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HONEYWELL 09472000模拟量控制卡

HONEYWELL 09472000模拟量控制卡

产品详情介绍HONEYWELL 09472000模拟量控制卡启动多个处理器模块如果连接了包含多个处理器模块的HIMax系统的电源电压,则处理器模块本身将决定首先启动哪个处理器模块。系统自动控制启动顺序。如果第一个处理器模块上的模式开关处于Run(运行)位置,则系统会自动启动,前提是之前配置了Autostart(自动启动)。除非其开关位置设置为Init(初始化),否则其余所有处理器模块都会遵循并启动...

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HONEYWELL 09472000模拟量控制卡


    HONEYWELL 09472000模拟量控制卡



    必须用相同类型的无故障模块或经批准的更换型号进行更换。只有制造商有权维修模块。更换模块时,请遵守《系统手册》(HI 801 001 E)和《安全手册》(HI 801 003 E)中规定的说明。6.1维护措施处理器模块需要采取以下措施:如果需要新版本,则加载操作系统执行验证测试6.1.1加载操作系统HIMA正在不断改进模块的操作系统。HIMA建议使用系统停机时间将当前版本的操作系统加载到模块中。有关如何加载操作系统的详细说明,请参阅系统手册(HI 801 001 E)和联机帮助。要加载操作系统,处理器模块必须处于OutOfRed状态(以SILworX显示)。否则,请停止处理器模块的系统操作。i所用模块的当前版本显示在SILworX控制面板中!型号标签规定了模块交付时的版本,见第3.3.章HIMax模块必须每隔10年进行一次验证测试。有关更多信息,请参阅安全手册HI 801 003 E。要停用模块,请将其从底板上拆下。有关更多信息,请参阅安装和卸下模块。为避免机械损坏,HIMax组件必须包装运输。始终将HIMax组件存储在其原始产品包装中。这种包装还可防止静电放电。请注意,仅产品包装不适合运输。

    Starting up Several Processor Modules 

    If the supply voltage is connected for a HIMax system containing several processor modules, the processor modules themselves determine which processor module will start the first. The system automatically controls the start order. If the mode switch on the first processor module is in the Run position, the system starts automatically, provided that Autostart was previously configured. All remaining processor modules follow and start system operation, unless their switch position is set to is Init. If the mode switch of the first processor module is in the Stop position, this processor module adopts the STOP state and the user program does not start. All remaining processor modules follow and enter the STOP state, unless their switch position is set to Init, see Chapter 3.4.18. The Init switch position does not influence the other processor modules. i Before switching on the supply voltage, set the mode switch of all processor modules to the Run position to ensure that the system can safely start system operation.Operation The module is operated within a HIMax base plate. No specific monitoring is required. 5.1 Handling Direct handling of the module is not foreseen. The module's user program is operated, e.g., started or stopped, from within the PADT. For more details, refer to the SILworX documentation. 5.2 Diagnosis LEDs on the front side of the module indicate the module state, see Chapter 3.4.11. The processor module has a diagnostic memory that can be read using the PADT. The diagnostic memory can store up to 1500 diagnostic messages for the short term diagnosis and 2500 diagnostic messages for the long time diagnosis. i If a module is plugged in to a base plate, it generates diagnostic messages during its initialization phase indicating faults such as incorrect voltage values. These messages only indicate a module fault if they occur after the system starts operation

    Maintenance Defective modules 

    must be replaced with a faultless module of the same type or with an approved replacement model. Only the manufacturer is authorized to repair the module. When replacing modules, observe the instructions specified in the System Manual (HI 801 001 E) and Safety Manual (HI 801 003 E). 6.1 Maintenance Measures The following measures are required for the processor module: ƒ Loading the operating system, if a new version is required ƒ Executing the proof test 6.1.1 Loading the Operating System HIMA is continuously improving the operating system of the module. HIMA recommends to use system downtimes to load the current version of the operating system into the module. For detailed instructions on how to load the operating system, see the System Manual (HI 801 001 E) and the online help. For loading the operating system, the processor module must be in the OutOfRed state (displayed in SILworX). Otherwise, stop the system operation of the processor module. i The current version of the module in use is displayed in the SILworX Control Panel! The type label specifies the version when the module is delivered, see Chapter 3.3.HIMax modules must be subjected to a proof test in intervals of 10 years. For more information, refer to the Safety Manual HI 801 003 E.To decommission the module, remove it from the base plate. For more information, see Mounting and Removing the Module.To avoid mechanical damage, HIMax components must be transported in packaging. Always store HIMax components in their original product packaging. This packaging also provides protection against electrostatic discharge. Note that the product packaging alone is not suitable for transport.







    PLC可编程控制器模块,DCS卡件,ESD系统卡件,振动监测系统卡件,汽轮机控制系统模块,燃气发电机备件等,优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各种进口工业零部件、欧美进口模块。




    型号 :09472000





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