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3BSE028144R0065张力传感器 错误和警告消息.错误是指导致张力电子设备不正常工作的原因。警告是可能影响测量精度的东西。当出现警告或错误时,操作员面板上将显示警告或错误消息,“状态”指示从绿色变为红色。按下时,消息将从显示屏上消失。如果激活警告或错误消息的问题消失,“状态”指示变为绿色。如果错误或警告仍然存在,则“Status”(状态)指示为红色。使用转至最后一个菜单,您可以在其中读取错...

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    .错误是指导致张力电子设备不正常工作的原因。警告是可能影响测量精度的东西。当出现警告或错误时,操作员面板上将显示警告或错误消息,“状态”指示从绿色变为红色。按下时,消息将从显示屏上消失。如果激活警告或错误消息的问题消失,“状态”指示变为绿色。如果错误或警告仍然存在,则“Status”(状态)指示为红色。使用转至最后一个菜单,您可以在其中读取错误或警告消息。有关错误和警告消息的处理,请参阅第6章故障跟踪。张力电子设备PFEA111/112,用户手册第1节关于本章3BSE029380R0001 5-1第5章维护1关于本章在正常操作条件下,您的系统不需要任何维护。但是,我们建议您定期检查。根据系统运行的环境类型,可以采取以下预防措施。2预防性维护单元测量测压元件保护测压元件不与腐蚀性元件长时间接触。检查固定螺钉,必要时重新拧紧。检查称重传感器和适配器板之间的间隙,以确保它们没有被灰尘堵塞,这可能会导致分流力进入称重传感器。如有必要,用压缩空气清洁间隙。张力电子设备检查电路板是否正确固定,电缆或电线是否损坏。检查所有端子螺钉和电缆压盖是否正确拧紧。连接电缆检查称重传感器和张力电子设备之间的连接电缆是否损坏。


    可能会发生干扰测量系统和过程的事件。这些干扰可能以多种不同的方式出现,故障原因很难找到。然而,特征相似的干扰可以被组合在一起,通常它们具有相同或相似的误差源。本章中的故障跟踪说明将帮助您快速查找和纠正最常见的故障。2安全说明在追踪故障时,请阅读并遵循第1章“简介”中给出的安全说明。然而,如果地方法规更严格,则应优先考虑。张力电子设备PFEA111/112,用户手册第6章故障追踪6-2 3BSE029380R0001 3互换性4必要的设备和文件执行故障追踪和维修需要以下项目:•电缆图,有关已安装的称重传感器类型,请参见附录(B、C、D或E)•维修工具•扭矩扳手•万用表单元测量张力电子设备。张力电子设备PFEA111/112可与相同类型的张力电子设备互换。需要新的设置。称重传感器称重传感器可与同类型的其他称重传感器直接互换。更换称重传感器后,需要对PFEA111/112进行调零并重置“最大负载A”或“最大负载B”。

    Error and warning messages

    Error refers to the cause of abnormal operation of tension electronic equipment. Warning is something that may affect the measurement accuracy. When a warning or error occurs, a warning or error message is displayed on the operator panel, and the "Status" indication changes from green to red. When pressed, the message will disappear from the display. If the problem that activated the warning or error message disappears, the Status indicator turns green. If the error or warning still exists, the "Status" indication is red. Use to go to the last menu where you can read error or warning messages. For the handling of error and warning messages, see Chapter 6 Fault Tracing. Tension electronic equipment PFEA111/112, section 1 of the user manual, about this chapter 3BSE029380R0001 5-1, chapter 5, maintenance 1, about this chapter, under normal operating conditions, your system does not need any maintenance. However, we recommend that you check regularly. The following precautions can be taken according to the type of environment in which the system operates. 2 The preventive maintenance unit measures the load elements to protect the load elements from long-term contact with corrosive elements. Check the fixing screws and retighten them if necessary. Check the clearance between the load cell and the adapter plate to ensure that they are not blocked by dust, which may cause shunt force to enter the load cell. If necessary, clean the gap with compressed air. The tension electronics check that the circuit board is properly secured and that the cables or wires are not damaged. Check that all terminal screws and cable glands are correctly tightened. Connecting cable Check whether the connecting cable between the load cell and the tension electronic device is damaged.

    During the working life of the measuring system

    Events that may interfere with the measurement system and process may occur. These disturbances may occur in many different ways, and the cause of the failure is difficult to find. However, interferences with similar characteristics can be combined, and usually they have the same or similar error sources. The fault tracking instructions in this chapter will help you quickly find and correct the most common faults. 2 Safety instructions When tracing faults, please read and follow the safety instructions given in Chapter 1 "Introduction". However, if local regulations are stricter, priority should be given. Tension electronic equipment PFEA111/112, Chapter 6 of the user manual Fault tracking 6-2 3BSE029380R0001 3Interchangeability 4 Necessary equipment and documents The following items are required for fault tracking and maintenance: • Cable diagram. For the type of installed load cells, see the appendix (B, C, D or E) • Maintenance tools • Torque wrench • Multimeter unit tension measuring electronic equipment. The tension electronics PFEA111/112 can be interchanged with the same type of tension electronics. New settings are required. Load cells The load cells can be directly interchanged with other load cells of the same type. After replacing the load cell, it is necessary to zero PFEA111/112 and reset "maximum load A" or "maximum load B".










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