BRAKE BCC-1 工业模块
No database value used with the construction of this command.
The Qualifier Parameter used with the command is determined by summing the
options from the lists that follow:
Parameter Qualifier:
0=Not used
1=Act/Deact of previously loaded parameters (point index = 0)
2=Act/Deact of the parameter of the point index specified
3=Act/Deact of persistent cyclic or periodic transmission of the addressed
4 to 127 = Reserved by standard
128 to 255 = Reserved for special use (private range)
Activation Qualifier:
256=Activate This section defines Session y, which runs on Port x.The Session Count
parameter in the [IEC-870-5-101 Master] section of the configuration (page 47)
determines the number of sessions (controlled devices) for this port.
The sessions are referenced by a zero-based index value. For example, if the
module is configured for four sessions, the configuration file should contain
sections for Sessions 0 to 3 (that is, [IEC-101 Master Session 0] to [IEC-101
Master Session 3]).
The parameters in [IEC-101 Master Session y] define the characteristics of the
specific controlled device to interface. Ladder logic is required for application of the MVI56-101M module. Tasks that
must be handled by the ladder logic are module data transfer, special block
handling, and status data receipt. Additionally, a power-up handler may be
needed to handle the initialization of the module’s data and to clear any
processor fault conditions.
The sample ladder logic is extensively commented, to provide information on the
purpose and function of each rung. For most applications, the sample ladder will
work without modification. Module Data
All data related to the MVI56-101M module is stored in a user defined data type.
An instance of the data type is required before the module can be used. This is
done by declaring a variable of the data type in the Controller Tags Edit Tags
dialog box.
3.1.1 Module Status Data and Variables (101MmoduleDef)
All status and variable data related to the MVI56-101M is stored in a user defined
data type. An instance of the data type is required before the module can be
used. This is done by declaring a variable of the data type in the Controller Tags
Edit Tags dialog box. The following table describes the structure of the object.