系统描述 煤矿井下主通风机在线监控系统通过对风井主扇风机各运行参数及风量的实时监控,确保通风系统稳定供风,减少瓦斯事故发生,保证安全生产。系统方案设计面临以下四方面难度: 1、 煤矿井下环境特殊比如强震动、强干扰、高机械强度为设备稳定可靠运行带俩很大难度。 2、 煤矿主通风机一般都在远离煤矿管理部门的井田边缘,这就要求主通风机监控系统必须是集保护、检测、控制及远程数据传输和监控于一体的自动监测系统。 3、 井下操作者的文化水平不是很高,对新科技的接受能力上不是很好,要求人机交互界面简单直观。 4、设备的容错能力要强:电气设备的设计上应该屏蔽一切有可能的人为误操作,并在井下发生供电故障的情况下应该能正常。 主通风机自动监控系统以控制器为核心,主要由信号监测装置、传感器、PAC、通信装置、上位机及其它设备组成,可分为风机变电站监控系统和风机风速、负压、振动、风机电机温度监控系统。fix a standard cylinder on the workbench, fix the dial indicator base on axis C, contact the side of the cylinder, adjust the position of the XY axis of the machine tool, so that the reading of the dial indicator remains unchanged when axis C rotates, so that the axis of axis C coincides with the center of the cylinder, and record the X and Y coordinate values of the machine tool at this position; As shown on the right side of Fig. 8, first rotate axis B to make the axis of the spindle perpendicular to the workbench (XY plane), then install the inspection bar on the spindle, fix the gauge base on the inspection bar (spindle), contact the cylindrical side of the machine tool with the gauge needle, and adjust the position of the XY axis of the machine tool so that the reading of the dial indicator remains unchanged when the inspection bar rotates, so that the axis of the spindle coincides with the center of the cylinder. Compare the X and Y coordinate values of the machine tool with the coordinate values just recorded, The difference is the X and Y eccentricity of the c-axis and the spindle axis.