BENTLY 135137-01位移监测器
按EXIT CONF返回正常操作员面板操作。
When in the configuration mode, this button will provide a shift left function for configurable items (e.g. will
shift the decimal point left).
• QUICK/---> - has a dual purpose. When in the normal mode this button will step through and access either
previously selected configuration parameters in the quick hold blocks configured within the Active Loop (e.g.
the HOLD value in QHOLD03 which was labeled to display TEMP_LIM having a range of 300.0 to 600.0) or
parameters defined as QUICKSET15 in certain function blocks (e.g. RATIO). Press the ENTER/EXIT
CONFIG button to return to the on-line displays.
When in the configuration mode, this button will provide a shift right function for configurable items (e.g. will
shift the decimal point right).
• STORE - will store the configuration parameter to memory. All configuration changes, except for QUICK,
‘BIAS’, ‘RATIO’, and (quickset hold), require a store before the change is applied to the configuration.
However, the QUICK functions will also require a store for the value to be placed in permanent memory,
otherwise, it will only remain in battery RAM. Values in battery will be used on a hot or warm start. A cold
start will use the value in permanent memory 9.3 AUTOTUNE PROCEDURE
If the AUTOTUNE parameter in the controller function block is set to YES, the autotune procedure can be initiated
using the TUNE pushbutton located behind the flip-down door. The Autotuner will substitute an ON_OFF
controller for the PD or PID function. By making +/- step changes to the valve position, the controller will control
the process at the current setpoint while it learns about the process dynamics. The controller then uses this
knowledge to derive recommended P, I, and, D settings.
Press the TUNE button to step through the following parameters and, if desired, initiate autotune:
PG ..................... Proportional Gain setting - (view or change)
TI ...................... Integral Time setting - PID/PIDAG controllers only (view or change)
MR .................... Manual Reset setting - PD controller only (view or change)
TD ..................... Derivative Time setting - (view or change)
% DEV ............. The peak/peak % process deviation that the autotuner will maintain during test
% HYS .............. The % process change needed before the valve output will switch
AUTOTUNE .... Set to YES and STORE to start autotune.
Press EXIT CONF to return to normal operator faceplate operation.
AT PG ............... Proportional Gain setting recommended by the autotuner
AT TI ................ Integral Time setting recommended by the autotuner
AT TD ............... Derivative Time setting recommended by the autotuner
STORE AT ....... Pressing STORE transfers autotuner recommended settings to controller
While autotuning, the controller will continue normal operation. Pressing the A/M button to switch the controller to
Manual will terminate autotune. While in autotune, the alphanumeric display will alternate between ‘AUTOTUNE’
and the loop tag name and will stop alternating when the autotune program has been completed. Once completed,
the controller will return to the mode prior to autotune initiation. When the POST AT (in the controller block) is set
to auto transfer, the recommended tuning parameters will automatically be transferred to the controller and it will
return to automatic control. To review the AT parameters before initiating autotune, press TUNE and then press
STORE at the STORE AT prompt to transfer the recommended settings.