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DEIF PPM-3脉冲控制器

DEIF PPM-3脉冲控制器

DEIF PPM-3脉冲控制器状态LED为双色(红色和绿色)LED显示ICT模块的操作状态。它有三种可能的状态。表4-2列出了状态LED状态的含义。如果状态LED指示存在错误,请参阅第5节了解纠正措施。有两组八个CPU LED。A组LED显示移动模式,指示模块正在运行。B组LED在正常操作期间,对通过INICT03模块的命令和回复进行计数。如果发生错误,这些LED将显示错误代码,状态LED将变为红...

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DEIF PPM-3脉冲控制器

    DEIF PPM-3脉冲控制器


    显示ICT模块的操作状态。它有三种可能的状态。表4-2列出了状态LED状态的含义。如果状态LED指示存在错误,请参阅第5节了解纠正措施。有两组八个CPU LED。A组LED显示移动模式,指示模块正在运行。B组LED在正常操作期间,对通过INICT03模块的命令和回复进行计数。如果发生错误,这些LED将显示错误代码,状态LED将变为红色。有关CPU LED错误代码和相关纠正措施的列表,请参阅表5-2。停止/复位按钮按下停止/复位按键一次,等待状态LED变为红色,然后从模块安装单元上拆下ICT模块。按下停止/复位按钮两次会使ICT模块在停止后恢复通电值。它还用于从操作员启动的停止或模块超时中恢复。INICI01和INICI03操作模式INICI02和INCI03 INFI-NET到计算机接口有两种操作模式:执行和错误。(仅限INICT01模块)检测动态RAM内存中的单位和双位错误。纠正单位错误,但在双位错误时停止ICT模块操作。非法地址检测检测到非法地址会产生总线错误,ICT模块会停止操作。机器故障计时器微处理器更新此计时器。机器故障超时会停止ICT模块的操作。


    此模式适用于INICT01和INICT03模块,是ICI计算机接口的正常操作模式。在执行模式下,主机和INFI-NET系统通过ICI计算机接口进行交互。ICI计算机接口固件允许通过主机配置计算机接口和控制模块。有关更多信息,请参阅功能代码应用手册。ICT模块(在执行模式下)可以收集异常报告、行使控制权、允许操作员调整可调模块规格、配置位于INFI-NET系统上的节点内的模块以及执行常规系统安全功能。错误模式如果内置系统诊断例程检测到硬件或执行错误,则INICT01和INICT03模块进入此模式。如果ICT模块检测到错误,模块将停止并在CPU LED上显示错误代码。有关ICT模块进入错误模式时的纠正措施,请参阅第5节。安全功能INICT01和INICT03模块执行硬件和软件安全检查,以确保模块完整性。如果诊断测试失败,面板LED显示错误状态,状态LED变为红色,模块操作停止。

    The status LED is a two color (red and green) LED

     that displays the operating status of the ICT module. It has three possible states. Table 4-2 lists the meaning of the status LED states. Refer to Section 5 for corrective action if the status LED indicates that an error exists.There are two groups of eight CPU LEDs. Group A LEDs display a moving pattern to indicate the module is functioning. Group B LEDs, during normal operation, keep count of the commands and replies that pass through the INICT03 module. If an error occurs, these LEDs display an error code and the status LED turns red. Refer to Table 5-2 for a list of CPU LED error codes and associated corrective action. Stop/Reset Pushbutton Push the stop/reset pushbutton once and wait for the status LED to turn red before removing an ICT module from the module mounting unit. Pressing the stop/reset pushbutton twice causes the restoration of the ICT module to power up values after a halt. It is also used to recover from an operator initiated stop or a module time-out. INICI01 AND INICI03 MODES OF OPERATION The INICI01 and INICI03 INFI-NET to Computer Interfaces have two modes of operation: execute and error.(INICT01 module only) Detects single bit and double bit errors in the dynamic RAM memory. Corrects single bit errors but halts ICT module operation on double bit errors. Illegal Address Detection Detecting an illegal address generates a bus error and the ICT module halts operation. Machine Fault Timer The microprocessor updates this timer. A machine fault time-out halts ICT module operation.

    Execute Mode 

    This mode applies to the INICT01 and INICT03 modules and is the normal mode of operation for the ICI computer interface. In the execute mode, the host computer and INFI-NET system interact through the ICI computer interface. ICI computer interface firmware permits the configuration of computer interface and control modules through the host computer. Refer to the Function Code Applications Manual for more information. The ICT module (while in execute mode) can collect exception reports, exercise control, allow the operator to adjust tunable module specifications, configure modules within a node residing on the INFI-NET system and do routine system security functions. Error Mode The INICT01 and INICT03 modules enter this mode if the built-in system diagnostic routines detect a hardware or execution error. If the ICT module detects an error, the module halts and displays an error code on the CPU LEDs. Refer to Section 5 for corrective action when the ICT module enters the error mode. SECURITY FUNCTIONS The INICT01 and INICT03 modules perform both hardware and software security checks to insure module integrity The INICT01 and INICT03 modules do the following software checks: Module Diagnostics The ICT module diagnostic routines execute automatically on system power up. If the diagnostic tests fail, the faceplate LEDs display error conditions, the status LED goes red, and the module operation halts.







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    型号 : PPM-3





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