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DEIF PPU/2/GS热电偶输出模块

DEIF PPU/2/GS热电偶输出模块

DEIF PPU/2/GS热电偶输出模块电源系统状态通信系统提供监控每个节点的电力系统状态的手段。此状态信息可显示在操作员控制台上。电源入口面板内的电子设备监控电源系统状态。单个状态输出可用于通信系统。要使用此功能,请将状态输出连接到标有PSS1或PSS2的终端设备上的接线板。每个终端设备上有两组端子,用于菊花链接电力系统状态输出。该电源系统状态信号通过终端设备电缆馈送至NIS模块上的P3连接器。...

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DEIF PPU/2/GS热电偶输出模块

    DEIF PPU/2/GS热电偶输出模块


    通信系统提供监控每个节点的电力系统状态的手段。此状态信息可显示在操作员控制台上。电源入口面板内的电子设备监控电源系统状态。单个状态输出可用于通信系统。要使用此功能,请将状态输出连接到标有PSS1或PSS2的终端设备上的接线板。每个终端设备上有两组端子,用于菊花链接电力系统状态输出。该电源系统状态信号通过终端设备电缆馈送至NIS模块上的P3连接器。电力系统状态输入是TTL兼容信号。电源系统状态上的高电压电平表示状态良好。低电压电平表示状态不良。当没有连接到任何一个电源系统状态输入时,NIS模块上的上拉电阻器会在电源系统状态输出上产生高电平信号,从而报告良好状态。在模块安装单元背板上安装探针前,断开电源。否则将导致与机柜区域接触,可能导致严重或致命的电击。AVERTISSEMENT Interrompez l‘alimentation avant d‘installer des dipphunts sur le fond de panier du chassis de montage des modules。西农,请联系我们的危险区域,让我们来看看你的美人。


    如果NIS模块配置正确,则可以将其安装在模块安装单元中。安装NIS模块:1.验证模块安装单元中的NIS模块插槽分配。2.验证NIS模块使用的模块安装单元插槽与INICT01或INICT03模块使用的插槽之间的输入/输出扩展总线插槽中是否安装了24针双极分流器。注:安装带有INICT01模块的NIS模块时,NIS模块和INICT02模块的CPU电路板之间必须保持连续性。安装NIS、IMMPI01和INICT03模块时,NIS和INICT3模块之间必须保持连续性。3.从I/O扩展器总线插槽中移除将NIS模块连接到除INICT01、INICT03或IMMPI01模块之外的任何模块的任何24针探针。4.将NKLS01、NKLS02、NKLS 11或NKLS12电缆的带帽端连接到NIS模块的模块安装单元背板电缆连接器开口。5.将NIS模块滑入,同时沿模块安装单元的顶部和底部导轨引导电路板的顶部边缘和底部边缘。6.推动面板,直到模块的后边缘牢固地固定在背板连接器中。7.转动两个锁紧螺钉½圈,将模块锁定到位。当锁紧螺钉上插槽的开口侧面向面板中心时,模块锁定到位。

    Power System Status

     The communication system provides a means to monitor the status of the power system of each node. This status information can be displayed on the operator console. Electronics within the power entry panel monitor the power system status. A single status output is made available to the communication system. To use this feature, wire the status output to the terminal block on the termination device labeled PSS1 or PSS2. Two sets of terminals are available on each termination device for daisy chaining the power system status output. This power system status signal is fed through the termination device cable to the P3 connector on the NIS module. The power system status input is a TTL-compatible signal. A high voltage level on power system status indicates good status. A low voltage level indicates bad status. When no connection is made to either of the power system status inputs, a pull-up resistor on the NIS module causes a high level signal on the power system status input, thereby reporting good status.Disconnect power before installing dipshunts on the module mounting unit backplane. Failure to do so will result in contact with cabinet areas that could cause severe or fatal shock. AVERTISSEMENT Interrompez l'alimentation avant d'installer des dipshunts sur le fond de panier du châssis de montage des modules. Sinon, tout contact avec cette zone entraîne des risques d'électrocution sérieuse ou fatale.


     If the NIS module is properly configured, it is ready to be installed in the module mounting unit. To install the NIS module: 1. Verify the NIS module slot assignment in the module mounting unit.2. Verify that a 24-pin dipshunt is installed in the I/O expander bus sockets between the module mounting unit slot to be used by the NIS module and the slot to be used by the INICT01 or INICT03 module. NOTE: When installing the NIS module with an INICT01 module, there must be continuity between the NIS module and the CPU circuit board of the INICT01 module. When installing the NIS, IMMPI01 and INICT03 modules, there must be continuity between the NIS and INICT03 modules. 3. Remove any 24-pin dipshunts from the I/O expander bus sockets that would connect the NIS module to any module other than the INICT01, INICT03, or IMMPI01 module. 4. Attach the hooded end of the NKLS01, NKLS02, NKLS11, or NKLS12 cable to the module mounting unit backplane cable connector opening for the NIS module. 5. Slide the NIS module in while guiding the top and bottom edges of the circuit board along the top and bottom rails of the module mounting unit. 6. Push on the faceplate until the rear edge of the module is firmly seated in the backplane connector. 7. Turn the two latching screws ½ turn to lock the module in place. The module is locked into place when the open side of the slot on the latching screws face the center of the faceplate.







    PLC可编程控制器模块,DCS卡件,ESD系统卡件,振动监测系统卡件,汽轮机控制系统模块,燃气发电机备件等,优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各种进口工业零部件、欧美进口模块。




    型号 :PPU/2/GS





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