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Harmonic CHA-20A-100-L-M1024-B-SP减速机

Harmonic CHA-20A-100-L-M1024-B-SP减速机

产品内容介绍Harmonic CHA-20A-100-L-M1024-B-SP减速机座椅、后座和后座阀座和后座是类似的功能,但阀座关闭阀门,后座打开阀门。因此,仅描述座椅。缩回是一种防喘振功能。务必记住,当RSR伺服输出接近0伏时,阀是静止的。当伺服输出远离中点时,阀移动到所需位置,伺服输出回到接近0伏的电压。退缩是座椅后出现的一种功能。它是高度可编程的。当目标位置小于座椅限制时,后排座椅进入座椅...

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Harmonic CHA-20A-100-L-M1024-B-SP减速机



    Harmonic CHA-20A-100-L-M1024-B-SP减速机

    座椅、后座和后座阀座和后座是类似的功能,但阀座关闭阀门,后座打开阀门。因此,仅描述座椅。缩回是一种防喘振功能。务必记住,当RSR伺服输出接近0伏时,阀是静止的。当伺服输出远离中点时,阀移动到所需位置,伺服输出回到接近0伏的电压。退缩是座椅后出现的一种功能。它是高度可编程的。当目标位置小于座椅限制时,后排座椅进入座椅模式。在此模式下,RSR希望尽快关闭阀门。它通过将输出沿阀门关闭方向驱动至导轨来实现这一点。计时器过期后(retractHoldT),阀门位置接近RSR想要的位置时(ABS | Target Feedback |<posErrorRetreat),会发生回缩。当阀后退时,伺服输出以预定义速率(retractRate)从导轨传输至编程值(exitSeatVal)。在典型情况下,用户将确定使伺服滑阀归零所需的电压;i、 克服机械偏差调整。假设该值为-200 mV。然后,用户将exitSeatVal设置为–200 mV加上阀门关闭方向上的任意量,可能为100 mV。因此,用户将exitSeatVal设置为–100 mV。此外,假设用户将其他相关常量保留为其默认值。当进入座椅位置时,伺服输出变为+10伏,并将保持至少10秒钟。当10秒计时器到期,且位置反馈在目标位置的2%以内(可能为0)时,伺服输出以每秒10%的速度从10伏逐渐上升至–100毫伏。10伏约为输出范围的50%,因此伺服输出将在5秒钟后恢复至–100毫伏。在–100 mV时,伺服滑阀会释放少量液体,从而关闭阀门。如果目标位置变得更高,从而将RSR从阀座上移除,伺服输出将随时可用,以开始移动阀门,并且不会依赖积分作用将其从10伏恢复为0。


    PI在开始由非正常模式(如座椅)驱动时跟踪输出。因此,恢复正常运行的过渡过程是无障碍的。如果系统未正确调整,当伺服输出达到后退值时,阀可能开始打开。如果发生这种情况,并且ABS | Target Feedback |>posErrorRetreat,则在寄存器D中设置一个位来宣布条件。RSR将输出发送回导轨,在退出座椅之前,不允许通道再次后退。用户应确保寄存器D中的位生成警报,以便在发生这种情况时通知操作员。第22-18页,在第22-8.2节“PI位置控制”后添加以下章节:22-8.3通过输入“CASCADE=1”并键入“SC”保存设置,可以选择PI控制器的级联PI模式。选择级联时,PI 1的+100%至-100%输出转换为-100%至0%目标位置。然后,该目标位置值用作PI 2的目标位置或需求。第22-20页,删除第22-9.7节“控制器跟踪”:第22-24页,删除22-10.3节“配置”:第21-26页,在表22-6“调节常数命令”中添加以下信息:“命令描述retractRate%/秒输出后退速率。DIRECT=1 PI模式。在直接模式(direct=1)下,输出沿目标位置的方向进行。在间接模式下(DIRECT=0),当目标位置相对于位置反馈负向移动时,输出为负。posErrorRetreat=2.0输出在ABS | posFB-TargetPos |<posErrorRetreat之前不会后退


    Seating and BackSeating are similar functions, with the exception that Seating closes the valve, and BackSeating opens it. Therefore, only Seating is described. Retreat is an anti-windup function. It is important to remember that when the RSR servo output is near 0 volts, the valve is stationary. When the servo output moves away from the midpoint, the valve moves to the desired position, and the servo output goes back to near 0 volts. Retreat is a feature that occurs after Seating. It is highly programmable. When the target position is less than seatLimit, the RSR goes into a seating mode. In this mode the RSR wants to close the valve as fast as possible. It accomplishes this by driving the output hard to the rail in the direction of valve closure. Retreat occurs after a timer has expired (retreatHoldT), and once the valve position is close to where the RSR wants it to be (ABS|Target-Feedback| < posErrorRetreat). When a valve retreats, the servo output goes from the rail to a programmed value (exitSeatVal) at a predefined rate (retreatRate).In a typical scenario, the user would determine the voltage required to null the servo spool; i.e., overcome the mechanical bias adjustment. Let,s assume the value is –200 mV. The user would then set exitSeatVal to –200 mV plus an arbitrary amount in the direction of valve closure, 100 mV perhaps. So, the user would set exitSeatVal to –100 mV. Also, assume the user leaves the other associated constants to their default values. When seating is entered, the servo output goes to +10 volts and will remain there for at least 10 seconds. When the 10 second timer expires, and when position feedback is within 2 percent of the target position (probably 0), the servo output ramps from 10 volts to –100 mV at 10% per second. Ten volts is about 50% of output range, so the servo output would return to –100 mV after 5 seconds. At –100 mV, the servo spool is letting a small amount of fluid escape, thus closing the valve. If the target position went higher, thus removing the RSR from seating, the servo output would be readily available to begin to move the valve, and would not rely on integral action to bring it from 10 volts back to 0.

    When the RSR is moving between these various modes

     the PI tracks the output when it is begin driven by one of the non-normal modes such as seating. Therefore, the transition back to normal operation is bumpless. If the system is not properly tuned, the valve could start to go open when the servo output reaches the retreat value. If this occurs and ABS|Target-Feedback| > posErrorRetreat, a bit is set in register D to announce the condition. The RSR sends the output back to the rail and will not allow the channel to retreat again until seating is exited. The user should ensure that the bits in register D generate alarms to notify the operator should this occur. Page 22-18, Add the following section after Section 22-8.2 “PI Position Control”: 22-8.3 CASCADE PI MODE Cascading of the PI controllers can be selected by entering “CASCADE = 1” and saving the setting by typing “SC”. When cascading is selected, the +100% to -100% output of PI 1 is converted to -100% to 0% target position. This target position value is then used as the target position, or demand, for PI 2. Page 22-20, Delete Section 22-9.7 “Controller Tracking”: Page 22-24, Delete Section 22-10.3 “Configuration”: Page 22-26, Add the following information in Table 22-6 “Tuning Constant Commands:” Command Description retreatRate % per second rate of output retreat. DIRECT =1 PI mode. In direct mode (DIRECT=1) the output goes in a direction with respect to target position. In indirect mode (DIRECT=0) the output goes negative when target position moves negative with respect to position feedback. posErrorRetreat=2.0 The output will not retreat until ABS| posFB - TargetPos| < posErrorRetreat








    PLC可编程控制器模块,DCS卡件,ESD系统卡件,振动监测系统卡件,汽轮机控制系统模块,燃气发电机备件等,优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各种进口工业零部件、欧美进口模块。



    型号 :CHA-20A-100-L-M1024-B-SP





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