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330001-01震动模块控制器精度振动变量RMS包络峰值为20至500 m/s2(2至50 g),RMS积分峰值为10至100 mm/s(0.4至4 in/s),均方根偏置电压为24 V,精度振动变量为满量程输入阻抗的1%,3线电压模式为10 kΩ 速度和往复速度通道类型速度通道类型和往复流速通道类型支持双线和三线压电速度传感器。速度变量和往复速度变量速度变量和往返速度变量是从原始传感器信号中过...

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    RMS包络峰值为20至500 m/s2(2至50 g),RMS积分峰值为10至100 mm/s(0.4至4 in/s),均方根偏置电压为24 V,精度振动变量为满量程输入阻抗的±1%,3线电压模式为10 kΩ 速度和往复速度通道类型速度通道类型和往复流速通道类型支持双线和三线压电速度传感器。速度变量和往复速度变量速度变量和往返速度变量是从原始传感器信号中过滤和处理的测量值。速度通道类型和往复速度通道类型支持每个通道最多四个连续计算的变量。振动最多三次带通滤波振幅测量。偏置电压用户可以将传感器偏置电压的值分配给任何变量。可配置选项每个变量都独立配置有以下选项。振动变量l峰值或RMS l公制或英制单位l滤波器转角频率l满量程l速度集成到位移滤波器振动变量0.5 Hz至5.5 kHz,可配置8极高通,4极低通偏置滤波器0.09 Hz 1极低通OK滤波器:2.4 kHz 1极高通满量程振动10至50 mm/s(0.5至2 in/s)峰值和RMS积分100至500μm(5至20 mil)峰间偏置电压-24 V精度振动变量满量程输入阻抗的±1%3线电压模式10 kΩ 径向振动通道类型径向振动通道使用接近传感器测量径向轴运动。径向振动变量径向振动变量是从原始传感器中过滤和处理的测量值。径向振动通道类型支持每个通道最多四个连续计算变量。直接最多三个带通滤波振幅测量间隙间隙电压振动最多三个经带通滤波的振幅测量可配置选项1900/65A通用设备监测器数据表4/22 173401修订版T每个变量可独立配置以下选项。


    公制或英制单位l滤波器角频率l滤波器极点数l满量程滤波器直接滤波器1 4至4000 Hz(240至240000 RPM)直接滤波器2 1至600 Hz(60至36000 RPM)直通滤波器特性由攻击和衰减设置的高通,1极低通间隙滤波器0.09 Hz 1极低通过振动变量0.5 Hz至4 kHz,可配置1-、2-、,或4极高通和低通,可配置OK滤波器2.4 kHz 1极低通满量程通频100至500μm(3至20 mil)峰间间隙-24 V精度振动变量满量程输入阻抗的±1%不可配置10 kΩ 推力通道类型推力通道类型使用接近传感器测量轴向轴运动。推力变量推力变量是从原始传感器信号中过滤和处理的测量值。位置轴的轴向位置间隙、电压或位置可配置选项每个变量独立配置有以下选项。位置变量公制或英制单位满量程滤波器直接滤波器:1.2 Hz单极低通间隙滤波器0.41 Hz单极正常低通滤波器:2.4 kHz单极通低通满量程位置1至4 mm(50至150 mil)量程,带可调零位间隙-24 V准确度位置变量满量程输入阻抗的±1%不可配置10 kΩ 位置通道类型位置通道类型使用接近传感器测量机械运动。位置变量位置变量是从原始传感器信号中过滤和处理的测量值。位置机械位置间隙、电压或位置可配置选项

    Precision vibration variable

    The RMS envelope peak value is 20 to 500 m/s2 (2 to 50 g), the RMS integration peak value is 10 to 100 mm/s (0.4 to 4 in/s), the RMS root mean square bias voltage is 24 V, the precision vibration variable is ± 1% of the full range input impedance, and the 3-wire voltage mode is 10 k Ω speed and reciprocating speed channel types. The speed channel type and reciprocating speed channel type support two-wire and three wire piezoelectric speed sensors. Speed variable and reciprocating speed variable Speed variable and reciprocating speed variable are the measured values filtered and processed from the original sensor signal. The Velocity Channel Type and Reciprocating Velocity Channel Type support up to four continuously calculated variables per channel. Vibration up to three band-pass filtered amplitude measurements. Offset Voltage The user can assign the value of the sensor offset voltage to any variable. Configurable Options Each variable is independently configured with the following options. Vibration variable l peak value or RMS l metric or imperial unit l filter corner frequency l full scale l speed integrated to displacement filter Vibration variable 0.5 Hz to 5.5 kHz, 8-pole high pass, 4-pole low-pass offset filter 0.09 Hz 1 pole low-pass OK filter: 2.4 kHz 1 pole high pass full scale vibration 10 to 50 mm/s (0.5 to 2 in/s) peak value and RMS integral 100 to 500 μ M (5 to 20 mil) peak to peak bias voltage - 24 V Accuracy vibration variable ± 1% of full scale input impedance% 3 Line voltage mode 10 k Ω Radial vibration channel type Radial vibration channel uses proximity sensors to measure radial shaft motion. Radial vibration variable Radial vibration variable is the measured value filtered and processed from the original sensor. The radial vibration channel type supports up to four consecutive calculated variables per channel. Directly up to three band-pass filtered amplitude measurements Gap voltage vibrations Up to three band-pass filtered amplitude measurements Configurable options 1900/65A Universal Unit Monitor Data Sheet 4/22 173401 Revision T Each variable can be independently configured with the following options.

    Vibration variable

    Metric or imperial units l filter angular frequency l filter poles l full scale filter direct filter 1 4 to 4000 Hz (240 to 240000 RPM) direct filter 2 1 to 600 Hz (60 to 36000 RPM) pass through filter features high pass set by attack and attenuation, 1 extremely low pass gap filter 0.09 Hz 1 extremely low pass through vibration variable 0.5 Hz to 4 kHz, 1 -, 2 -, or 4-pole high pass and low pass can be configured, Configurable OK filter 2.4 kHz 1 very low pass full scale direct frequency 100 to 500 μ M (3 to 20 mil) peak to peak clearance - ± 1% of full scale input impedance of 24 V precision vibration variable is not configurable 10 k Ω thrust channel type thrust channel type uses proximity sensors to measure axial shaft motion. Thrust variable The thrust variable is the measured value filtered and processed from the original sensor signal. The axial position clearance, voltage or position configurable options of the position axis are independently configured with the following options for each variable. Position variable metric or imperial unit full scale filter Direct filter: 1.2 Hz unipolar low-pass gap filter 0.41 Hz unipolar normal low-pass filter: 2.4 kHz unipolar low-pass full scale position 1 to 4 mm (50 to 150 mil) range, with adjustable zero position gap - 24 V accuracy Position variable ± 1% of full scale input impedance Not configurable 10 k Ω position channel type Position channel type Use proximity sensors to measure mechanical motion. Position variable A position variable is a measured value filtered and processed from the original sensor signal. PositionMechanical PositionGap, Voltage, or PositionConfigurable Options





    型号: 330001-01 




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