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HONEYWELL 51305896-200 NIM

HONEYWELL 51305896-200 NIM

主营产品PLC可编程控制器模块,DCS卡件,ESD系统卡件,振动监测系统卡件,汽轮机控制系统模块,燃气发电机备件等,优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、P...

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HONEYWELL 51305896-200 NIM


    PLC可编程控制器模块,DCS卡件,ESD系统卡件,振动监测系统卡件,汽轮机控制系统模块,燃气发电机备件等,优势品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各种进口工业零部件


    HONEYWELL 51305896-200 NIM工控备件

    超级I/O块表示由NI PXI-8105。NI PXI-8105具有一个串行端口和一个ECP/EPP并行端口。

    •千兆以太网连接到10 Mbit、100 Mbit或1000 Mbit以太网接口。




    •ATA-100 IDE块是专用PCI-IDE电路,提供快速

    ATA-100传输到内部2.5英寸。硬盘。IDE特性是内置于芯片组中。硬盘驱动器为30 GB或更大。

    国家仪器软件National Instruments开发了几种可用于NI PXI-8105。

    National Instruments的硬件和软件共同帮助您充分利用您的PXI系统。LabVIEW、测量工作室,和LabWindows™/CVI™ 应用程序开发环境组合具有领先的硬件驱动程序,如NI DAQmx,以提供对NI硬件的特殊控制。仪器驱动程序可访问ni.com/idnet以简化通过各种总线与仪器的通信。

    LabVIEW是一种功能强大且易于使用的图形编程环境,您可以使用它从数千个不同的仪器包括USB、IEEE 488.2、VXI、串行、PLC和插件董事会。LabVIEW帮助您将获取的数据转换为有意义的结果使用强大的数据分析例程。



    如果您喜欢使用Microsoft的Visual Basic、Visual C++和Visual Studio.NET作为应用程序的核心,Measurement Studio为每种语言添加测量和自动化工具。更多有关信息,请访问ni.com/mstudio。

    LabWindows/CVI是一个交互式ANSI C编程环境设计用于构建虚拟仪器应用程序。LabWindows/CVI

    提供一个用于构建用户界面的拖放编辑器,一个完整的用于构建测试程序逻辑和集合的ANSI C环境

    自动化代码生成工具,以及用于构建自动化测试系统、监控应用程序或实验室实验。有关更多信息,请访问ni.com/lwcvi。NI DAQmx提供了一个可调用的函数库从应用程序开发环境或交互环境


    The Super I/O block represents the other peripherals supplied by the

    NI PXI-8105. The NI PXI-8105 has one serial port, and an ECP/EPP

    parallel port.

    • The Gigabit Ethernet connects to either 10 Mbit, 100 Mbit, or

    1,000 Mbit Ethernet interfaces.

    • The GPIB block contains the GPIB interface.

    • The ExpressCard/34 slot accommodates an ExpressCard/34 module.

    • The SATA block connects a Serial ATA hard drive to the ICH7M.

    • The ATA-100 IDE block is dedicated PCI-IDE circuitry providing fast

    ATA-100 transfers to the internal 2.5 in. hard drive. The IDE feature is

    built into the chipset. The hard drive is 30 GB or larger.

    National Instruments Software

    National Instruments has developed several software tools you can use with

    the NI PXI-8105.

    National Instruments’ hardware and software work together to help you

    make the most of your PXI system. The LabVIEW, Measurement Studio,

    and LabWindows™/CVI™ application development environments combine

    with leading hardware drivers such as NI-DAQmx to provide exceptional control of NI hardware. Instrument drivers are available at ni.com/idnet

    to simplify communication with instruments over a variety of busses.

    LabVIEW is a powerful and easy-to-use graphical programming

    environment you can use to acquire data from thousands of different

    instruments including USB, IEEE 488.2, VXI, serial, PLCs, and plug-in

    boards. LabVIEW helps you convert acquired data into meaningful results

    using powerful data analysis routines. Add-on tools provide additional

    specialized functionality. For more information visit ni.com/labview

    and ni.com/toolkits.

    If you prefer to use Microsoft’s Visual Basic, Visual C++, and

    Visual Studio .NET for the core of your application, Measurement Studio

    adds tools for Measurement and Automation to each language. For more

    information visit ni.com/mstudio.

    LabWindows/CVI is an interactive ANSI C programming environment

    designed for building virtual instrument applications. LabWindows/CVI

    delivers a drag-and-drop editor for building user interfaces, a complete

    ANSI C environment for building your test program logic, and a collection

    of automated code generation tools, as well as utilities for building

    automated test systems, monitoring applications, or laboratory

    experiments. For more information visit ni.com/lwcvi.

    NI-DAQmx provides an extensive library of functions that you can call

    from your application development environment or interactive environment

    such as NI Signal Express. These functions provide an intuitive API for

    National Instruments’ multifunction DAQ products. Features available

    include analog input (A/D conversion), buffered data acquisition

    (high-speed A/D conversion), analog output (D/A conversion), waveform

    generation, digital I/O, counter/timer operations, SCXI signal conditioning,

    RTSI or PXI synchronization, self-calibration, messaging, and acquiring

    data to extended memory. For more information visit ni.com/daq.







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