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Bosch 1070071219-102控制卡

Bosch 1070071219-102控制卡

产品内容介绍Bosch 1070071219-102控制卡设置超时延迟-ESC F这将设置一个时间,在该时间之后,如果没有发生任何活动,QTERM-II将自动关闭显示器(以节省电源)。显示器关闭后,将通过以下两种事件之一重新打开:•如果操作员按下某个键,显示器将重新打开。但是,该键不会传输到主机。•如果主机向QTERM-II发送命令或字符,显示器将重新打开,命令或字符将正常处理。如果QTERM-I...

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Bosch 1070071219-102控制卡


    Bosch 1070071219-102控制卡

    设置超时延迟-ESC F这将设置一个时间,在该时间之后,如果没有发生任何活动,QTERM-II将自动关闭显示器(以节省电源)。显示器关闭后,将通过以下两种事件之一重新打开:•如果操作员按下某个键,显示器将重新打开。但是,该键不会传输到主机。•如果主机向QTERM-II发送命令或字符,显示器将重新打开,命令或字符将正常处理。如果QTERM-II有背光,并且在超时发生时亮起,则背光将随显示器一起关闭。当显示器重新打开时,如果发生超时时背光已打开,则背光将打开。当超时发生时,即当显示器重新打开时,LCD屏幕上显示的任何内容都将丢失。自定义字符定义不会丢失。此命令的格式为ESC F#,其中#是40h到7Fh(“@”到DEL)范围内的字符。40h禁用超时功能。其他值以20秒为增量设置超时延迟,从20秒到21分钟。有关代码和超时延迟的完整列表,请参见表1-4(本章末尾)。主机可以做的唯一不会打开显示器的事情是发出“查询状态”命令(ESC W)。2.2.17设置选项卡间距-ESC G#设置水平选项卡列的宽度。该命令的格式为ESC G#,其中#是40h到53h(“@”到“S”)范围内的字符。40h导致忽略制表符;41h在每列设置制表符(这会导致制表符被视为空格),42h在每第二列设置制制表符,等等。如果#超出此范围,则忽略命令序列

    擦除至屏幕末尾-ESC J

    从当前光标位置到屏幕末尾擦除。光标位置不变。2.2.21删除到行尾-ESC K删除从当前光标位置到行尾的所有显示字符。光标位置不变。2.2.22设置对比度-ESC L#此命令设置显示对比度。它的形式为ESC L#,其中#的范围为40h到7Fh(“@”到DEL)。字符的ASCII值越小,对比度越低。字符的ASCII值越高,对比度越高。2.2.23重置QTERM-II-ESC M将QTERM-II重置为通电状态。这包括清除所有输入和输出缓冲区和显示器,并将所有参数重置为QDATA文件设置的配置,或随后的将参数保存到EEPROM命令。2.2.24查询版本-ESC N这告诉QTERM-II将其软件版本传输到主机。版本将由四个ASCII字符组成,格式为vx。y、 其中x和y是单个ASCII数字固定持续时间的嘟嘟声命令(ESC O B)与发送贝尔命令(07h,^G)相同。蜂鸣器的持续时间由设置蜂鸣器持续时间命令(ESC e)和QDATA文件设置(默认值为1/2秒)。2.2.26 LED开/关/闪烁/切换-ESC P#控制QTERM-II键盘上的LED,包括换档键LED。这些LED中的任何一个都可以设置为打开、关闭或闪烁(闪烁速率在QDATA文件中通过设置LED闪烁速率命令进行设置)。如果使用换档键,按下换档键将使换档LED的正确状态覆盖此命令设置的任何状态。如果未使用换档键,换档LED仅由该命令控制。#的有效值列表以及每个此类值的影响见表1-4。作为此命令的示例,字符串

    Set Timeout Delay - ESC F 

     This sets the time after which, if no activity has occurred, the QTERM-II will automatically turn off the display (in order to save power). Once the display has been turned off, it is turned back on by either of two events: •If the operator presses a key, the display is turned back on. However, the key is not transmitted to the host. •If the host sends a command or character to the QTERM-II, the display is turned back on, and the command or character will be processed normally. If the QTERM-II has a backlight, and it is on when the timeout occurs, the backlight is turned off along with the display. When the display is turned back on, the backlight is turned on if it was on when the timeout occurred. Anything displayed on the LCD screen when the timeout occurs is lost, i.e. when the display is turned back on, will be blank. Custom character definitions are not lost. The format for this command is ESC F #, where # is a character in the range of 40h to 7Fh ('@' to DEL). 40h disables the timeout function. Other values set the timeout delay in 20 second increments, from 20 seconds through 21 minutes. See Table 1-4 (at the end of this chapter) for a complete list of codes and timeout delays. The only thing the host can do that will not turn on the display is to issue the Query Status command (ESC W). 2.2.17 Set Tab Spacing - ESC G # This sets the width of the horizontal tab columns. The command has the form ESC G #, where # is a character in the range of 40h to 53h ('@' to 'S'). 40h causes tab characters to be ignored; 41h sets tabs at every column (which causes tabs to be treated as spaces), 42h sets tabs to every second column, etc. If # is outside this range, the command sequence is ignored

    Erase to End of Screen - ESC J 

    Erases from the current cursor position to the end of the screen. The cursor position is unchanged. 2.2.21 Erase to End of Line - ESC K Erases all displayed characters from the current cursor position to the end of the line. The cursor position is unchanged. 2.2.22 Set Contrast - ESC L # This command sets the display contrast. It has the form ESC L #, where # is in the range of 40h to 7Fh ('@' to DEL). The smaller the ASCII value of the character, the lower the contrast. The higher the ASCII value of the character, the higher the contrast. 2.2.23 Reset QTERM-II - ESC M Resets the QTERM-II to its power-up state. This includes clearing all input and output buffers and the display, and resetting all parameters to the configuration set by the QDATA file, or a subsequent Save Parameters to EEPROM command. 2.2.24 Query Version - ESC N This tells the QTERM-II to transmit its software version to the host. The version will consist of four ASCII characters in the format vx.y, where x and y are single ASCII digits The fixed duration beep command (ESC O B) is identical to sending a Bell command (07h, ^G). The duration used for beeping is set by the Set Buzzer Duration command (ESC e) and by the QDATA file (default is 1/2 second). 2.2.26 LEDs On/Off/Blink/Toggle - ESC P # This controls the LEDs on the QTERM-II keypad, including the shift key LED. Any of these LEDs can be set to on, off or blink (the blink rate is set in the QDATA file and by the Set LED Blink Rate command). If a shift key is used, pressing the shift key will cause the proper state of the shift LED to override whatever state is set by this command. If no shift key is used, the shift LED is controlled solely by this command. See Table 1-4 for a list of valid values for # and the effect of each such value. As an example of this command, the string







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    型号 :1070071219-102





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