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DSAI130  DCS模块卡件

DSAI130 DCS模块卡件

DSAI130 DCS模块卡件以太网操作说明除非CPU正在运行2.51或更高版本的固件。此固件可在升级套件44A7522290-G01中获得。SRTP和EGD性能与90*-30系列SRTP不同,RX3i中的EGD性能也与90-30系列略有不同。每个RX3i以太网接口支持更多的SRTP连接和EGD交换。与90-30系列相比,RX3i目前有几个SRTP和EGD操作限制。当将90-30以太网应用程序迁...

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DSAI130 DCS模块卡件

    DSAI130  DCS模块卡件


    除非CPU正在运行2.51或更高版本的固件。此固件可在升级套件44A7522290-G01中获得。SRTP和EGD性能与90*-30系列SRTP不同,RX3i中的EGD性能也与90-30系列略有不同。每个RX3i以太网接口支持更多的SRTP连接和EGD交换。与90-30系列相比,RX3i目前有几个SRTP和EGD操作限制。当将90-30以太网应用程序迁移到RX3i时,请仔细阅读以太网操作说明。RX3i不支持90-30系列LAN接口模块(IC693CMM321)RX3i并不支持90-300系列LAN接口模件(IC693CMM321),不应将其放置在RX3i机架中。(与任何90-30系列CPU一样,带有嵌入式LAN接口的90-30 CPU、IC693CPU364和IC693CPU374不应放置在RX3i机架中。)PACSystems Ethernet接口3.60版的Modbus/TCP支持增加了Modbus/TPC客户端通道功能。它支持Modbus Conformance Class 0功能代码3和16,Conformance Type 1功能代码1、2、4、5、6和7,Conformnce Class 2功能代码15、22、23和24。PACSystems以太网支持所有客户端协议之间共享的32个客户端连接。例如,如果SRTP通道使用16个客户端连接,则Modbus/TCP通道有16个客户端可用连接。任何给定的信道一次只能分配给一个协议。编程器版本要求Proficy*Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.8或更高版本必须用于执行EGD交换的运行模式存储。Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.7或更高版本必须用于5.00版的新功能。


    Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.5 Service Pack 2或更高版本必须用于4.00版新功能。Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.0 Service Pack 3或更高版本必须用于为Modbus/TCP服务器操作编程RX3i CPU。CIMPLICITY*Plant Edition版本要求带有更新040204_s90tcp_6101或Service Pack 2或更高版本的CIMPLICITY Plant Edition6.1 Service Pack 1a必须用于与PACSystems的以太网通信。本发布主题描述中的新功能和增强功能网络安全安全增强功能旨在增强产品抵御攻击者的能力。RX3i以太网接口模块IPI IC695ETM001-JX 2017年11月7日GFK-2332Z问题由本版本解决主题ID代码描述EGD的运行模式存储在FW 6.41 DE4073 SFDC:00423545中不起作用。此问题在固件版本6.42中得到纠正。6.40之前的RX3i ETM固件版本不存在此问题。在使用FW 6.41 DE4110 SFDC:00441388与远程ETM001建立连接时设置TCP重置标志。在RX3i Ethernet固件6.40/6.41中,引入了一个问题,远程ETM01在维护与PME的TCP连接时出现问题。当问题发生时,它会干扰下载到或上载

    Ethernet operating instructions

    Unless the CPU is running firmware version 2.51 or later. This firmware is available in the upgrade kit 44A7522290-G01. SRTP and EGD performance are different from 90 * - 30 series SRTP, and EGD performance in RX3i is also slightly different from 90-30 series. Each RX3i Ethernet interface supports more SRTP connections and EGD switching. Compared with the 90-30 series, RX3i currently has several SRTP and EGD operation limitations. When migrating 90-30 Ethernet applications to RX3i, please read the Ethernet operating instructions carefully. The RX3i does not support the 90-30 series LAN interface module (IC693CMM321). The RX3i does not support the 90-300 series LAN interface module (IC693CMM321) and should not be placed in the RX3i rack. (Like any 90-30 series CPU, the 90-30 CPU with embedded LAN interface, IC693CPU364 and IC693CPU374 should not be placed in the RX3i rack.) Modbus/TCP support of PACSystems Ethernet Interface version 3.60 adds the Modbus/TPC client channel function. It supports Modbus Conformance Class 0 function codes 3 and 16, Conformance Type 1 function codes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7, and Conformance Class 2 function codes 15, 22, 23 and 24. PACSystems Ethernet supports 32 client connections shared between all client protocols. For example, if the SRTP channel uses 16 client connections, the Modbus/TCP channel has 16 client connections available. Any given channel can only be assigned to one protocol at a time. The programmer version requires that Professional * Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.8 or higher must be used for the operation mode storage of EGD exchange. Professional Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.7 or higher must be used for the new features of Version 5.00.

    Server operation programming

    Professional Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.5 Service Pack 2 or later must be used for the new 4.00 features. Professional Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.0 Service Pack 3 or later must be used to program the RX3i CPU for Modbus/TCP server operations. CIMPLICITY * Plant Edition version requires update 040204_ s90tcp_ 6101 or Service Pack 2 or later version of CIMPLICITY Plant Edition 6.1 Service Pack 1a must be used for Ethernet communication with PACSystems. The new features and enhancements described in this release topic Network Security Enhancements are designed to enhance the product's ability to withstand attackers. The problem with the RX3i Ethernet interface module IPI IC695ETM001-JX GFK-2332Z on November 7, 2017 is solved by this version. The topic ID code describes that the EGD's operation mode is stored in FW 6.41 DE4073 SFDC: 00423545 and does not work. This issue was corrected in firmware version 6.42. This problem does not exist in RX3i ETM firmware versions before 6.40. Set the TCP reset flag when using FW 6.41 DE4110 SFDC: 00,441,388 to establish a connection with the remote ETM001. In the RX3i Ethernet firmware 6.40/6.41, a problem was introduced. The remote ETM01 had problems maintaining the TCP connection with the PME. When a problem occurs, it interferes with downloading or uploading










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