以支持FIP的各种扫描操作所需的方式组总线控制器和PLC CPU。
下图显示了FBC双端口中I/O数据的排列内存和数据流的方向。每个输入和输出区域细分为在PLC CPU和FIP总线控制器应用传输变量(TVAs)之间配置的单个扫描集
The exchange of I/O data among the FIP network, the FIP Bus Controller and the PLC
CPU occurs via the FIP Bus Controller’s dual–port memory. Data in dual–port memory
is organized in a manner necessary to support the various scanning operations of the FIP
Bus Controller and PLC CPU.
The following diagram shows the arrangement of the I/O data in the FBC dual– port
memory and the direction of data flow. Each input and output area is subdivided into the
individual scan sets configured between the PLC CPU and the FIP Bus Controller Application Transfer Variables (TVAs)
I/O data in the exchanged between the FIP Bus Controller and the network consists of
application transfer variables (TVAs), as shown at the bottom of the diagram.
There are two types of TVAs, data TVAs and validator TVAs..
Data TVAs—consist of input data TVAs (including state, chatter, and specialized
alarm data) and output data TVAs (including state and blink data);
Validator TVAs—consist of discrete input validators (1 bit per point) and analog
input validators (1 byte per channel);
All TVAs (data and validators) of an I/O module are automatically placed in the same
COMV.Discrete and Analog Input Data Area of FBC Memory
This area of the FBC’s dual-port memory contains each configured input application
transfer variable (TVA). The FIP Bus Controller places consumed data TVAs, including
state, chatter, and specialized alarm data, directly into this I/O data area of its memory.
This is the data that will subsequently be mapped to the PLC’s %I and %AI reference
tables. If a data TVA cannot be consumed from the network, usually for lack of
promptness or refreshment, the FIP Bus Controller defaults the data (to 0 or to hold its
last state) according to its configuration.
Input Point Fault Contacts and Alarm Data Area of FBC Memory
This area contains validator TVAs associated with input data. The PLC uses validator
information to drive the states of point fault contacts associated with discrete points and
analog channels. The PLC also uses this information to drive any high and low alarm
contacts associated with some analog inputs. There is a bit point fault contact for each
discrete input bit. A single byte containing the point fault and alarm fault contacts is
present for each analog input channel.
The FIP Bus Controller places successfully consumed validator TVAs in this area without
modification. If a validator TVA cannot be consumed, usually for lack of promptness or
refreshment, the FBC sets only the bit that affects the point fault contact for the discrete and
analog data. The remaining bits of the analog TVA hold their last state. Therefore, if any
alarm contact bit is set, it remains set if the validator TVA can no longer be consumed.