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    本章包含调试卷筒纸张力系统的必要信息。假设已根据第2章安装和附录(B、C、D或E)中的说明安装了卷筒纸张力系统,具体取决于安装的称重传感器类型。在开始调试之前,您必须了解以下数据:1.称重传感器类型和标称负载,请参阅附录中安装的称重传感器类型2.对象类型,请参阅第12.2节-标准辊(两个称重传感器)-单侧测量(一个称重传感器,3)最大卷筒纸张力4.给定卷筒纸张力下的期望输出数据5.通信数据,参见第13节2安全说明在开始任何调试工作之前,阅读并遵循第1章“简介”中所述的安全说明。然而,如果地方法规更严格,则应优先考虑。3必要的设备和文件需要以下项目:•电缆图•维修工具张力电子设备PFEA111/112,用户手册第3章调试3-2 3BSE029380R0001 4使用面板按钮4.1导航和确认4.2更改数值和参数•X表示数值。•Z表示可以从列表中选择参数。要更改数值X或参数Z,请按。然后将数值或参数置于括号[]或[ZZ]内,以表示可以更改。如果是“Z”参数,请使用和在列表中向上或向下。当所需值显示在显示屏上时,按下。按下后,新参数值将被保存,值周围的括号将消失。如果您已按下,以便参数置于括号内,则可以通过按下取消输入模式。您所做的选择将不会被存储。如果按下,则显示不带括号的旧值。要更改数值,请按,使数值置于括号内。然后,可以使用和更改第一个数字。当第一个数字具有所需的值时,可以按和更改第二个数字。设置完最后一个数字后,按可保存并显示新的值,但不带括号。输入数值时使用表示返回上一位。按下足够次数后,您将退出输入模式,旧值将显示为不带括号


    3.8称重传感器B WebTension 0 N Tension A 0 N Teension B 0 N Presentation菜单见3.12.1设置对象见3.12.2标称负载ZZ kN ZZ lbs杂项菜单见3.12.8服务菜单见3.12.9设置语言ZZ设置单元ZZ设置语言[ZZ]设置单元[ZZ]SetWrapGain[ZZZ]Profibus开/关[ZZz]ProfibusAddress[X]Profibus开/关ZZ ProfibusAddress X SetFactory PFEA112版本1.0 MaximumLoad A .X N PresentOffset A . N Reset A ZeroSet See 3.12.4 TensionDiff A-B 0 N Error and warning messages NominalLoad[ZZ kN ZZ lbs]SetWrapGain See 3.12.5 HangWeight X.X N EnterWrapGain. HangWeight[.X]N EnterWhrapGain[.]>5 s 3)1)2)操作员菜单见第4.6节。错误第6.6节中介绍了配置和警告消息。按住5秒钟可转到第一个配置和服务菜单。笔记本概述中未显示一些询问确认问题的子菜单。在这些菜单中,您必须确认应执行设置。步骤测量见第1节检查电源电压是否已关闭。2根据电缆图检查所有电缆。附录B、C、D或E 3检查电源电压3.7 DIN导轨安装式IP20装置(未密封)标称24 V DC,工作范围18-36 V DC,X1:1-2壁装式IP65装置(NEMA 4)85-264 V AC(100 V-15%至240 V+10%),45-65 Hz,X9:1-2标称24 V直流,工作范围18-36 V DC,X1:1-2 4执行基本设置(如有必要)3.7 5执行设置:快速设置3.8完成设置3.11 6检查称重传感器信号极性3.9 7检查称重传感器功能3.10

    Necessary information for the tension system

    This chapter contains the necessary information for commissioning the web tension system. It is assumed that the web tension system has been installed according to Chapter 2 Installation and the instructions in Appendices (B, C, D or E), depending on the type of load cell installed. Before starting the commissioning, you must know the following data: 1. Type of load cell and nominal load, see the type of load cell installed in the appendix 2. Type of object, see section 12.2 - Standard roll (two load cells) - One side measurement (one load cell, 3) Maximum web tension 4. Expected output data at a given web tension 5. Communication data, Refer to Section 13 2 Safety Instructions Before starting any commissioning work, read and follow the safety instructions described in Chapter 1 "Introduction". However, if local regulations are stricter, priority should be given. 3 The following items are required for necessary equipment and documents: • Cable diagram • Maintenance tool tension electronic device PFEA111/112, Chapter 3 Commissioning of User Manual 3-2 3BSE029380R0001 4 Use panel button 4.1 to navigate and confirm 4.2 Change values and parameters • X represents values. • Z indicates that the parameter can be selected from the list. To change the value X or the parameter Z, press. Then place the value or parameter in brackets [] or [ZZ] to indicate that it can be changed. For the "Z" parameter, use and to move up or down in the list. When the desired value is displayed on the display, press. When pressed, the new parameter value will be saved and the brackets around the value will disappear. If you have pressed so that the parameters are in parentheses, you can cancel the input mode by pressing. Your selections will not be stored. If pressed, the old value without parentheses is displayed. To change the value, press to enclose the value in parentheses. You can then use and to change the first number. When the first number has the desired value, you can change the second number by pressing and. After setting the last number, press to save and display the new value without brackets. When entering a numeric value, use to return to the previous digit. After pressing enough times, you will exit the input mode, and the old value will be displayed without brackets

    For the operator menu configuration and service menu quick setting, see

    3.8 For load cell B WebTension 0 N Tension A 0 N Tension B 0 N Presentation menu, see 3.12.1 For setting object, see 3.12.2 For nominal load ZZ kN ZZ lbs Miscellaneous menu, see 3.12.8 For service menu, see 3.12.9 For setting language, see ZZ for setting unit, ZZ for setting language [ZZ] For setting unit, see SetWrapGain Profibus On/OffProfibus On/Off ZZ Profibus Address X SetFactory PFEA112 Version 1.0 MaximumLoad A. X N PresentOffset A N Reset A ZeroSet See 3.12.4 TensionDiff A-B 0 N Error and warning messages NominalLoad[ZZ kN ZZ lbs]SetWrapGain See 3.12.5 HangWeight X.X N EnterWrapGain.  HangWeight [. X] N EnterWhipGain [.]>5 s 3) 1) 2) See section 4.6 for operator menu. Configuration and warning messages are described in Error Section 6.6. Press and hold for 5 seconds to go to the first configuration and services menu. Some submenus asking for confirmation questions are not displayed in the notebook overview. In these menus, you must confirm that the settings should be performed. See Section 1 for step measurement to check whether the power supply voltage is turned off. 2 Check all cables according to the cable diagram. Appendix B, C, D or E 3 Check the power supply voltage 3.7 DIN rail mounted IP20 device (unsealed) nominal 24 V DC, operating range 18-36 V DC, X1: 1-2 wall mounted IP65 device (NEMA 4) 85-264 V AC (100 V-15% to 240 V+10%), 45-65 Hz, X9:1-2 nominal 24 V DC, operating range 18-36 V DC, X1:1-2 4 Perform basic setup (if necessary) 3.7 5 Perform setup: Quick setup 3.8 Complete setup 3.11 6 Check load cell signal polarity 3.9 7 Check load cell function 3.10










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