使用建立读/写通道命令建立。存在一个错误位,并且可建立的32个信道中的每个信道的数据传输位。nel 1
当通道被中止通道命令中止时,nel错误位也设置为0或者当PLC CPU从运行转换到停止时。如果是建立Chan
Each scan, the FIP Bus Controller automatically provides 80 bits of status data to the PLC
CPU. The starting location of the Bus Controller Status bits is the “Status Address”
selected during hardware configuration of the Bus Controller.Bits 17–80 contain status information about communications channels that may be
established using the Establish Read/Write Channel Commands. There is an error bit and
a data transfer bit for each of the 32 channels that can be established.nel 1
... 79 Data Transfer - Channel 32
80 Channel Error - Channel 32
(Status Bits 17, 19, 21 ... 79) Data Transfer Bit: This bit is normally set to 0. It is pulsed
to 1 and back to 0 on successive PLC scans each time a transfer completes successfully.
Do not assume that when the Data Transfer bit goes to 1 that a transfer has just completed during
the last scan. The Data Transfer bit is not closely synchronized in time with the transfer.
The bit only indicates that a transfer has occurred during the preceding read (or write)
period. A rising edge on the Data Transfer bit indicating that a transfer has completed
successfully does not guarantee that the next transfer has not begun or completed. In
the case of an Establish Channel command, the COMREQ Status Word is always up
dated before the Data Transfer bit is set to 1.
(Status Bits 18, 20, 22 ... 80) Channel Error Bit: This bit is set to 1 when an error is de
tected on this channel. It is set to 0 when the channel is initially established and if the
channel resumes normal operation after a transient error condition subsides. The Chan
nel Error bit is also set to 0 when the channel is aborted by an Abort Channel command
or when the PLC CPU transitions from RUN to STOP. In the case of an Establish Chan
nel command, the COMREQ Status Word is always updated before the Channel Error bit
is set to 1.
The program can monitor this bit and reinitiate the Read or Write Channel command if
the bit indicates an error. Or the program may execute the Retrieve Detailed Channel
Status This chapter describes how to program communications requests (COMREQs) to a FIP
Bus Controller.
COMREQs are program functions of the Series 90-70 PLC that can be used to send
instructions from the CPU to an intelligent module such as the FIP Bus Controller.
COMREQs for the FIP Bus Controller include:Used to disconnect an active TCP/IP communications channel.