速度和压力场的分布,从而帮助设计人员快速确定最佳设计方案。能有效指导产品热设计,前期规避热失效的风险,提高产品可靠性及市场竞争力,同时可以缩短产品研发周期,降低开发成本。近年来,全球化经济飞快发展,形成了很多跨国家、跨区域的大型集团公司,随着市场竞争日益激烈,企业规模不断扩大和发展,也大量引进了境外先进技术和关键设备。这对加快我国科技进步,起到了推进作用。海南金海浆纸为印尼金光集团所属亚洲浆纸业股份有限公司(Asia Pulp & Paper,简称APP)在中国最大的浆纸厂,2013年新增项目12条卫生纸机生产线,其自动化系统核心,采纳了TMEIC公司的最新传动和V-系列集成控制系统。
本纸机将DCS、QCS与TMEIC可编程控制器有效集成,使得工艺生产流程、设备控制流程及辅助配套系统通过网络,形成了高性能的卫生纸机自动化控制生产线。the general text display. After nearly a decade of development, reflow soldering equipment has developed from a relatively simple hot processing equipment to an equipment with PC as the man-machine dialogue window, integrating production process formula and high automation program. The control system of the equipment has also changed from simple electrical control to a system integration solution with PC as the operation platform and PLC as the system control core, so as to adapt to more and more complex production and welding processes.
1 project introduction
The main content of this part is a brief introduction to the whole project, pointing out the environment, background and final effect of SIMATIC s7-1200.
Energy saving and environmental protection are the themes of today's world. With the rapid development of electronic technology and the world's attention to the environment, new processes such as lead-free welding, energy saving and environmental protection and more environmentally friendly new flux appear, which has become the driving force for the continuous renewal and development of reflow welding