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Honeywell SPS5710-2-LF工控模块

Honeywell SPS5710-2-LF工控模块

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Honeywell SPS5710-2-LF工控模块








    Honeywell SPS5710-2-LF工控模块

    CRU320现在支持PACSystems RX3i热网络中的255个PROFINET I/O设备备用CPU冗余系统。PROFINET操作使用PROFINET I/O控制器模块IC695PNC001。冗余操作符合PROFINET V2.3S-2型系统冗余。

    中描述了HSB CPU冗余系统中的PROFINET I/O操作


     PACSystems热备CPU冗余用户手册,GFK-2308K

     PACSystems RX3i PROFINET IO控制器用户手册,GFK-2571D增加了对IC695RMX228 128 MB反射式内存模块的支持收发器。

    增加了读取IC695CMX128、IC695RMX128和IC695MMX128的反射存储器状态位的能力,以及IC695RMX228(反射存储器模块)。解决串行I/O读取字节COMMREQ(4402)始终返回错误的问题发生错误时的代码100Dh,无论错误如何。当CPU首次通电时,RS-485端口(COM 2)与变送器一起通电启用。一旦CPU OK LED亮起,变送器将进入高阻抗状态照亮。由于这需要有限的时间,如果COM 2端口是用于多点通信,其他设备通过wiredOR连接共享同一电缆。如果其中一个设备在CPU通电时正在进行通信上,这些通信有可能中断,直到CPU将RS-485端口进入高阻抗状态。在以前的版本中,CPU允许配置位内存中的COMMREQ状态字非字节对齐边界上的类型。即使给定的引用没有被字节对齐,固件也会在更新状态之前将其调整到下一个最低字节边界位,覆盖对齐边界和指定位置之间的位。

    为确保应用程序按预期运行,3.50版要求配置位存储器类型中的COMMREQ状态字将进行字节对齐。例如,如果用户指定的状态位位置为%I3,CPU将状态位位置与%I1对齐。版本3.50固件要求用户指定适当的对齐地址(%I1),以确保所使用的位置适合其应用。请注意,实际参考位置未更改使用的,但现在为用户明确说明。PACSystems CPU接收来自多个系统的在停止和运行模式之间切换的请求不同的来源。这些包括(但不限于)Proficy机器版、HMI、用户以及运行/停止开关。因为模式有许多潜在的来源



    The CRU320 now supports 255 PROFINET I/O Devices in a PACSystems RX3i Hot

    Standby CPU Redundancy system. PROFINET operation uses the PROFINET I/O

    Controller module IC695PNC001. Redundant operation conforms to PROFINET V2.3

    Type S-2 System Redundancy.

    PROFINET I/O operation in a HSB CPU Redundancy system is described in the

    following user manuals:

     PACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User’s Manual, GFK-2308K

     PACSystems RX3i PROFINET IO Controller User Manual, GFK-2571D Adds support for IC695RMX228 128 MB Reflective Memory Module with Single Mode


    Adds ability to read reflective memory status bits for IC695CMX128, IC695RMX128,

    and IC695RMX228 (reflective memory modules).

    Resolves issue of Serial I/O Read Bytes COMMREQ (4402) always returning error

    code 100Dh in the event of an error, regardless of the error.When the CPU is first powered on, the RS-485 port (COM 2) powers up with the transmitter

    enabled. The transmitter is placed into a high-impedance state once the CPU OK LED is

    illuminated. Since that takes a finite amount of time, this could be an issue if the COM 2 port is

    being used in multi-drop communications, and other devices share the same cable via wiredOR connections. If one of those devices is actively communicating when the CPU is powered

    up, there is a potential for those communications to be disrupted until the CPU puts the

    RS-485 port into high-impedance state.In previous releases, the CPU allowed configuration of COMMREQ Status Words in bit memory

    types on a non-byte-aligned boundary. Even though the given reference was not bytealigned, the firmware would adjust it the next-lowest byte boundary before updating status

    bits, overwriting the bits between the alignment boundary and specified location.

    To ensure that the application operates as expected, release 3.50 requires configuration of

    COMMREQ Status Words in bit memory types to be byte-aligned. For example if the user

    specified status bit location of %I3, the CPU aligns the status bit location at %I1. Release 3.50

    firmware requires the user to specify the appropriate aligned address (%I1) to ensure that the

    utilized location is appropriate for their application. Note that the actual reference location

    utilized is not changed, but now is explicitly stated for the user.The PACSystems CPU receives requests to change between STOP and RUN mode from many

    different sources. These include (but are not limited to) Proficy Machine Edition, HMIs, the user

    application, and the RUN/STOP switch. Since there are many potential sources for a mode

    change request, it is possible to receive a new mode change request while another is already

    in progress. When this occurs, the CPU evaluates the priority of the new mode change

    request with the mode change that is in progress. If the new mode change request has an

    equal or higher priority than the one already in progress, the CPU transitions to the new

    mode instead of the one in progress. If, however, the new mode change request has a lower

    priority than the one in progress, the new mode request is discarded and the CPU completes

    the mode change that is in progress. The sweep mode priorities are (listed from highest to

    lowest priority): STOP HALT, STOP FAULT, STOP, and RUN. (Note: The IO ENABLED/DISABLED

    state is not part of the mode priority evaluation.) For example, a CPU is in RUN IO ENABLED

    mode and a Service Request 13 function block is executed to place the CPU into STOP IO

    DISABLED mode. Before the transition to STOP IO DISABLED is completed, the RUN/STOP

    switch is changed from RUN IO ENABLED to RUN IO DISABLED. In this case, the CPU ignores

    the new request from the RUN/STOP switch to go to RUN IO DISABLED mode because it is

    already processing a request to go to STOP IO DISABLED mode and STOP mode has a higher

    priority than RUN mode. 







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