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HOI-653A机器人模块外部速度微调跳线必须连接到端子23和24,除非有可选的遥控器使用速度微调电位计。如果使用速度微调电位计。按照设备接线图(图1-2)所示,使用屏蔽线进行连接。将屏蔽连接到端子22。确保整个屏蔽具有连续性到电位计的距离,以及屏蔽与所有其他屏蔽绝缘导电表面。A 100Ω 电位计将提供5%的速度调节。如果需要较少的调整,可以使用较小值的电位计。建议使用多匝型电位计。速度和相位匹配...

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    外部速度微调跳线必须连接到端子23和24,除非有可选的遥控器使用速度微调电位计。如果使用速度微调电位计。按照设备接线图(图1-2)所示,使用屏蔽线进行连接。将屏蔽连接到端子22。确保整个屏蔽具有连续性到电位计的距离,以及屏蔽与所有其他屏蔽绝缘导电表面。A 100Ω 电位计将提供±5%的速度调节。如果需要较少的调整,可以使用较小值的电位计。建议使用多匝型电位计。速度和相位匹配(SPM)同步器将SPM同步器(可选设备)导线连接到端子25(+)26(–)。使用屏蔽线,并将屏蔽连接到端子27。确保屏蔽在到SPM同步器的整个距离上具有连续性,但不将护罩连接到同步器上。屏蔽必须与所有其他导电表面。速度传感器将转速传感装置(如磁性传感器)连接到端子28和29使用屏蔽线。将屏蔽连接到端子27。确保屏蔽在到速度传感器的整个距离上具有连续性,并且护罩与所有其他导电表面绝缘。安装检查程序按照章所述完成安装后,请执行以下操作开始第3章中的启动调整前的检查程序。


    A、 检查执行器和原动机之间的连杆是否存在:松散或束缚。请参阅相应的执行器手册和伍德沃德手册25070,电子调速器安装指南,用于有关链接的其他信息。执行机构操纵杆应靠近但不在最小位置当燃料或蒸汽架处于最小位置时。如果执行机构操纵杆完全到达其最小位置之前关闭燃料或蒸汽时,控制器可能无法关闭

    汽轮机停机,造成设备损坏或人员伤亡。B、 根据工厂接线图(图1-2)检查接线是否正确。C、 检查端子是否损坏和端子螺钉是否松动。、 检查转速传感器有无可见损坏。如果传感器是磁性的捡拾器,检查齿轮和传感器之间的间隙,以及必要时进行调整。间隙应介于0.25和1.00 mm之间(0.010和0.040英寸)。确保齿轮有直径跳动小于0.50毫米(0.020英寸)。见伍德沃德手册82510,电子用磁性拾取器和接近开关州长。



    External Speed Trim

    A jumper must be connected to terminals 23 and 24 unless an optional remote

    Speed Trim potentiometer is used. If a Speed Trim potentiometer is used.

    connect it as shown in the plant wiring diagram (Figure 1-2), using shielded wire.

    Connect the shield to terminal 22. Make sure the shield has continuity the entire

    distance to the potentiometer, and that the shield is insulated from all other

    conducting surfaces. A 100 Ω potentiometer will provide ±5% speed adjustment.

    If less adjustment is desired, potentiometers of smaller values may be used.

    Potentiometers of the multi-turn type are recommended.

    Speed and Phase Matching (SPM) Synchronizer

    Connect the SPM Synchronizer (optional equipment) wires to terminals 25 (+)

    and 26 (–). Use shielded wire, and connect the shield to terminal 27. Make sure

    the shield has continuity the entire distance to the SPM Synchronizer, but do not

    connect the shield to the synchronizer. The shield must be insulated from all

    other conducting surfaces.

    Speed Sensor

    Connect a speed-sensing device, such as a magnetic pickup, to terminals 28 and

    29 using shielded wire. Connect the shield to terminal 27. making sure the shield

    has continuity the entire distance to the speed sensor, and that the shield is

    insulated from all other conducting surfaces. Installation Check-out Procedure

    With the installation completed as described in this chapter, do the following

    check-out procedure before beginning the start-up adjustments in Chapter 3.

    1. Visual Inspection

     A. Check the linkage between the actuator and the prime mover for

    looseness or binding. Refer to the appropriate actuator manual and to

    Woodward manual 25070, Electronic Governor Installation Guide, for

    additional information on linkage.

    The actuator lever should be near but not at the minimum position

    when the fuel or steam rack is at the minimum position. If the

    actuator lever gets to its minimum position before completely

    shutting off fuel or steam, the control may not be able to shut the

    turbine down, causing damage to equipment or injury or death.

     B. Check for correct wiring per the plant wiring diagram (Figure 1-2).

     C. Check for broken terminals and loose terminal screws.

     D. Check the speed sensor for visible damage. If the sensor is a magnetic

    pickup, check the clearance between the gear and the sensor, and

    adjust if necessary. Clearance should be between 0.25 and 1.00 mm

    (0.010 and 0.040 inch) at the closest point. Make sure the gear has

    less than 0.50 mm (0.020 inch) diametric runout. See Woodward

    manual 82510, Magnetic Pickups & Proximity Switches for Electronic


    2. Check for Grounds

    Make sure power is off. Check for grounds by measuring the resistance from

    terminal 11 to chassis, and from terminal 15 to 11. The resistance should be

    infinite. If a resistance other than infinite is obtained, remove the connections

    from each terminal one at a time until the resistance is infinite. Check the line that

    was removed last to locate the fault. 







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