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Honeywell 51405046-175控制器模块

Honeywell 51405046-175控制器模块

产品内容介绍Honeywell 51405046-175控制器模块受限接地故障保护低阻抗REFPDIF限制接地故障保护,低阻抗功能(REFPDIF)可用于所有直接或低阻抗接地绕组。REFPDIF功能提供高灵敏度和高速跳闸,因为它分别保护每个绕组,因此不需要浪涌稳定。低阻抗函数是带有附加零序电流方向比较准则的百分比偏置函数。这在贯穿故障期间提供了极好的灵敏度和稳定性。REFPDIF还可以保护自耦变压...

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Honeywell 51405046-175控制器模块


    Honeywell 51405046-175控制器模块




    Restricted earth-fault protection

    low impedance REFPDIF Restricted earth-fault protection, low-impedance function (REFPDIF) can be used on all directly or low-impedance earthed windings. The REFPDIF function provides high sensitivity and high speed tripping as it protects each winding separately and thus does not need inrush stabilization. The low-impedance function is a percentage biased function with an additional zero sequence current directional comparison criterion. This gives excellent sensitivity and stability during through faults. REFPDIF can also protect autotransformers. In this case, the negative sequence current directional comparison must be used. The most typical and the most complicated configuration of an autotransformer is shown in figure 8. Five currents are measured in the case illustrated in figure 8.Impedance protection Full-scheme distance measuring, Mho characteristic ZMHPDIS The numerical mho line distance protection is a four zone full scheme protection for back-up detection of short circuit and earth faults. The four zones have fully independent measuring and settings, which gives high flexibility for all types of lines. The function can be used as under impedance back-up protection for transformers and generators. Directional impedance element for Mho characteristic ZDMRDIR The phase-to-earth impedance elements can be optionally supervised by a phase unselective directional function (phase unselective, because it is based on symmetrical components).

    Pole slip protection PSPPPAM

     The situation with pole slip of a generator can be caused by different reasons. A short circuit may occur in the external power grid, close to the generator. If the fault clearing time is too long, the generator will accelerate so much, that the synchronism cannot be maintained. Un-damped oscillations occur in the power system, where generator groups at different locations, oscillate against each other. If the connection between the generators is too weak the magnitude of the oscillations will increase until the angular stability is lost. The operation of a generator having pole slip will give risk of damages to the generator, shaft and turbine. • At each pole slip there will be significant torque impact on the generator-turbine shaft. • In asynchronous operation there will be induction of currents in parts of the generator normally not carrying current, thus resulting in increased heating. The consequence can be damages on insulation and stator/ rotor iron. The Pole slip protection (PSPPPAM) function shall detect pole slip conditions and trip the generator as fast as possible if the locus of the measured impedance is inside the generatortransformer block. If the centre of pole slip is outside in the power grid, the first action should be to split the network into two parts, after line protection action. If this fails there should be operation of the generator PSPPPAM in zone 2, to prevent further damages to the generator, shaft and turbine There are limits for the under-excited operation of a synchronous machine. A reduction of the excitation current weakens the coupling between the rotor and the stator. The machine may lose the synchronism and start to operate like an induction machine. Then, the reactive power consumption will increase. Even if the machine does not loose synchronism it may not be acceptable to operate in this state for a long time. Reduction of excitation increases the generation of heat in the end region of the synchronous machine. The local heating may damage the insulation of the stator winding and the iron core.To prevent damages to the generator it should be tripped when excitation is lost.







    PLC可编程控制器模块,DCS卡件,ESD系统卡件,振动监测系统卡件,汽轮机控制系统模块,燃气发电机备件等,优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各种进口工业零部件、欧美进口模块。



    型号 : 51405046-175





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