factor 3 R [28:26] 1h maximum write data block length Write_ BL_ LEN 4 R [25:22] 9h Write of partial blocks allowed to be written_ PL_ Partial 1 R [21:21] 0h retention - 4 R [20:17] 0h content protection application Content_ PROT_ APP 1 R [16:16] 0h file format group File_ format_ GRP 1R/W [15:15] 0h Copy flag (OTP) Copy 1 R/W [14:14] 0h Permanently write protected PERM_ write_ PROTECT 1 R/W [13:13] 0h temporary write protection TMP_ write_ PROTECT 2 R/W/E [12:12] 0h File format_ Format 2 R/W [11:10] 0h CRC CRC 7 R/W/E [7:1] Dh is not used and is always "1" - 1 - [0:00] 1h MKEV008GCB-SC510-14-6.6 Extended CSD register Extended CSD registry definition e • MMC attribute and selected mode. It is 512 bytes long. The most important 320 bytes is the attribute segment, which defines the e • MMC function and cannot be modified by the host. The following 192 bytes are the mode segments, which define the configuration of e • MMC. The host can change these modes through the SWITCH command. R: read-only W: one-time programmable and unreadable. R/W: one-time programmable and readable. W/E: multiple writable and unreadable values of power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset. R/W/E: multiple writability and readability of power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset value. R/W/C_ P: The power failure and HW/rest assertion (CMD0 resets the uncleared value) can be written and readable after the value is cleared. R/W/E_ P: Multiple writable, value reset after power failure, H/W reset assertion, any CMD0 reset and readable. W/E/_ P: Multiple writes, value reset after power failure, H/W reset assertion and any CMD0 reset