IC660BBD023汽轮机模块DFIG的动态控制是通过功率变流器来实现的,该变流器使电网的电气频率与转子的机械转速解藕,从而实现变速运行(Ekanauyake 等,2003)。模拟控制方案为:转子侧变流器提供转矩控制以及端电压控制,或者提供整个系统额功率因数(PF)控制;而电网侧变流器控制直流链接的电压。在有些应用场合,网侧变流器被用来提供无功功率。控制方案目标是从风力中捕获最大功率。控制方案中,网侧变流器用来维持直流母线电压恒定,并为转子与交流系统之间的功率交换提供通路,且要求这种功率交换以单位功率因数进行(Pena等,1996; Holdsworth 等,2003)。
风力机是指风机主轴前轮毂系统,物理结构包括轮毂、桨叶、变桨系统。为了便于控制研究,风力机模型基于稳态建立,并且假定驱动链有足够硬度,系统摩擦系数和转动惯量计入了整个机组驱动链输出功率可以按下式进行计算:2.4全功率测试平台 以全功率测试为设计理念,采用大功率变频器拖动异步电机方案来模拟风机轮毂、叶片系统,拖动整个风机机舱,实现整机全功率并网发电过程和试验数据存储、输出。 由于定位为整机测试,测试台需要对整个机舱部分进行车间地面测试,如果变流器设计不在机舱,则需要在测试台旁边工位安放变流器。测试台采用变频器拖动异步电机加减速机方案来模拟实现风动力,通过变频器转矩和转速控制异步电机来模拟实现风力机特性,完成在不同风况下风力机转速、转矩、功率输出模拟。贝加莱的X20系列控制器以及I/O的平均无故障时间(MTBF)达到了50万小时。所有产品均通过了苛刻的欧洲CE、UL等认证测试,并满足了铁道部电气系统的A级EMC测试要求。此外,为了进一步提高系统的可靠性能,贝加莱还推出了全对称式的冗余方案。如 图2。两台完全一样的CPU同时运行着一模一样的程序,并挂接相同的I/O以及通讯模块。在运行期间只有一台CPU是主站(拥有控制权),而另一台处于热备状态(无控制权)。
Therefore, reducing radial cutting force is an important principle to reduce radial runout. The following methods can be used to reduce radial runout:
1. Use sharp toolsSelect a larger rake angle to make the tool sharper to reduce cutting force and vibration. Selecting a larger tool relief angle can reduce the friction between the main relief surface of the tool and the elastic recovery layer of the transition surface of the workpiece, so as to reduce the vibration. However, the front angle and back angle of the tool should not be too large, otherwise the strength and heat dissipation area of the tool will be insufficient. Therefore, different rake angles and rake angles should be selected according to specific conditions. During rough machining, the rake angle can be smaller. However, during finishing machining, for the sake of reducing the radial runout of the tool, the rake angle and rake angle should be larger to make the tool sharper.
2. Use tools with high strength
There are mainly two ways to increase the strength of the tool. First, the diameter of the tool bar can be increased. Under the same radial cutting force, the diameter of the tool bar can be increased by