DEIF PSM-1脉冲累加卡件
CPU LED在正常操作期间,CPU LED会对通过ICT模块的命令和回复进行计数。如果发生错误,这些LED将显示错误代码,状态LED将变为红色。有关CPU LED错误代码和相关纠正措施的列表,请参阅表5-2。内存指示灯有两个内存指示灯。当模块正在纠正单个位错误时,MEM LED 2亮起。当发生两位错误或完全内存故障时,两个LED都亮起。对INICI01和INICI03 INFI-NET到计算机接口的故障排除仅限于查看任何INFI 90操作员接口的错误计数器和模块状态报告的内容。有关模块状态报告的信息,请参阅特定计算机接口的说明。所有INFI-NET通信模块都有面板LED,用作错误代码显示。NIS模块具有可选择的事件和错误计数器(参见表3-5和3-6)。NIS模块错误计数器计数错误的方式与事件计数器计数事件的方式相同。表3-6列出了错误计数器。如果出现致命错误情况,NIS模块将停止操作。A组LED显示错误代码。当A组LED显示错误代码时,B组LED熄灭。有关错误代码和相关纠正措施的列表,请参阅表5-1。
如果ICT模块运行时发生错误,状态LED将变为红色,ICT模块面板上的CPU LED将显示错误代码。表5-2列出了ICT模块错误代码和相关纠正措施。ICT模块仅在停止时显示错误代码。五个状态字节提供有关ICT模块状态的信息。表5-3、5-4和5-5列出了NIS模块边缘连接器引脚分配。表5-6、5-7和5-8列出了INICT01模块边缘连接器引脚分配。表5-9、5-10和5-11列出了INICT03模块边缘连接器引脚分配。表5-12和5-13列出了IMMPI01模块边缘连接器引脚分配。如果发生机器故障超时,可能会出现不在列表中的代码。如果发生这种情况,请重置ICT模块。如果状态LED保持红色,则ICT模块出现故障。在这种情况下,请更换ICT模块。按下停止开关,等待状态LED变为红色,然后从模块安装单元上拆下ICT模块。使用停止开关可以在模块停止操作之前完成正在进行的任何NVRAM写入操作。按下复位开关可使ICT模块在停止后恢复到通电值。它还用于从操作员启动的停止或模块超时中恢复。INICT03模块的面板具有以下组件(见图4-3):•状态LED。•16个CPU LED。•停止/复位按钮。
During normal operation, the CPU LEDs keep a count of the commands and replies that pass through the ICT module. If an error occurs, these LEDs display an error code and the status LED turns red. Refer to Table 5-2 for a list of CPU LED error codes and associated corrective action. Memory LEDs There are two memory LEDs. The MEM LED 2 is on while the module is correcting single bit errors. Both LEDs are on when a two-bit error or a complete memory failure occurs.Troubleshooting the INICI01 and INICI03 INFI-NET to Computer Interfaces is limited to viewing the contents of the error counters and the module status report from any INFI 90 operator interface. Refer to the instruction for your specific computer interface for information on module status reports.All INFI-NET communication modules have faceplate LEDs that serve as error code displays. The NIS module has event and error counters that are selectable (refer to Tables 3-5 and 3-6).The NIS module error counters count errors in the same manner as the event counters count events. Table 3-6 lists the error counters. The NIS module halts operation if a fatal error condition occurs. Group A LEDs display error codes. Group B LEDs are off when group A LEDs are displaying error codes. Refer to Table 5-1 for a list of error codes and associated corrective action.
If errors occur while the ICT module is operating, the status LED turns red and the CPU LEDs on the ICT module faceplate display error codes. Table 5-2 lists the ICT module error codes and associated corrective action. The ICT module displays error codes only when it is halted. Five status bytes provide information about the ICT module status. Tables 5-3, 5-4, and 5-5 list the NIS module edge connector pin assignments. Tables 5-6, 5-7, and 5-8 list the INICT01 module edge connector pin assignments. Tables 5-9, 5-10, and 5-11 list the INICT03 module edge connector pin assignments. Tables 5-12 and 5-13 list the IMMPI01 module edge connector pin assignments. A code that is not on the list may appear if a machine fault time-out occurs. Reset the ICT module if this happens. The ICT module has failed if the status LED remains red. Replace the ICT module in this case.Push the stop switch and wait for the status LED to turn red before removing a ICT module from the module mounting unit. Using the stop switch allows any NVRAM write operation in progress to complete before the module halts operation.Pressing the reset switch causes the restoration of the ICT module to the power up values after a halt. It is also used to recover from an operator-initiated stop or a module time-out.The faceplate of the INICT03 module has the following components (see Figure 4-3): • Status LED. • 16 CPU LEDs. • Stop/reset pushbutton.
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