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PARKER 955+8N0075模拟器

PARKER 955+8N0075模拟器

产品内容介绍PARKER 955+8N0075模拟器连接电源注意事项 您必须使用24 Vdc输入装置和2级电源。 要提高抗电磁噪音的能力,请确保在将电源线连接到电源插头之前,先扭动电源线的两端。 面板的电源线不应与主电路线(高压、大电流)或输入/输出信号线捆绑或靠近主电路线。 连接避雷器以处理电涌。 为了减少电磁噪音,请尽可能缩短电源线。电源连接向面板供电时,请将输入/输出线和电源线分开...

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PARKER 955+8N0075模拟器



    PARKER 955+8N0075模拟器

    连接电源注意事项 您必须使用24 Vdc输入装置和2级电源。 要提高抗电磁噪音的能力,请确保在将电源线连接到电源插头之前,先扭动电源线的两端。 面板的电源线不应与主电路线(高压、大电流)或输入/输出信号线捆绑或靠近主电路线。 连接避雷器以处理电涌。 为了减少电磁噪音,请尽可能缩短电源线。电源连接向面板供电时,请将输入/输出线和电源线分开,如图所示。 将浪涌吸收器(E1)与面板(E2)分开接地。 选择最大电路电压大于电源峰值电压的浪涌吸收器。如果提供的电压超过面板范围,请连接恒压变压器。避免对电源电缆施加过大的力,以防止意外断开 将电源电缆牢牢连接到HMIGTO或机柜。 使用指定的扭矩拧紧装置接线盒螺钉。 在连接电源和通信线之前,将HMIGTO安装并紧固在安装面板或机柜上。 将浪涌吸收器(E1)与面板(E2)分开接地。 选择最大电路电压大于电源峰值电压的浪涌吸收器。如果提供的电压超过面板范围,请连接恒压变压器。在线路和接地之间选择低噪声电源。如果噪音过大,请连接绝缘变压器。使用容量超过功耗值的恒压和绝缘变压器。


    向面板供电时,按如下所示分开输入/输出和电源线。将电源插头上的机架接地(FG)端子连接到专用接地。预防措施如果设备接地不当,可能会产生电磁干扰(EMI)。EMI会导致通信中断。除下述授权配置外,请勿使用公共接地。如果无法单独接地,请使用公共接地点。正确接地错误接地 检查接地电阻是否小于100Ω*1. FG导线的横截面积应大于2 mm2(AWG 14)(1)。创建尽可能靠近配电盘的连接点,并使导线尽可能短。使用长接地线时,请将细导线更换为粗导线,并将其放置在导管中。 FG和SG端子在面板内部连接。当使用SG端子将外部设备连接到面板时,请检查在设置系统时是否不会产生短路回路*1遵守当地规范和标准。确保接地连接的电阻为100Ω,接地线的横截面至少为2 mm2或AWG 14。使用HMIGTO和SD卡时,请遵守以下规定,以避免丢失有价值的数据: 由于随时可能发生意外数据丢失,请定期备份HMIGTO屏幕和SD卡数据。HMIGTO数据一旦丢失,将无法恢复。 在从HMIGTO中卸下SD卡之前,请使用SD卡卸下过程停止对其进行的所有操作。如果不运行删除过程并强制提取SD卡,SD卡上的数据可能会损坏。 访问SD卡时,不要关闭或重置HMIGTO,也不要插入或取出SD卡。这样做可能会损坏SD卡或损坏其数据。 使用SD卡之前,请熟悉SD卡的正面和背面方向,以及SD卡连接器的位置。如果SD卡插入HMIGTO时未正确定位,则卡的内部数据和HMIGTO可能会损坏。

    Connecting the Power Supply 

    Precautions  You must use a 24 Vdc input unit with a Class 2 power supply.  To increase the electromagnetic noise resistance, make sure that you twist the ends of the power cord wires before connecting them to the power plug.  The panel's power supply cord should not be bundled with or kept close to main circuit lines (high voltage, high current), or input/output signal lines.  Connect a lightning surge absorber to handle power surges.  To reduce electromagnetic noise, make the power cord as short as possible. Power Supply Connections When supplying power to the panel, separate the input/output and power lines, as shown. Ground the surge absorber (E1) separately from the panel (E2).  Select a surge absorber that has a maximum circuit voltage greater than that of the peak voltage of the power supply. If the supplied voltage exceeds the panel range, connect a constant voltage transformer.Avoid excessive force on the power cable to prevent accidental disconnection  Securely attach power cables to the HMIGTO or cabinet.  Use the designated torque to tighten the unit terminal block screws.  Install and fasten the HMIGTO on installation panel or cabinet prior to connecting power supply and communication lines. Ground the surge absorber (E1) separately from the panel (E2).  Select a surge absorber that has a maximum circuit voltage greater than that of the peak voltage of the power supply. If the supplied voltage exceeds the panel range, connect a constant voltage transformer.Select a power supply low in noise for between the line and ground. If there is an excess amount of noise, connect an insulating transformer.Use constant voltage and insulating transformers with capacities exceeding the Power Consumption value.

    Exclusive Grounding 

    When supplying power to the panel, separate the input/output and power lines as shown below. Connect the frame ground (FG) terminal on the power plug to an exclusive ground. Precautions Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) can be created if the devices are improperly grounded. EMI can cause loss of communication. Do not use common grounding, except for the authorized configuration described below. If exclusive grounding is not possible, use a common grounding point. Correct grounding Incorrect grounding  Check that the grounding resistance is 100 Ω or less.*1  The FG wire should have a cross sectional area greater than 2 mm2 (AWG 14) (1). Create the connection point as close to the panel as possible, and make the wire as short as possible. When using a long grounding wire, replace the thin wire with a thicker wire, and place it in a duct.  FG and SG terminals are internally connected in the panel. When connecting an external device to the panel using the SG terminal, check that you do not create a short-circuit loop when you set up the system. *1 Observe local codes and standards. Ensure that the ground connection has a resistance of 100 Ω and that the ground wire has a cross-section of at least 2 mm2 or AWG 14.When using the HMIGTO and a SD card, observe the following to avoid losing valuable data:  Since accidental data loss can occur at any time, back up HMIGTO screen and SD card data regularly. Once HMIGTO data is lost, it cannot be recovered.  Before removing the SD card from the HMIGTO, stop all operation on it using the SD card removal process. If you do not run the removal process and forcibly extract the SD card, data on the SD card may become corrupted.  While a SD card is accessed, do not turn OFF or reset the HMIGTO, and do not insert or remove the SD card. Doing so could damage the SD card, or corrupt its data.  Before using the SD card, familiarize yourself with the SD card's front and rear face orientation, as well as the position of the SD card connectors. If the SD card is not positioned correctly when inserted into the HMIGTO, the card's internal data and HMIGTO could become damaged.








    PLC可编程控制器模块,DCS卡件,ESD系统卡件,振动监测系统卡件,汽轮机控制系统模块,燃气发电机备件等,优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各种进口工业零部件、欧美进口模块。



    型号 :955+8N0075





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