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BENTLY 3300/16-04-01-01-00-00-00间隙监视器

BENTLY 3300/16-04-01-01-00-00-00间隙监视器

产品详情介绍BENTLY 3300/16-04-01-01-00-00-00间隙监视器确定发动机是否有故障。确认燃油齿条未卡滞,连杆调整正确。确定燃油齿条是否快速跟随执行器输入电压。检查超速保护装置的运行情况。原动机仅在启动时超速或产生过量烟雾。启动燃油限制处于非活动状态。通电后,如果MPU信号在不到1秒的时间内清除,则可以绕过Fuel Limit(燃油限制)。启动发动机前,接通2301A电源。2...

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BENTLY 3300/16-04-01-01-00-00-00间隙监视器


    BENTLY 3300/16-04-01-01-00-00-00间隙监视器

    确定发动机是否有故障。确认燃油齿条未卡滞,连杆调整正确。确定燃油齿条是否快速跟随执行器输入电压。检查超速保护装置的运行情况。原动机仅在启动时超速或产生过量烟雾。启动燃油限制处于非活动状态。通电后,如果MPU信号在不到1秒的时间内清除,则可以绕过Fuel Limit(燃油限制)。启动发动机前,接通2301A电源。2301A控制。如果控制装置在速度设置完全逆时针(或在任何位置都不减少燃油)之前没有降低执行器电压[T20(+)和T21(-)],则2301A控制装置可能有故障,或速度范围错误。如果电压降低,检查连杆或执行器有无故障。原动机在额定速度下运行一段时间后超速。原动机。检查原动机燃油系统是否正常工作。如果执行器在超速期间向最小燃油方向移动,则问题出在燃油系统中。电磁拾波器和2301A控制。检查转速高于怠速至少1.0 Vrms时的电磁拾波器输出电压。如果磁性捡拾器出现故障并且超越故障转速信号电路被禁用,则2301A控制装置将需要最大燃油量。以额定速度手动控制原动机,并完全逆时针调整额定速度设置。如果输出电压不为零,请按照第2章所述检查速度范围开关调整是否正确。如果速度范围适合应用,请更换控制器。

    低速不由Low IDLE speed(低怠速)电位计调节。


    Determine if engine is malfunctioning. 

    Verify that fuel rack is not binding and linkage is properly adjusted. Determine if the fuel rack is quickly following the actuator input voltage. Check operation of overspeed protection device(s). Prime mover overspeeds or causes excessive smoke only on starts. Start Fuel Limit is inactive. On power up, Fuel Limit can be bypassed if MPU signal clears in less than 1 second. Power up 2301A before cranking engine. 2301A control. If the control does not cut back the actuator voltage [T20 (+) and T21 (–)] until the speed setting is completely counterclockwise (or does not reduce fuel at any position), the 2301A control may be faulty, or may have the wrong speed range. If the voltage is cut back, look for a problem in the linkage or actuator. Prime mover overspeeds after operating at rated speed for some time. Prime mover. Check for proper operation of prime-mover fuel system. If actuator moves toward minimum fuel during overspeed, problem is in fuel system. Magnetic pickup and 2301A control. Check the magnetic-pickup output voltage at speeds above idle-at least 1.0 Vrms. If magnetic pickup should fail and the override-failed-speed-signal circuit is disabled, the 2301A control will call for maximum fuel.Control the prime mover manually at rated speed and adjust the RATED SPEED setting fully counterclockwise. If the output voltage is not zero, check for proper speed range switch adjustment as described in Chapter 2. If speed range is correct for the application, replace the control.

    Low speed is not regulated by LOW IDLE SPEED potentiometer.

    The LOW IDLE SPEED setting may be below the minimum-fuel position of the actuator or prime-mover fuel stop. In this case, the output voltage to the actuator will be zero. The engine will be maintained at the minimum-fuel position by the actuator or the prime mover minimum-fuel stop. The conditions above indicate that the prime mover minimum-fuel position should be decreased by linkage adjustment (diesel engine) or low-idle set screw (gas engine), or the LOW IDLE SPEED setting should be raised. If the above action does not correct the problem, the 2301A control may be faulty.A faulty Close for Rated contact may remain in the accelerate position with the contact open. If the Close for Rated contact is operative, loss of idle control may be due to a faulty circuit. In general, adjustment of LOW IDLE SPEED will vary the speed of the prime mover with the Close for Rated contact in the decelerate (open) position. Adjustment of LOW IDLE SPEED should not affect prime mover speed when the Close for Rated contact is closed. WARNING The speed-setting controls have sufficient range to override the ramp and bring the prime mover speed up to rated while still In the low-idle mode (either by defect or switching). Therefore, a Close for Rated contact that is intermittent may cause the prime mover to overspeed if the RATED SPEED setting is adjusted for rated speed with T19 open.







    PLC可编程控制器模块,DCS卡件,ESD系统卡件,振动监测系统卡件,汽轮机控制系统模块,燃气发电机备件等,优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各种进口工业零部件、欧美进口模块。




    型号 :3300/16-04-01-01-00-00-00





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