PLC可编程控制器模块,DCS卡件,ESD系统卡件,振动监测系统卡件,汽轮机控制系统模块,燃气发电机备件等,优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各种进口工业零部件、欧美进口模块。
143.11J X-500254模拟量输入控制器
为了便于讨论,我们将指定上部DIP开关组A(DIP swA)和下部开关组B(DIP sw-B)。这些交换机通过位于模块后部。
Out--of--Range requires careful examination.
Since the module receives instantaneous data from the field but sends averaged data to the PLC, instantaneous data less than 0 or greater than 4200 in RB format is considered outof-range. Such data will be forced (clamped) to 0000 for under--range and 4200 for over-range values. However, the averaged data will not necessarily be out-of-range if the condition existed for less time than the total averaging period. In this case, the format indicates at least one of the instantaneous data samples in the average is out of range. Its value for averaging purposes is the clamped value; the average may or may not be out of range. The red out-of-range light will remain on as long as an out-of-range data sample is included in the average. If the module fails to pass an internal diagnostic, two retries are made. If either one succeeds, the temporary failure is considered a soft failure and is not reported to the PLC but the module system continues processing uninterrupted. If the module fails the diagnostic three times, the system goes into a power--up reset condition. switch settings and monitor NOTE: While power-up diagnostics are running, or following detection of a hard failure, data is not available to the PLC. Good Data. The following illustration shows status flags and data word format for good data to the PLC. When sending good data, status flag bits 14 and 15 are reset to 0. Good Data Word Output to PLC
Dip Switch Bank A
The high speed analog input module can be set for any of the five input voltage or current ranges by means of DIP switches. You can also select from seven periods of digital filtering; a feature which allows an instantaneous voltage sample to become part of a moving average. The DIP switches also set the module for 4 or 8 circuit mode and binary or decimal output. For discussion purposes, we will designate the upper DIP switch bank, A (DIP swA) and lower bank, B (DIP sw-B). These switches are accessed through ports at the rear of the module. The following illustration shows DIP sw-A as seen from the rear of the module. Dip sw-A is used for selecting an input range. Dip switch bank A normal operation