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HONEYWELL 51109684-100电源卡件

HONEYWELL 51109684-100电源卡件

产品内容介绍HONEYWELL 51109684-100电源卡件在所有此类情况下软件命令覆盖QDATA配置文件设置,但不将新设置存储到EEPROM中。因此,当电源关闭时,覆盖值丢失,当终端打开时,QDATA参数将再次使用。如果希望软件命令永久覆盖QDATA配置文件设置,可以使用将参数存储到EEPROM命令。这会将所有当前设置的参数保存到EEPROM,使其成为当前开机默认值。2.1.3字符、键和LE...

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HONEYWELL 51109684-100电源卡件


    HONEYWELL 51109684-100电源卡件

    在所有此类情况下软件命令覆盖QDATA配置文件设置,但不将新设置存储到EEPROM中。因此,当电源关闭时,覆盖值丢失,当终端打开时,QDATA参数将再次使用。如果希望软件命令永久覆盖QDATA配置文件设置,可以使用将参数存储到EEPROM命令。这会将所有当前设置的参数保存到EEPROM,使其成为当前开机默认值。2.1.3字符、键和LED编号许多命令涉及某些光标位置、键或LED。图2-1显示了这些编号的方式。软件命令使用开机设置(参见第1章)和配置文件下载(参见第3章)配置QTERM-II后,可以对主机进行编程,以使用软件命令控制QTERM-II。表1-3列出了可用的命令。下面详细讨论了每个命令,附录C中给出了命令摘要,包括执行时间。本章中的符号“ESC”总是指单字节转义字符(1Bh=27十进制),而不是三个字母的ASCII字符串。2.2.1铃声(^G)-07h这会导致蜂鸣器发出嘟嘟声。默认蜂鸣声持续时间(1/2秒)在QDATA文件中设置;它可以用设置蜂鸣器持续时间命令(ESC e)覆盖。请注意,发送此命令与发送蜂鸣器开/关/蜂鸣声命令(ESC O B)相同。2.2.2退格(^H)-08h导致非破坏性退格,即当光标在字符上退格时,字符不会被擦除。关闭自动换行模式后,退格将停止在当前显示行的左边缘。启用自动换行模式时,光标将换行到上一行的最后一个位置。如果光标位于起始位置,则忽略该命令。另请参见删除命令(7Fh)。


    将光标向右移动到下一个选项卡列。默认制表符间距在QDATA文件中设置;可以使用“设置制表符间距”命令(ESC G)覆盖它。(QDATA默认的制表符间距为每4个空格。)启用自动换行功能后,当光标在当前行的最后一列之外换行时,光标将向下换行到下一行的第一列。如果禁用自动换行,光标将停在当前行的末尾。如果自动滚动和自动换行都处于启用状态,则当光标在最后一行的最后一列之外切换时,显示屏将向上滚动。2.2.4换行(^J)-0Ah将光标下移一行,而不更改其水平位置。当自动滚动模式打开且最后一行执行换行时,显示器将向上滚动,水平光标位置不变。将光标移动到当前行显示的左边缘。如果启用自动换行模式,则光标将移动到下一行的左边缘。如果自动滚动和自动换行都打开,最后一行上的回车将导致显示器向上滚动,光标位于最后一行的左边缘。2.2.8 XON(^Q)-11h使QTERM-II能够传输接收到XOFF后按下的密钥。XON用于在XOFF禁用QTERM-II传输后重新启用它,从而允许与主机系统握手。2.2.9 XOFF(^S)-13h禁用所有QTERM-II传输,通过查询状态命令(ESC W)请求的信息除外。接收到XOFF命令后,QTERM-II将键盘上输入的字符存储在传输缓冲区中。当接收到XON时,将传输这些字符。如果在收到XON之前缓冲区已满,则会忽略键入的其他字符。

    In all such cases

     the software command overrides the QDATA configuration file setting but does not store the new setting into EEPROM. Therefore, when power is turned off, the overriding value is lost, and when the terminal is turned on, the QDATA parameter will be used again. If you wish to have the software command permanently override the QDATA configuration file setting, you can use the Store Parameters to EEPROM command. This saves all currently-set parameters to the EEPROM which makes them the current power-on defaults. 2.1.3 Character, Key and LED Numbering Many of the commands refer to certain cursor locations, keys or LEDs. Figure 2-1 shows how these are numbered.Software Commands Once you have configured the QTERM-II using the poweron setup (see Chapter 1) and configuration-file download (see Chapter 3), you can program your host to control the QTERM-II using software commands. Table 1-3 lists the commands available. Each command is discussed in detail below, and a command summary, including execution times, is given in Appendix C. The notation "ESC" in this chapter always means the onebyte escape character (1Bh = 27 decimal) rather than the ASCII string of three letters. 2.2.1 Bell (^G) - 07h This causes the buzzer to beep. The default beep duration (1/2 second) is set in the QDATA file; it can be overridden with the Set Buzzer Duration command (ESC e). Note that sending this command is identical to sending the Buzzer On/Off/Beep command for a beep (ESC O B). 2.2.2 Backspace (^H) - 08h Causes a non-destructive backspace, i.e. characters are not erased as the cursor is backspaced over them. With auto wrap mode off, the backspace stops at the left edge of the current display line. With auto wrap mode on, the cursor will wrap to the last position on the previous line. The command is ignored if the cursor is at the home position. See also the Delete command (7Fh).

    Horizontal Tab (^I) - 09h

     Moves the cursor right to the next tab column. The default tab spacing is set in the QDATA file; it can be overridden with the Set Tab Spacing command (ESC G). (The QDATA default tab spacing is every 4 spaces.) With auto wrap on, the cursor will wrap down to the first column in the line below when it is tabbed beyond the last column in the current line. If auto wrap is off, the cursor will stop at the end of the current line. If auto scroll and auto wrap are both on, then the display will scroll up as the cursor is tabbed beyond the last column in the last line. 2.2.4 Line Feed (^J) - 0Ah Moves the cursor down one line without changing its horizontal position. When auto scroll mode is on and a line feed is performed on the last line, the display will scroll up with the horizontal cursor position unaltered.Moves the cursor to left edge of the display on the current line. If auto line feed mode is on, then the cursor moves to the left edge of the next line. If auto scroll and auto line feed are both on, a carriage return on the last line will cause the display to scroll up and the cursor to be positioned at the left edge of the last line. 2.2.8 XON (^Q) - 11h Enables the QTERM-II to transmit keys pushed after receiving an XOFF. XON is used to re-enable QTERM-II transmission after an XOFF has disabled it, allowing handshaking with the host system. 2.2.9 XOFF (^S) - 13h Disables all QTERM-II transmission except for information requested via the Query Status command (ESC W). After receiving an XOFF command, the QTERM-II stores characterstyped on the keypad in a transmit buffer. These characters will be transmitted when an XON is received. If the buffer becomes full before an XON is received, additional characters which are typed will be ignored.







    PLC可编程控制器模块,DCS卡件,ESD系统卡件,振动监测系统卡件,汽轮机控制系统模块,燃气发电机备件等,优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各种进口工业零部件、欧美进口模块。



    型号 :51109684-100





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