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2422 OUT2422

2422 OUT2422

SES 2422 OUT2422工业模块增加增益电位计的设置可提供更快的瞬态响应(降低突然变化引起的速度变化幅度负载中)。为了获得最佳响应,缓慢增加增益(转动电位计,顺时针),直到电压表上的电压略微变为不稳定,然后根据需要缓慢逆时针旋转增益,以稳定仪表读数。步进加载发电机,或撞击致动器终端轴,以确保原动机返回到正确的速度速度设置的过冲或过冲很少。为了减少过冲,增加复位(顺时针转动电位计)。当复位电...

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2422 OUT2422

    SES 2422 OUT2422工业模块






    Increasing the setting of the GAIN potentiometer provides faster transient

    response (decreases the magnitude of the speed change from a sudden change

    in load). To achieve optimum response, slowly increase the GAIN (turn the

    potentiometer clockwise) until the voltage on the voltmeter becomes slightly

    unstable, then slowly turn the GAIN back counterclockwise as necessary to

    stabilize the meter reading. Step load the generator, or bump the actuator

    terminal shaft, to make sure that the prime mover returns to the proper speed

    with little overshoot or undershoot of the speed setting. To reduce overshoot,

    increase the RESET (turn the potentiometer clockwise).

    When the RESET potentiometer is in the lower part of its adjustment (0 to 3 on

    the potentiometer scale), increasing the RESET clockwise may require

    decreasing the GAIN (turning the GAIN potentiometer counterclockwise) to

    maintain stable operation.

    If the prime mover is slow in returning to the proper speed, decrease the RESET

    by turning the potentiometer counterclockwise

    Figure 3-1 illustrates prime mover starts with the RAMP TIME potentiometer fully

    counterclockwise (no ramp—be careful not to overtorque the pot), step

    loadings at four different RESET potentiometer settings, and stable, steady-state

    running conditions. These are typical performance curves on a naturally

    aspirated (non-turbocharged) diesel engine.

    Optimum performance is not necessarily obtained with the GAIN

    potentiometer at the maximum stable clockwise position. In some

    cases, the gain must be reduced slightly to ensure stability under

    widely varying conditions.

    Actuator Compensation Adjustment

    If the ACTUATOR COMPENSATION is set as described under Initial Prestart

    Settings, no further adjustment is normally required. If a slow periodic instability

    remains, slightly increase the ACTUATOR COMPENSATION (turn the

    potentiometer clockwise), and repeat the GAIN and RESET adjustments.

    Continue to increase the ACTUATOR COMPENSATION and readjust the GAIN

    and RESET until stability is achieved.

    If a fast instability or extremely active actuator is evident, slightly decrease the

    ACTUATOR COMPENSATION (turn the potentiometer counterclockwise). If

    necessary, the ACTUATOR COMPENSATION may be set fully counterclockwise

    (be careful not to overtorque the pot). This may be required when engine

    torsionals cause excessive fuel-linkage movement. 

    Low Idle Speed Adjustment

    1. The prime mover should be approximately at rated speed with the LOW

    IDLE SPEED potentiometer set at maximum (fully clockwise—be careful

    not to overtorque the pot). Open the external CLOSE FOR RATED


    2. Decrease the LOW IDLE SPEED (turn the potentiometer counterclockwise)

    until the recommended idle speed is reached. 


    型号:2422 OUT2422





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