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HONEYWELL 09437300模拟量控制卡

HONEYWELL 09437300模拟量控制卡

产品详情介绍HONEYWELL 09437300模拟量控制卡I/O模块功能•高级模拟输入/HART输入模块(16pt)–高级模拟输入模块支持高级模拟和HART输入。传统设备和HART设备的模拟输入通常为4-20mA DC。HART数据可用于状态和配置。HART数据,如二级和三级变量,也可用作过程控制变量。有两种版本可用。•不带HART(16pt)的高级模拟输入-高级模拟输入模块支持高级模拟输入。传...

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HONEYWELL 09437300模拟量控制卡


    HONEYWELL 09437300模拟量控制卡

    I/O模块功能•高级模拟输入/HART输入模块(16pt)–高级模拟输入模块支持高级模拟和HART输入。传统设备和HART设备的模拟输入通常为4-20mA DC。HART数据可用于状态和配置。HART数据,如二级和三级变量,也可用作过程控制变量。有两种版本可用。•不带HART(16pt)的高级模拟输入-高级模拟输入模块支持高级模拟输入。传统设备的模拟输入通常为4-20mA DC。•模拟输出/HART输出模块(16pt)–模拟输出模块支持标准4-20mA DC输出和HART变送器输出。有两种版本可用。•模拟输出w/o HART(16pt)–模拟输出模块支持标准4-20mA DC输出。•数字输入24 VDC(32pt)–24V信号的数字输入传感。有两种版本可用。•数字输入高压(32pt)–110 VAC、220 VAC、125 VDC的数字输入传感。•数字输出24 VDC(32 pt)–电流源数字输出。输出采用电子短路保护。有两种版本可用。•继电器数字输出(32 pt)–带NO或NC干触点的数字输出。可用于低功率或高功率应用。•温度多路复用器(64 pt)–提供热电偶(TC)和电阻温度装置(RTD)输入。多路复用器最多支持四个经现场验证的PMIO FTA。•温度多路复用器(64 pt)–提供热电偶(TC)和电阻温度装置(RTD)输入。多路复用器支持多达四个经现场验证的PMIO FTA•脉冲输入(8pt)–提供线性计数、PV生成和四态输入以进行托管传输•通用输入输出(32pt)–支持32个用户可配置IO通道。可用选项–模拟输入、模拟输出、数字输入和数字输出。


    IOTA尺寸为标称尺寸(6in=152mm,9in=228mm,12in=304mm,18in=457mm)I/O模块与下表中各自的IOTA相关联。一个或多个IOTA支持一个I/O模块。C系列I/O模块的规格如下所示。有关环境规范的信息,请参阅C系列平台规范和技术数据表EP03-520-xxx。5.1.带HART–CC-PAIH01/02功能的模拟输入模拟输入模块接受变送器和传感装置的高电平电流或电压输入。显著功能•广泛的自我诊断•可选冗余•开路检测•提供非易燃现场电源•非易燃电源•支持HART,用于快速收集控制变量的多变量仪器和多个调制解调器•快速环路扫描•通过开路检测诊断进行PV保护•开路不良PV检测CC-PAIH01支持通道13-16的电压输入CC-PAIH02支持通道1-16的电压输入(与CC-TAIDx1 IOTA一起使用时)。每个通道的250欧姆负载电阻器通过IOTA上的跳线连接到输入端子。用户应在与电压变送器一起使用的通道上切断此跳线。对于信道13-16,低压侧输入连接通常通过IOTA上的跳线连接到系统公共端。用户可切断该跳线,以根据CMV规范进行操作,实现差动操作。显著特点•广泛的自我诊断•可选冗余•提供非易燃现场电源(无外部用户供电)•适用于HART设备的配置/状态•支持HART,用于快速收集控制变量的多变量仪表•快速回路扫描•非燃烧功率

    I/O Module Functions

     • High Level Analog Input /HART Input Module (16pt) – The High Level Analog Input Module supports both high level analog and HART inputs. Analog inputs are typically 4-20mA DC for both traditional and HART devices. HART data can be used for status and configuration. HART data, such as the secondary and tertiary variables, can also be used as process control variables. Two versions are available. • High Level Analog Input w/o HART (16pt) - The High Level Analog Input Module supports high level analog inputs Analog inputs are typically 4-20mA DC for traditional devices. • Analog Output/HART Output Module (16pt) – The Analog Output Module supports both standard 4-20mA DC outputs and HART transmitter outputs. Two versions are available. • Analog Output w/o HART (16pt) – The Analog Output Module supports standard 4-20mA DC outputs. • Digital Input 24 VDC (32pt) – Digital input sensing for 24V signals. Two versions are available. • Digital Input High Voltage (32pt) – Digital input sensing for 110 VAC, 220 VAC, 125VDC. • Digital Output 24 VDC (32 pt) – Current sourcing digital outputs. Outputs are electronically short-circuit protected. Two versions are available. • Relay Digital Output (32 pt) – Digital output with NO or NC dry contacts. Can be used for low power or high power applications. • Temperature Multiplexer (64 pt) – Provides thermocouple (TC) and resistance temperature device (RTD) inputs. The Multiplexer supports up to four, field proven PMIO FTAs. • Temperature Multiplexer (64 pt) – Provides thermocouple (TC) and resistance temperature device (RTD) inputs. The Multiplexer supports up to four, field proven PMIO FTAs • Pulse Input (8pt) – Provide linear counting, PV generation, and Quaduature Input for Custody Transfer • Universal Input Output (32 pt) - Supports 32 channels of user configurable IO. Choices available – analog input, analog output, digital input, and digital output.

    I/O Module Sizes

     IOTA Sizing is nominal (6in = 152mm, 9in =228mm, 12in =304mm, 18in = 457mm)I/O modules are associated with their respective IOTAs in the table below. An I/O Module is supported by one or more IOTAs.Specifications for Series-C I/O modules are shown below. For information on environmental specifications, please refer to the Series-C Platform Specification and Technical data sheet EP03-520-xxx. 5.1. Analog Input with HART – CC-PAIH01 / 02 Function The Analog Input Module accepts high level current or voltage inputs from transmitters and sensing devices. Notable Features • Extensive self-diagnostics • Optional redundancy • Open Wire Detection • Supplies non-incendive field power • Non-incendive Power • HART-capable, multivariable instruments and multiple modems for fast collection of control variables • Fast loop scan • PV protection through an open wire detection diagnostic • Open-wire Bad PV Detection CC-PAIH01 supports voltage inputs for channels 13-16 CC-PAIH02 supports voltage inputs for channels 1-16 when used with CC-TAIDx1 IOTA. Each channel's 250-Ohm load resistor is connected to the input terminal through a wire jumper on the IOTA. This jumper should be cut by the user on channels to be used with voltage transmitters. For channels 13-16 the low-side input connection is normally connected to system common by a wire jumper on the IOTA. This jumper may be cut by the user to enable differential operation subject to operating within the CMV specification.Notable Features • Extensive self-diagnostics • Optional redundancy • Supplies non-incendive field power (No external user supplied power) • Suitable for Configure / Status for HART devices • HART-capable, multivariable instruments for fast collection of control variables • Fast loop scan • Non-Incendive Power







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    型号 :09437300





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