超温SMC Flex控制器使用参数119中的值来监控使用内部热敏电阻测量SCR和旁路的温度。当达到电源极的最高额定温度,机组关闭禁止停机和重启。
SMC Flex控制器持续监控线路状况是否异常因素。启动前保护包括:
带制动控制的智能电机制动、Accu Stop和慢速选项。
输入/输出SMC Flex控制器最多可接受两个输入和四个输出通过网络控制。这两个输入在端子16(选项输入#1,参数132)和端子15(选项输入#2,参数29)。对于这两个输入,参数设置见表26,表39和表40为钻头标识。
这四个输出是Aux#1(参数107)、Aux#2(参数110)和Aux#3(参数108)和辅助#4(参数109)。所有辅助触点均为可编程为表26中的功能。如果输出编程为网络或网络NC,可以通过网络见表40,它定义了逻辑命令字(控制)。表达串行接口端口(DPI)是作为标准提供的,它允许您连接SMC Flex控制器与公告20HIM LCD接口的连接模块。
图22-DPI位置您可以将两个外围设备连接到DPI。最大输出功率通过DPI的电流为280 mA。
The SMC Flex controller uses the value in Parameter 119 to monitor the temperature of the SCRs and Bypass by using internal thermistors. When the maximum rated temperature of the power poles is reached, the unit shuts down and restart is inhibited. An overtemperature condition can indicate inadequate ventilation, high ambient temperature, overloading, or excessive cycling. After the temperature is reduced to allowable levels, the fault can be cleared. Open Gate An open gate fault indicates that improper SCR firing, typically caused by an open SCR gate, has been detected on one of the power poles. Before the controller shuts down, it attempts to start the motor a total of three times. Line Faults The SMC Flex controller continually monitors line conditions for abnormal factors. Pre-start protection includes: • Line Fault (with phase indication) - Line voltage loss - Missing load connection - Shorted SCR Running protection includes: • Line Fault (no phase indication) - Line voltage loss - Missing load connection You can toggle Phase Reversal protection either On or Off. Phase Reversal protection is functional only at pre-start. Metering Power monitoring parameters include: • Three-phase current (Parameters 4, 5, and 6) • Three-phase voltage (Parameters 1, 2, and 3) • Power in kW (Parameter 7) • Power usage in kWH (Parameter 8) • Power factor (Parameter 11) • Motor thermal capacity usage (Parameter 12) • Elapsed time (Parameter 9)
Voltage measurement
is not available during the braking operation of the Smart Motor Braking, Accu-Stop, and Slow Speed with Braking control options. The elapsed time and kWH values are automatically saved to memory on power down. Motor thermal capacity usage is determined by the built-in electronic thermal overload. An overload fault occurs when this value reaches 100%. I/O The SMC Flex controller can accept up to two inputs and four outputs that are controlled over a network. The two inputs are controlled at terminal 16 (Option Input #1, Parameter 132), and terminal 15 (Option Input #2, Parameter 29). For these two inputs, see Table 26 for the parameter settings and Table 39 and Table 40 for the bit identification. You can program the Stop Input to meet the desired stop functionality by using these two terminals as inputs. The four outputs are Aux #1 (Parameter 107), Aux #2 (Parameter 110), Aux #3 (Parameter 108), and Aux #4 (Parameter 109). All auxiliary contacts are programmable to the function found in Table 26. If the outputs are programmed to Network or Network NC, they can be controlled over a Network. See Table 40, which defines the Logic Command Word (Control). Communication A serial interface port (DPI) is provided as standard, which lets you connect the SMC Flex controller connection to the Bulletin 20-HIM LCD interface modules. Figure 22 - DPI Location You can connect two peripheral devices to the DPI. The maximum output current through the DPI is 280 mA.